Uneven effort leads to big loss for junior Sox By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion The Milton Jr. Red Sox played a triple beader Monday nigbt ai Maplehurst. Nul exactly, but il seemed that way. They ls i3-0 lu undefeated Dundas atter clobber- ing St. Catherines 14-4 the previuus day. Each of the three-inning segments of the game were su ditferent il makes sense lu report on theru that way. Game One (innings 1lb 3) Milton 0, Dundas 0 The Red Sux were outstanding, and if you didn't know and bad lu pick whicb teamn was the undefeaîed une, you wuuld have gune witb Milton. Ian Mosczak was excellent on the mound. The left-hander doesn't tbrow par- ticuiariy hard, but he bas some good pitch- es in is repertoire. His curve bail was freezing left-handed batters and tben faling nicely uver the plate for stikes. He aliowedjust une it, and the rest of the time the Dundas 'igera ballera were popping themn up. At une point, be retired six in a row. The ielding was crisp and sure-band- cd on every it bail. The Red Sox bats bad some ire and the players were aggressive on the base patha. Reese Davies opened tbe game witb a bard drive lu left-centre field that would bave gone for extra bases if nul for a great catch. Taylor Lawton walked, and then promptly stole second base and thrd base, hefore being stranded. In the second inning, Mike Austen and Jed Cosby, witb a smash duwn the third base line, had its, but again the Red Sox could't cash tbem in. But, the hitters were ail over the bail, su il was ouly a mater of ime, or su il appeared. Garne Two (innings 4to 6) Dundas 3, Milton 0 The Tigers nickled and dimed the Red Sox for a couple runs. witb bases on halls -starting lu hurt Musczak. Dundas scored two in the fourtb inning after a leadoff double and by inching their way around the bases with steals and field- ers choices. The Red Sox got out of the third inning when a runner tried to go lu third un a bit o centre field. Todd Black gunned him down on a perfect tbruw 10 Davies, wbo had ime lu pick his nuse and do is nails as be waiting for tbe runner to siide intu tbe tag. In tbe ifth inning, a leadufi waik appeared sure lu be scured as the Dundas bitter drove one tu deep rigt-cenlre field. Black tumed it mbtc the TSN highiight of' tbe night, the week, the montb, and the sea- son. He raced after tbe bail and made a tan- tastie over-the-shoulder catch as be neared the fence. The runner on flrst bad already reached third base and Black could bave waiked the bail lu irst base tu double otff the runner. He threw the bail in and the inning was uver. At the plate, the Red Sox were stili bit- îing the bail bard, but couldnt put anything tugether. Tbeir best chance tu score was in the sixtb when leadoft' batter Nathan Perront skied a bail su igh to centre that the ielder loat it when il came out utf the ciouds. Perroît landed on second, but couldn't gel past tird. Garne 3 (innings 7 to 9) Dundas 10, Milton 0 Notbing went rigbt for the Red Sox. Al of a sudden tbey couidn't bit (nu bits in Iis segment) tbey couldn't field (errors every- where) and îhey cuuldnt get anybody out with îbree different pitchers. Il was a total team meltdown. Dundas scored seven rua in the nintb inning, and that was in îake-it-easy moude. nul taking the extra base or going hume wben tbey would bave prubabiy scured. Even îbey were feeling badly for the Bad News Sox. Milton wuuld be weil advised tb furgel anytbing that bappened afler the sixtb inning. especially by Saturday atemnoun. Tbey play Brampton in the dclayed final ut the Agincourt toumamnent ai 4:31) at Brian BesI aller the senior Red Sox game is in- isied. Please fax your team reports and cqPort qtory idePrn to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. FAMOLY The Boiard of Drectors a d Staff are pf)fesed Io INVITE YOU TO ATTEND OUR 47th ANNUAL MEETING \Nedesday. Jue 2 7. 2001 ai 7:30 p.m. ai ()akvil le Public Library 120 Na\y St., ()akvîlf e Guesl Speaker: Ken Quîggan. Director "Freedom Vif fage' The Canadian Champion, Frîday, June 22, 2001-23 Milton Minor Basebail Association Division T-Bal Division T-Bal Gorruds 12 vs C.aretee Mn Storage 2u Carefree Mini Storage 20 6 ian's Auto Repairi 5 Players of the Game PlayerS of the Game Bradley Lloyd & J.J. Schaap Myles Husby & David Shoppers rug Mari 23 vs ShBr'sD n r 1 v Brians Auto Repair 26 ShpesOugMr12v Players of the Game Gorruda 14 Connor Appleton & Player of the Game r Leo DalBello Ryan Stark, Bradley Lloyd Bantam Brians Auto Repaira 14 vs Crealive Memorials Carefree Mini Storage 20 resheduled Waterdown Players of the Game Jonathan Piche& Milon Transmission 16 vs Alex McMasier >Georgetown 9 Bantam Acton 5 vs Milon Lions Club 3 vs BCF Associales 7 Kilbride 9 Creative Memonials 13 vs BCF Associaies 12 vs Carlisle 6 Waterdown a rMlton Transmission 7 vs Georgetown 1 vs BCF Associates 4 Milon Transmission 16 Milton Lions Club 7 vs BCGF Associates 10Ovs Carlisle 1 Carlisle 6 YouthActon 5 vs Ireland C 5 vs Crealive Memnonals 12 Knighls of Columbus 1 Milon Lions Club 8 vs Knghts of Columbus Won Georgetown O SOakville 3 Lose Carlise 5 vs Creative Memorials 20 The Boys of Sunimer Present a&f t&yHifO T.k. -/Another second-place finish for the Mystics Always the bridesmaid, neyer the bride. Miton's midget girls fasîbali team is beginning lu adopt that mantie. In London earlier tis month, the local ladies deivered their second silver- medal performance in as many tourna- ment appearances. Once again, cbampionship defeat came by a beartbrcakingly slim margin as the Mystica were eclipsed by Chatham 3-2. After falling behind early on, the eventual runners-up narrowed the gap wîth unansweoed auns in the fourth and fifth. Unfortunately, Milton couldn't lind enougb holes in the opposing defense la compiete thse rally. Lindsey Harrold and Katie MacKroiy did an impressive job neutralizing Chatham bats over the final five frames te keep their team within striking dis- tance. Carolyn Coates, LauraAnne Sheehan and Aliia Taylor each had two its in tIse gold medal sbowdoWvn. Chatham's champiousbip victory came on the heels of ils 6-4 round-robin euding win over Milton - whicb also saw a bealthy iead narrowed but nul quite erased. Before that, the midgets won three straight lu cement their championship berth. Their round robin campaign was highlighted by a 12-2 trouncing of Oak Ridges - a team they had faîlen lu al an earlîer toumament this season. A 14-bit effort was led by Tasha Leslie's pair of triples and a single, while Harrold sud MacKrory scattered live bits over the six-inniug mercy. Sandwiching this round two triumph were a 4-3 aqueaker over Enniskillen and a 9-4 topplîng of Waîîaceburg. In both games, the silver medalists mount- ed early leads on the way to victory. The Mystics' next toumament compe- tition cornes across the border in Dayton, OhioiJuly 7 and 8. The interna- tional showcase will serve as a prelude to the teanVs own tournament, slated for JuIy 27 to 29. Buckr Martinez. Manager You can't touch our Hot Ticket for value. Toronto's got your ticket for a fun in the suni summer. Hit the Dome to, catch the Jays/Baltimore seri es and you can score yourself a sinllin Summer in the City "Hot Ticket" good for a free $23-00 seat to see theJays take on the Boston Red Sox, June 29-July 2/2001 + We'll also indlude value packed coupons to hot destinations in the city like Playdium, Hard Rock Cafe, The Hockey Hall of Faine and much more. Kick offsurnier. See a gaine. , S rar,i i-appý. More g reat Eery Tuesdayris More great On Panasonic Power Blue Jays TIM-BR Mari Blue ýays Thursday there are vsT.-dio Tuesday Vs. $25000 in products Balîsmýore You cold wsn a Baltimore to bcwona. Moments ctu gfrorn MomentsPuai TIM-BR Mart. __________ 1 ____________ Cail, purdiase onine, or visit theJays Gate 9 Box Office! Purcliase online r 4àwm .OH MiAKE THE CALL! R.g- .AT&T. W.,.... Ph.... OROGIERS- - avis c,,, h d dw.. .