The Canadin Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 200-7 Raffle on for Canada Day Want a front row seat of Milton's Canada Day fjreworks display? 4 Ox ftlw tial bohlidac kP are rattling off tickets for one Iucky person - plus nine guests - to enjoy the evening ight show from the new Mill Pond Millennium Gazebo. Tickets are $1 each or three for $2 and are now on sale at Information Milton, M&M Meat Shop, Subway Restaurant, bhý Sniors ,Ativitv Centre, Milton Leisure Centre and at the Conmnunity Services Customer Service desk at Town Hall. Proceeds from the raffle wilI be used for Milton's Canada Day celebration expenses. cD ODAK'I LIE (905) 845-66011 NOTICE 0F STUDY COMPLETION Fourth Line/Glenorchy Environmental Assessment Study In order to address traffic operational and safety concernis, the Town of Oakville Proposes to permanently close Fourth Une at East Sxteen Mile Creek to vehicular traffic and retaurl the existing roadway for recreational uses. Following the completion and opening of Highway 407, there is likely to be an increased vebicle demand on thse Fourth Uine Valley crossmng that would have an impact on the safe operation of the road. Within several years, the growtb in Fourth Line vebicle demand will be accommodated to thse James Snow larkway Extension to be completed across the valley in accordance with thse Environmental Assessment Report, approved in 1999. In thse interim period before that roadway is completed, thse safe operation of Fourth LUne through the Glenorchy area is a concern. The study area is shown on die key plan below. Thse study is being carried out as a Class Envronmental Assessment following thse requirements of thse Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, RS.O. 1997. A public information centre was beld on March 6, 2001 to review thse alternative improvements for consideration, analysis and evaluation of the alternatives and thse tecbnically preferred alternative. Subject to comments received as a resukt of this notice, and thse receipt of necessary approvals, thse town intends to permanently close Fouis Uine in 2001. Ise Project File is available for review at the following locations during normal business bours: Town of Oakville Town of Milton Clerk's Office alek's Office 1225 Trafalgar Road 43 Brown Street Oaiville, Ontario Milton, Ontario White Oaks Lbrary Miton Public Library Reference Section Referenoe Section 1070 McCraney Street 45 Bruce Street Oakrville, Ontario Milton, Ontario If concerns arise regarding this project, wbicb cannot be resolved in discussion with thse Town of Oakville, a person or party may request that thse Minister of thse Environment make an order for thse project to comply with Part II of tIse Environmental Assessment Act (referred to as a Part Il Order), wbicb addresses individual environment assessments. Requests must be received by thse Minister at the address below within 37 calendar days of this Notice. (the required 30-day review period bas been extended to accommodate vacations during Ii the summer season). Acopy of ' JPi » J the reqtsest must also bcsent to o fnfl : i Muton,5 thse Town's Director of Public e Works. If there is no request received byJuly 20, 2001, thse T7. Town of Oaltville wiII proceed to, permanently close Fourtis Une at ..... East Sixteen Mile Creek to .~ vebicular traffle. Town Minister of thse Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue, lSth Floor Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1P5 If you bave any questions or concerns regarding tbis project, please contact Mr. Len McLeod, P. Eng. Mr. Neil Ahmed, P. Eng. Assstant Directr/Engineer and Construction McCorrmick Randn Corporation Departiment of Public Woiics 2655 North Sheridan Way Town of Oalcville MiLissauga, Ontario P.O. Box 310, 1225 Tr-aaga Road LSK 2P8 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Tel: (905) 82M.500 Tel: (905) 845-6601 Email: Email: 1 __________ 1__ This notice issued on thse 1lttday ofjune, 2001. P, G. Green, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Departinent of Public Works, Town of Oakvilie 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD e OAKVILLE, ONTARIO e L61 5A6 I ~t.s ~5. -5 ----------------.- --- - - .-~~---------- - -- ~ i~n, fIA i i i SIWWINwU ÀA ci» (for 6 to t0 years) Arts & crafts, sports, cooperative grimes, ceramtcs, swimming. and weekly trps. $90 per week or $20 per day (extended care hours avatabte) Subsidy available through the Region of Halton Cai (905) 876-1244 for details.