Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jun 2001, p. 25

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The CanadienC Comnpe tiive a-n W eAe d4e 4 -/'o 4£oc' e Re..... Champion, Friday, June 22, 2001-25 -a . Game Highlights - May 24th-June l5th Milton Jaycees Peter Hodge Transport First gamnes are always tough. rn haîf Mlton Jaycees hard work Psi goal by Rosslyn Schultz and assis Shaelyn Johnston. Strong pay of teamn goalies kept il tight. nr the s hait Peter Hodge Transport, leadt super play by Natalys Schoutena Amanda Niedzielski, gave the Jey many scares and il is only due to posta and luck that they failed 10 The defensive squsds from bth t were excellent. Milton Dodge Jeep Home Cinema tl waa a great game filhid with hard-wark- ing players and goaies who showed great abiiity and effort ta Iheir raie. There was great participation ram bath teama, they piayed so weil that neither team was abe ta scoresa goal. tn goal for Home Cinema was Motiy Paria and Brooks Hartwick, and for Mitas Dodge Jeep, Melissa Shabaga and Samantha Stockhall. Vanler Insurance 5 Rainbow Group 0 Goal acorera for Vanler InsuranCe were Ani Sereda, Breanne Kuge, Krita Dermnott and Makayla Taah. Goalies far same were Terra Vnerus-Pys and Beveres Hoy. Gaatksspers for Rainbow Group wers Sarah Gowana and Bnianna Ftzsimmana. Vay lo go Kista Dermott. Vou did an excetlent job on detense. Homne Cinemna O Paintech 0 Great back and forth effort from bth teama. Paintechas fouward lins came usai close twice by hiting the post aihile Home Cinsmas defense kept repstling the ettacka. Playera deserving apeciai men- tion are Brittany Wseman and Alexandra Pinheiro for Home Cinema and Caley Robertson, Laurie Cameras and Ashlsy Davidaon for Paintech. Rainibow Group 3 Home Cinema 3 An exciting game by al with the tying goal with only 5 mnutes ta go in the game by Jli Ayres0f Rainbow Group. Charlotte Snow and Krystal Kennedy scored the other goals for Rinbaw Group and Brttany Wseman scored 3 goals for Home Cînema. Great defensîve pisys by Alexandra Sellors and Jessica Pckerng. Specîi mention goes ta our fans and sup- porters. Ses you al t the next game. Pelntech 2 Peter Hodge Transport 1 n the sweltering head and short of pay- ers, Paintech convincîngly won their first game of the season' In net for Paintech, Katin Shuvera and Anne Murray held the Peter Hodge squad to the lone goal by 0 Amanda Niedzielski. Paintech players Meghan WVartlick, Alayna Currie, and i the first Alson Szczucki proved that they were an id off in a offensive lins to be reckonied wthi PH sted by Transport goalies Georgia Smith and îff both Taylor Musclow came Up with many good second saves ncluding three penalty shots. by a Brilliantly scoring for Paintech on a quick and breakaway was Kailin Shuvera, while 3ycees toc, another goal was bootsd in by Jessica Dgoal Spiers ta secure the win. Special mention score. on behaîf of the PH Transport team goes tsams ta the cousin due of Nicole and Megan Cassivi who bath had some great pisys for their team. Kudos ta ail the Paintech team O for working together and "spreading out! 0 Remax Lindsay-McLaren Brlen's Auto Repeir & Tire This was a taal-pacsd gamne with1 goalendlisg by Remaxas goalies N Moikoaki and Nicolas Cale, and Bi Autos Jash White. The firaI hait game saw lwo goals by BOinsAi MailswTudy-RusslIand one by Johnelthn Camick. Remexas Ryu and John Gatick, wers outstandinl defensive play, but Michael Vader Theo Vlleneuve of Brians Auto kt ose on their tes with their impres pîsys on the fild. Remax ralliedi second haIt with goals by Kan Hi and Kyle Furik. Dakota MoClaren Codty SaIlleof Remax played a gr end supported their tsam with the but Johsethes Cemlck, seated thi wus for Binns Auto with 2 moreg Febulous pleying by bath leema ii Michael Mazii and Michael Kas Remax and Michael Klein ot Brier Maksteel La Rose Makstee nd La Rose came loge two undstseled teema. Bath teer hard, kssping Ihe game dlose ail lhrough. Wade McGinnia scored La Rose, but Makasel ahot bacti with two goals tram Jonathan Rud ans tram Todd Massel. Wede Mc scored agaun, keeping La Rase c the garne. Crsig Nordalrom andj Eîsele pleyed s strang geme innr Makateel. Shewn Coulas pîsysa standing game for La Rose, whiiE Gazzola and Dan Tastik played s ai games un mid-field for Makatee Daugle, Laveli Peliun and Camero ail heiped secure s ihird wîn tariN with slrang playîng thraughout th, A close and excilîng game s ins thsse leama meet agein Brlan's Auto Repair &Tire Milton Height's Acedemy Gamne Reports are published in Footsotes sn the Casadion Champion every Friday throughout the seoson. Home teom coaches, remember to get details fromn vis- tors teom immediately after every game. Send yaur gomne wrte-ups ta myscfootnotes@stnl.net or deliver them to 599 Vonier Dr. by EtÉcaU of each week. Some write-ups may be edited due ta space constraints. One of the hottest nights of the season sa, far, saw two teams heating il up on the field as weli. Andrew Locke of Milton Heghts Academy kept Brians Auto goalie Josh White on hîs toes, but Jonathan Camîck of Brians Auto 100k possession and scored. Ncholas Fske of Brian's Auto kept the bail movîng constantly towards the net but it was his team mate David Bruchett who scored nest despîte the tum- blîng acrobatica of Milton Height's Michael McGrath. Jacob Young was kept hopping for Milton Hights in the second hait, but Ryan Knight of Brians Auto was unrelent- less. Hîs perseverance eamed him the next goal. Marshall Vnoa and Allas Pierce gave theur Miton Heights team some great passes white Matthew Tdy-Russell came in and scored Irice. John Russell moved the bail down tild for David Bruchett 10 score for Brians Auto despite efforts by Casey Lighttnall and Joshua May, 10 stop hum. Linico Industries Kat & Nat 3ins A hard faught game had Linico Industries of the came up wilh at win againal Kat & Nat. ýuo' Kayn Boisesue, who had great support t ram teammaesa Nicole Gilbert and Kara an Knight Boomhouwsr, scored the onty goal. Great ig in their goattending by Ashies Serada for Kat & fand Nat and Brooks VMtler and Jessica epl evety- Marens for Linco Industries. Superior ssive effort had shows cossistenly throughout in the the game by Jennifer Thomas and Jessica srumnu Couison of Kat & Nat. n and reat game ProsecIAutomnation 2 ierts, Kodlak Power Equlpmnent 3 ie wulh the goals. Kodak Power squipmsnl came out kickisg sciuding and kept strang pressure on Pratect awski of Automations defesse. A ice penalty shol s'as Auto. by Cheri Langtane and goal by Rebecca Tominson put the Kodiakas ahsad by 2 la 3 nl aI the hait. Great work by Knisti Smith 2 of Proîsct Automation ta keep the score dJose. Laura Stratton and Sarah Hillier ýether as playsd strong games for Project ima playsd Automation and goals by Brooks Harper the way and Lauren Grant brought the score dloser iraI for but a Kodiak penalty kick was the game quickly winner Great game Megan Johnstan os ding, and defense and Laurs IMson, forward for IcGinniss Kodiak. close in 1Adam Tim Hortons 2 it for Nssagaweya Vol Lab 4 i an out- le Aies An sxcitîng game! At the end of the firaI exception- haiftihe gamne was ied 2-2. The defense el. Nck for bth teams did a good job. However, n Cottreli Nassageweya Vet Lab went ahsad and bleksieel won 4-2. Gaad strong effort put forth by e game. bath teams. Goal scorers for Tîm Hrtans tare when were Emiiy Warzonek and Jennîfer Branch. Jennîfer Petrue, Laura Frank and Cassandra Lockwood (2) were the goal 6 scorers for Nassagaweys Vol Lab. Kesp 0 up the good work girls! Kat & Nat Praject Automation Although a high sconing game, the tram bath teama played exceptiori Natasha Masciantoiao for Kat & Ni Knisti Smith for Project Automation Sinanan led Proect ta their win wi goals. Other goal scorers for Prof Automation were Manique Lizon,1 Stratton, Simone Les and Lauren1 Special mentions for Kat & Na su scorer Courtney Coulombe. 2-goa Alison Sereda, and a lone goal for Samantha Spiers. Bath teama pi great effort. Halton Rent-AiI Milowne Collision Great game played an a cold nigh Mair scored for Mitowne Collision goal scorers for Halton Rent-AiI w Cape (2), Chnis Cassivi and Stuar 0 Spokes 'n Siopes Haton Rent-AiI 6 great defenise by the Halton midfield and 8 defence, Loblaws could have walked away with this game. nal: Nat, and n. Fions vith 4 )ject Laura iGrant. Bi-Line New Automation e 3-goal The two teas plsyed an exciting back ai scorer and forth game with no teamn leading by r mare than 2 goals. Bath goaltenders were ,ul n a outstanding. Tum Smlth for Bi-Line was aggressive in chatienging ahootouta and had some heip from the goal posta, partic. ularty a hard shot off the crasabar by Joel Lazaraki. Craig Harding had a wet-eamed 4 hat trick for Bi-Line with Rabbis Wtlson 1 adding 2 and Max Robeulson adding another. Jamey Mantagner had two Iht. Justin assists. Goal scarers for New Automation n and the wera Daniel Sansini (2, Sean Ward (2), were Mies Allen Orr and Brandon Fragomeni. rt Phitp. BI-Line 4 - Tim Horton's 4 Anotiner chiiiy svenisg and as exclting high A 4-4 lie waa the resuft of thias xclting acoring gsme bstwees these two leama. cdose game on the firal humid sighl of the Scorng goals for Spokes was Jsremy seasos. Bi-Lise jumped ouI 108a2-0 lead Brown (3>, Ericu Taylor (3), Steves midway through the firaI haIt: bath goals by Kâzimer and Stephen Jackson. Scoring Craig Harding. Tum Horlan's fought back for Haton waa Stuart PInilp (2) Chris with two of their aws, wilh Brad Cousins Casaivi (2). Curtis Burns and Sean Laves. selting lwo; Malt Holland and Rhys Mahu Kept on their tos througfuoul the estirs addisg the others. Rhys also providsd game sn goal wsrs Johnny Gazzola asd togfntlesupradi nass. Miles Cape for Haltanad Les Derrick for alrong DaSilva le pprtadsg as assiat. Spokes. The boys played faiuly and rater- gmke andSspth a s slras fnaivef eein by ob hilpwasSuPebl n goal. Bi-Line's strosg frostltiser Crsig Spokes In Siopes 5 Harding providsd att the Bi-Line scorisg, New Mechanical 6 but he rsceivsd some ussefish passisg fraun leammates Jsff Kitches, Eric Close game tram the get-go. The leama Lasorda. and speedaler Jesse Rusholle. wsre bedu and forth, tied at one point, and Mas fGiggsy) Robertson aimoat lied the with jual minutes lo go in the gamea New4 game with oniy a minute or lwo 1eRt, aa he Mectuanical acored for the winl Jsremy basgsd ans off the goal post, whers Nick Brown and Steves Jackson bath scored 2 Spohr jumped os il ta prevent s second goals and Steven Gazzaia scored 1 goal chnance. Tim Smith playsd weli in the set for SpokeasnStopea. And for Nsw foth niegmfrB-Lewhsre Mechasical, Kevin Iwasa-Madgs, Chrus forete esre game fol i-Liswthsm Meidel and Muchael Bartolo sacti scors re alsvsan oggolkc2 goals. Halton Rent-AIi 4 Loblaws 4 This was a real sxcîting game with Loblaws scorung in the firaI 30 seconds before Halton RosI-Ail had ime ta 501110 dawn. Scorers for Loblaws wsrs David Harînga, Josh Hozachuher, Graham Sharpe and Tyler Seben. Goal scorers for Hallon were Sean Laves, Mles Cape (2) and Steven Hubbs. Gosikeepers for Lobiaws were Adam Daibello and Mati Lalande, whiie Devon lsnar wenl the dis- tance for Haton. Specîi mention goesala Alex Truaz of Loblaws for a greal game and 10 Stuart Phip of Halton for some greal crosses inIa the box. Wthout some Boys Under 11 Competilive - Stats for week ending June 8, 2001 Tsam Maksteel Zaka Pharmscy Brians Auto Repair & Tirs La Rose Bakery Soulhvisw Dental Clinic Knuckles Sport Shap Lindsay McLaren Remax No Parking Zones Parents reusenber te oley parking tgn t air taccer prks. Na bParkiuug asnflegrass t raite #Medas! -Na parking se Lainer Ass.in frent of rate Msdows! Parking is avalable t Toesli Arae M> - W Parkig onthue nrth sid of Laier Ave.st Laurier Park 3 3 9 i 7 i i 4 i i 4 2 1 3 o 3 o Milon 1 Flamborough 5 The sc-ore was flot inuicative of the gamne. Milton and Flamborough were both held off the scoreboard for the frst hait. Some excellent offensive work by Multons Robbie Watson, Mark Wilson and Brendan Viltiting was only foled by the goal post. A short lapse of concentration in the second haîf resulted in Fiamborough geting some very quick goals. Jason Entmaa had the Ions goal for Mlton. As usual, Spencer Kopera did an outstanding job as goalkseper Beys Under 13 Competitive - Stals for wssiu snding June 15, 2001 Tsem Game Wins Lasses Tisa Points Halon Rent Alil 3 Domina's Pizza 4 Milowne Collision 4 Lobaws 3 New Mechanical 4 Spakes'n Siopea 4 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 Pot 6 3 -Pictm e ay Tomorro PIoym spkoneieast 10 nWmdupror to yoirschdued Octla'time in ullte=mu Rememberto brinq your completed order fartw. In> thewtvet that it is roinitg, thsphtog wMreJoco to the LiWs HcH (oomaete bomns . ceR i onk) Tùs teany If ilU 1 m . -il i i maton mei A 1 elgnIS ACaaemy

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