6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, June 19, 2001 SCOMMENT Backç seat is n0 place yu.K~6 for kids on ahot day Tomorrow marks the off iciai start of summer - but with warmn weather gracing the area last week, we've already seen the onset of% m N backyard barbecues, pooi parties and many other activities normally associated with this time of year. t« q E Unfortunately, summer also marks a period where some people feel Ieaving their child or pet in the back seat of the car white they rnn errands is no big deal. A recent case of this seasonal negligence inivolved a Hamilton-area doctor who left his six month-old daughter alone in his vehicle. He was charged with abandoning his child and if convicted, faces a maximum penalty of two years in jail. These type of incidents happen in just about every community, and it would be naive to think Milton is an exception. But the commonality of these occurences in no way makes them acceptable. It doesn't take long for a car to turn into an oven on a hot summer day* and leaving a window slightly open provides little relief. So please don't leave your child or pet in the car on your next errand. It's not only harmnful to your Ioved ones, it's against the law. - n O UR READERS WRITE Thankelfor makingour son 's homecomlng so~ , spca,gaKdfleld's proudparents Der diton On behalf of the Chris Hadfield BurawFudwe would ike to tfk the good people of Mfilton for tuter auppix June 9. Chris' homeconiing was made paiticu- lady hew-twamnfg forhlm, 10 sec so many oId frieacls and neigbbours. He really enjoyed being able to tell folks about bis tip andi entertamo thens witb is music. tasmayoue We reaize that, dune osmnote events going on -inclingthe Stanley Cup playoffs, many were umable to if anyooe would lke c onuitftto 1 the Butiaîy Fwod, dmou sm'iOtet Bamy Hendersop i 264 Main St.E. Milton wouM bep'atefuly recved. Autopaph pictun of Chi in bis white spaç'e-waliinhg suit wifi be avail- able ai long as theylaaL Rograend es.nor Hadflild (The Chrie Hadtold Bursay Fund is presonted each yea.rto students seibitlng outstandlng efforts in, academios, athitios and cornmunity involvement) Dear Editor 1 would lik nilylto ibanl make Showc an incredible The Ca Mattamy Hi Onaro J Box 248, 191 Main Si. E., Th Canadien Campion, pulished eoery Tuesday and Friday ai 191 u iro j Main St. ., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Bon 248), ns on of The Metroland SIols, Safe Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Ptblishing & Distnibuting Ltd. group of suburban companies wtnch Centres and inctodet: AaxlPckering News Adortiner, Atiton HraldlCourier, Barrie 8 7 8 3 4 Aivance. Barrys ay This Wek, Bote interpriso, Brampton Gardian. CoOling steP (905) 8 7 - 3 1 Burlngton Post, Burington Shopping News, City Parent, City of Yontk major spont Guardian, Cotingwood/Wanaga Connoction, East York Mirror, trio Edioril F x: 78-943 Adocateitountry Routes, Etobicotie Guardian, Flamboroagh Post, Forever EditrialFax:878-943 Yung, Gorgetnwn tndependentActon Free Press, Haltnn Buinosrones, Adv rtsig ax:87 -2 04 Huronia Business Times, Kingston Thin Week, Lindnay This Aeeti. Martihaf m P LI. Adverîsîn Fax:876-364 conomlst & Sun, Midland/Penetanguiihene Mirror, Mton Shopping News, Mininaugu Buiness Times, Ministauga Nws, Napanet Guide, Classified: 875-3300 Natsagaweya New, Newinarket/Aurora ira-Banner, Norhombertand News, 0ot ot irn Oakile Beaver. Oahnile Shopping News, Ohtimers B OL1Q Ian Oliver Publisher Hnthoy Newt, GOoriffua Tnday, OhawafWhtfhylaringtonffort erry Th is JL, theek. Peerborough This Week, Picton Cnanty Guide, Richmond Neil Oliver Ass.ociate Publi.rher HiItTfornhiIVVaughan Litera, Scarborough Mirrnr, Souwfitie/Uoiridge Weny MNmb Advrttnin Maag riAdertisiog in acceptd on the condition ihat. i he enent ni a typo- graphicat error. ihat portion of the advetilnng npace occupied by tht erro- Ktaren Smith Editor nenus iem, together wth a reatonahie attnwanco for signature, wtt tuf te Steve Crozier Ctruation Manager charged for. hu tht aance ni th advertinemenf aii e paid for ai th apptli- - Teri un 0cabte rate. Tht pubtosher renerven tht right f0 cafegnize advertosemeensr Teri uama ffice Manager dciot. i Tii.~~~ CoTPEuto aae i.Bto aade hepa fiyttd ldc Thanks to those who supported the chîldren Demi Editor: Tbanks to the generosiiy of Tm Horions customers, tbe hard work of our store owners and their dedi- cated staff, and the participation and assistance of many special guests and the media, ibis year's Camp Day was a greai success. To date, $4 Million(CDN) bas been raised for tbe Tim Horion Children's Foundation! This amount, which swrpasses last year's total of $3.3 million (CDN), was raised through coffee sales and other fundraising events and activi- îles held ai Tam Hortons stores across Canada and in the U.S. on May 16th. Thanks in large part to the funds raised on Camp Day, over 7,000 economically disadvantaged chul- dren wilI attend one of five Tim Horion Cbildren's Foundation Camps this year. Tbese cbildren, who are selected from witbin the community of each Tm Horions store, get to experience many fun and exciting activities and make new friends at a camp outside of ibeir home province or state. Thank you to everyone who bought a cof- fee or participated in the many fundraising activities on Camp Day! It is tbrough your generosity that we are helping to make camp a reality for many deserving kids. Donald 8. Schro.d.r, Proealdnt, Tlm Horton Childron's Foundation Showcase Milton a big success thanks to many:- co-ordinator )r ike 10 take ibis opportu- i everyone who helped case Milton 2001 sucb e success. 'anadian Champion, ornes, Milton MaIl, T'he xkey Club/Mohawk eand Sound Daycare id Bailey Hearing and epped forward to be our sors for the show and their generosity was tbe key to our success. The prizes donated were terrific and congratulations go oui to al ibe lucky winners. I would like 10 ibank tbe exbibiiors for believing in Showcase and baving tbe foresight 10 realize the benefis it could brlng. I was foriuate 10 bave had the opporiunity 10 work with Lindsay Dyke, our Show Coordinator, as well as a very dedicated commiitee of volunteers who donated count- less hours of ibeir time to ensure tbe sbow went off witbout a hitch. Congratulations to Sandy Martin, Bill Mercer and everyone at the Chamber of Commerce for making the effori to brlng Showcase back for the purpose of bringing business and consumer together. James Krane, Chair-Showcase Milton 2001 1 by Steve Nease THE CA4NADL4N CHAMPION mm celes 77» Mâbn CwWân Chwoion is a R»cM" Avd-t 4 Production Manager