26-Tlie Canadien Champion, Friday, June 22, 2001 fil CLSSIIEDB ON US! ulassillea :0A :0 Mapa t. VOUR CIASSIFIED KOTLINK 875-3300 eý [n www'mikodimpon.com wwwmiltoncanadianchampion.com ALWARD (nee Vascotto) Sandy and Ryan are pleased f0 announce the sale arrivai o Lauren Slephanie on June 16, 2001 weighing 8 Ibs, 4 oza. Proud fourlh ime grandparents John & Lenia Vascollo of Milon and proud irst time grandparenls Charles Alward & Cathy Lee. Happy gret-grandparents John & Margarel Denich. CLOWATER, Bennett, Karrie, Jessica & Victoria are proud 10 announce the sale arrivai o their son & brother June 15, 2001 Cameron Michael weighing 6b 1 oz aI Oakvile Trafagar Hospital. Proud grandparenls Angelo & Debbie Corone, Wilson & Brenda Clowaler rom Milon& greal grandparenls, aunîs & uncles & cousins. GOODBAN, Paul and Monica (nee Murray) are pieased f0 announce the birth of their daughter Ashîyn Zoe weighin 7 bs, ozs on June 11, 2001. Big brother Connor is thriiied as are Ashiyn'a grandiparents, Richard & Gerry Murray and Gordon & Laraine Goodban. Thanks to Dr. s Sharma & Chung and the wonderful OBS staff. rent. Back yard wilh deck, large driveway. Escelent location. Md Aug. or Sept 1/01 905- 876-2887 4 bedroom delached house, $1500 per monlh plus uiliies. 905- 542-3721 BACHELOR apartment partiaily lurnished, lots of windows. Utilities in- ciuded. $650 per month, f irst and last. 878-3621 FOR renl - Milon. Juiy laI occupancy. Well ap- poinfted, 3 bedroom town home. Very dlean, many updates. Seeking famiiy $1100/mon, cati 905-875-2582, leave name & phone number FOR Rent in Milton. Main floor & inished basement of duplex on quiet residenliai street. 2 bedrooma, 4 applianc- es, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, ampte parking. $90000 plus uiliies. Available July 1/01. Phone 905-876-0650 mlsi SWAIN-ROWLEY Gary and Kyawnee are thnied to announce the birth of Iheir daughter Memphis Elizabeth on June 18, 2001 at M.D.H. weighing 91b, 10 1/2 oz at 9:lSpm. Don and Sharon Rowley weicome Wth love their frat grandchild. 2nd grandchild for Bemard and Margaret Swain. Memaphis wvili be badly spoiied by her excited Undle Jody, Aunt Jackie and Aunt Mandy. First great-grandchiid for Donis Tonelii. A speciai thanks 10 Dr. Sharma, June, Barb and al the nurses and saff in the OB. ifSpecial thanks to everyone for al~ the 501h anniversary cards, and Best Wishes from al It was a r great celebration to achieve' '~Thank you from the bottorn ofa our hearts. ý' Alex would like ta, thank yau, fr>::t Sail the gel watt wishes, flwerst rvisits, prayers ha racaivd uring li his illnass. Your thoughfules was appraciated very mch! Aler & Joy Tonei 1 -- I - - &mors ue LGARAGE SALE WOT TE DRIVE 8:30 arn TO THE COUNITY Sat Jun023-aUT FAMILY YARD GARAGE SALE 170 Meadowîanda SALE Saturday, Juna 23 .Cmas. 9667 41h LUne 926 Woodward Ave. Campbelivillla Norh of Stelas a8M <Off Wheîîhan Way> Belwaan 5 & 10 Sida Toye, houaehold, Baby, kîde Raeme, Rd. eletronice, fumiture. household Itams, Set June 23 -8 -? Grogt StuffI &porte Iteaa. St Juw24 -8 -? No Eurly Brds Plome Stuf for everyone GARGE SALE Moving Saturday June 23 8 am -12:00 PM Toya, books, houaahoîd items 353 Coxe Blvd LO WVILLE GREAT SALE! 9am-3pm Sat. Juno 23 3179 Britannia Rd. Between Gueph Line & Waikers Lise Ram Date: JUlY 7 C4OU t.*ay te Garage $111111e! 8-023411 MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS Better Living Home Health Gare Inc. Also specializing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 HARRISON, Craig and Shona (nee Cameron) are thriied f0 announce the biri h 0f their t iraI chiid Lennan Fnana ai Milfon District Hospital on Friday June l5th, 2001 at 2:44 arn weghing 9 Ibs 2 oz. Proud first time Grandparenls are Daniel and Sheena Cameron of Milton and David and Pameta Murphy of Liverpool, Engand. Lennan s atso welcomed by her excil- ed Aunie Fiona Cameron, Great Granidma Audrey Huylon and Great Aunt and Uncle Moira and Steve Ewachew. Sadly missed aI Ihis lime ta Great Grandma Jeanie McEachan. Thank you to Dr. Sharma, Dr. Bremermann, Dr. Malec, June, Barb and al the nurses aI Miton OBS. [Mme biffthscoentinued et te o hsîaa MIF 1 Don't forget Io place your baý)y iinnoiinceinent! Call 905-878-234 1 for details -W