4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 2001 VACATION PICTURE WILL THIS SUMMER? BRING IN YOUR VEHICLE FOR A CHECK- UP BY OUR LICENSED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS BEFORE YOU TRA VELU AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Have pur air conditioning system S inspected and serviced today by a ON 1IlSI___ licensedCC a i li UR__ -1ViitE CIEAN Licensed Technician on duty for both J Accredited Test R 12 and the new R 134A Freon & Re pair Fadility lriçma Shedding Some Ligh On Indoo Ta nng To tan or not to tan? This is the question. How often do we hear how bad the sun is for us? We hear it in the media ail the fime and wve hear if fhrough "sun scare" adverfising constantiy. I would like f0 clear up somne confusion between smart tanning and recldess tanning. The sun is source of all Ife on our planet. Exposure to sun- light is needed for a healthful body. We wanf f0 expose our bod- les f0 sunlight (more speciflcally UV light) without overexposing and developing erythema, better known as "sunbum". Sunbum is skin damage, a tan is not. The bodys ability to tan is a natural prooess and is actually our body's way 0f protecting itsef from overexposure. Indoor tanning allows us f0 control how much UV light your sin receives, thereby reducing the risk of ever con- tracting a sunbum. I allows us to eliminate manry environmenfal variables that can't possibly be controlled outdoors. UV light exposuoe is our pnimary sourte 0f Vitamin D which helps with the absorption of calcium (Osteoporosis prevention.) Also colon, ovarian and breast cancer rates are twice as high in northem regions as compared to sunny southem regions; lack 0f vitamin D is thought f0 be the link Furthermore, malignant melanoma sikm cancer is most common in people who do nof receive regular sun exposure and mosf frequently develops on parts 0f the body that are not regu- larly exposed to sunlight. ADVERTISEMENT ________________. __._......__ .. A>9nimal9fospitaf of Milton Q ...people helping people help pets 1 arn the new owner of the Animal Hospital of Milton. 1 have spent the past weeks reorganizing, renovating and updating the practice to better serve you. I arn proud of these practice enhancements, but most importantly, I arn proud of rny comrnitrnent to care for rny patients and serve my clients in a congenial and comprehensive manner. 1 arn honoured to care for the existing patients and look forward to caring for new patients at the Animal Hospital of Mlton 1- Dr. Ross A. Dawson M-M M ~Ent IM», Oebt.'i. LI1 P7 (MS) 87-M Seasonal effective disorder 0f S.AD., better known as the winter blues cati be prevented with UV exposure. Regular exposure to sunlight relieves stress, decreased blood pressure and reduces blood cholesterol. As well psoriasis, eczema and actie can be controlled through UV light therapy. A reputable and oertifled indoor tanning facility can provide a controlled and comfortable environment in which f0 enjoy ail the benefifs 0f smart tanning. S0 don't be afraid of the light, you couldn't live without iK. Sun Haven is in ifs 5th year of providing the Milton area with the best indoor tanning service available. Increase VOUR BUSTLINEI NVeitrit Pmanamoect a, ~rto~Ct. www.herwlmagkrjsbms.com 15 Martin St. Cardilqage oe><693-9594, -i Fr-- 1 il 1 9 1