'Conservation Halton makes the grade, but more work is needed By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Conservation plans are working, but more improvemnent is needed. That's the message Conservation Halton (CH) rep- resentatives delivered at Regional Council Wednesday during a presentation of their inaugural watershed report card. The report card is a review of CH's strategic plan, announced in 1998. The project, dubbed Inspired by Nature," consists of a number of initiatives aimed at protecting and enhancing the natural watershed envi- ronment. 'Even though this was a celebrating exercise, we view the report card as a good snapshot of how we are doing," said Jean Williams, Conservation Halton board of directors chairperson. "What we tried to do with this system is establish a benchmark to which future targets and trends can be compared." Grading was conducted in 11 different areas, most of whicli received higb 'AN and 'B' marks. I'le only 'C'- quality rating came in the category of acquiringrnatu- rai areas. Since thc watershed plan first came into action, 109 acres of land have been acquired for protection - a rather small number compared to the 9,006 acres that have been acquired since 1956. 'ThW health trend here is literally losing ground. The population of Conservation Halton's watershed is expected to double in Uic next 20 years. Tliere must bu sufficient green space to accommodate recreation, and to keep corridors in the natural habitat," Ms Williams said. "Funding for land acquisitions bas been dramati- cally reduced in recent years." However, Milton Mayor Gord Krantz - CH's local representative - told The Champion this 'C' grade is not necessarily reflective of what's best from an over- alI community standpoint. While there is room for improvement, financing involved with land purchase can be burdensome. "We'd like to think that everything doesn't evolve around the all-mighty dollar, but of course more often than flot it does. Would I like to see a bit more of it (environmentally sensitive land) purchased? Yeah. But do 1 want to further impact on the taxes that people have to pay provincially or locally in property taxes? No. There's a balance there that bas to be taken into consideration." On the igh end of the report card were 'A' grades for providing a natural legacy, developing watershed plans, and improving govemnance and operations (A-). "Ill take that report card any ime," Burlington councillor Mike Wallace told counicil. Ini addition to grades, the report card also indicated current trends (whether they are improving, worsen- ing, or steady). In most cases, the watershed is experi- encing growth in conservation techniques and prac- tîces, said Ms Williams. Among the down trends are the conservation author- ity's ability to provide flood convroi and warning pro- gramns, as well as develop long-terni funding pninci- pIes, the report card stated. 'Iiese downward trends are a direct result of lower provincial funding, said Ms Williams. 'The Province needs to recognize and increase support for the efforts of Ontario conservation authorties. " While the organization's overall budget bas fisen over recent years, provincial funding has slipped by almost 70 per cent. Taking an overali look at the report card shows the work the authority bas been doing is paying off, said Mr. Krantz. "«I think it was a fairly accurate assessment with regard to what is evolving throughout die watershed. There are anme areas, over the past few montha and past few years, we've done quite well and there's other areas where we're sideways on it. Certainly as far as Finm concemned, nothing is really critical in that area." The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 200-I4 A SPECIAL 'THANK YOU" TO EVERYONE WHO VISITED OUR BOOTH DURING THE SHOW. YOUR KINO COMMENTS, AND INPUT WERE GREATLY APPRECIATED. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS 0F OUR DRAW PRIZES. 1 bsar subîciltIs e*Cindy Lesage, Milton e Bill McLean, Milton e Mike Perry, Milton e Pat Rideout, Milton e Marlene Pleiffer, Milton Frs lalui Word 19 e Ivnn Shepherd, Milton " Don Smith, Milton " B. Hinton, Milton " R. McMunter, Milton " H. Stewart, Hornby ebeamîhsu soit $111 0 Mary Cambeli, Milton e Robyn Anthony, Milton e E. Jones, Milton e Ron McEachan, Milton e Jane Petryna, Georgetown ...... am Spm TM ........... Bam-8prn .... am5pm SUb .... a-p O