Office Help Required Succ 'ssful appicant must have computer skills in MS Office, CorelDraw and be familiar with general office duties. A friendly, helpful telephone manner and the abi1îty to work alone or with others is required. Please fax resume to: 905-854-0615 Administrative Sales Asst. Successful Oakvile manutacturing company Iooking for a dynamic persan to support the sales effort. Position includes ead gathering, administrative support ,prdc information support, trade shows. canidt must have excellent written and oral communication skill and a positive personality. Experience in sales support andor customer service is preferred. Must have strong computer skills. Reply with resume f0: Box 6M4, c/o The OakvlII Beuvor 467 Speers Rai, OakvllIe, ON L6K M8 Everyone Keads the Claslfeds! Vo'tb Ieft OUt Intkedark Èandgjet a stce of tkeaclon! LCOME AGON 5,Noe1930 0*New ln town? 0 Gemqftlris ldn 3 monfh ormmr? , Havng a baby? 0 Eteblshlng a new buinss? PLIASICALL uMe Communhty Wolcomo Linda..854-1563 Dos ..332-4799 Bdai & aby Tracy... 86-4330 Ilsnsuprotsslonal Pat ...876-4040 Keoyde IN: Paper wwwwelomea n.c8 j g P gpca g'cain in oug Miletong Secion Dal h Clsifi foIéal 6 EASY STEPS FOR PLANNING TOUR GARAGE SALE 1. WHAT TO SEIL: Check your basement, attic, garage, crawlspace, etc., for items you have no need for. Jot them down to keep track 0f them. Baskets or buckets can be used for display cases of odds and ends. Small or large appliances, clothing the children have out- grown, excess items for the garden, tools and furniture, etc. 2. COMBINATION SALE: You have decided to have your garage sale and gathered a fair amount of items but it's flot quite enough to have one of your own. Ask a friend or neighbour to go halves on the sale with you. The companionship and sharing of ideas will help you great- ly. You can split the cost of advertising, moving and double advertising from word of mouth. Separate inven- tories by coding and pricing each item. More items - More interest. People like to see a lot of selection. 3. DATE, TIME, LENGTH 0F SALE: Plan a date suitable for you! Most sales are from 9 arn.- 1 p.m. but this is strictly up to you. Weekends are better allowing working people to attend. Some garage sale enthusiasts prefer a one day sale, but there is always a chance of something going wrong (in case of rain). A rain date should be given. 4. PRICING: 1. Mark prices on everything, easily seen by the customer, saving them asking. 2. Take an inventory as you price. 3. Separate antiques from non-antique items. 4. Pricing clothing is usually a 1/4 - 1/8 of the original cost. If original cost is a problem get a recent catalogue and it will help you price ail the items, taking into consideration the condition. 5. Wood furniture is usually more expensive than upholstered furniture. Antiques, make sure you do not underprice - you may not get the same price as an antique shop. 6. Electrical appliances usually start at 1/3 original price. 7. By the last day of sale or late in the day, ail prices should be slashed. 5. ADVERTISING: The most important part in planning. There are several ways. The easiest and cheapest way is word of mouth. You may also consider placing index cards in grocery stores, laundromats, street poles, etc. But the most effective is in the Classified Section of the Milton Champion Newspaper. These ads are read by over 12,000 bargain hunters faithfully each week. SUCCESS FORMULA: Place the date, time, address ( cross street for easy access), an alternate date irr case of' rain list a few of the larger items, with a few prices. In many cases, it's not wise to give a phone number since you end up answering the phone and losing precious time. AN EXAMPLE: GARAGE SALE, Saturday, June 23, 9 - 1 p.m. 1234 Marigold Crescent (Fox & Riverside Drive area), 30-inch stove, $25; 3-piece sofa, $50; antiques; small appliances; baby furniture; etc. etc. In case of ramn next weekend. 6. SETIING UP VOUR SALE: The day before the sale: set up a headquarters table, where you can keep an eye on the entire sale. Keep change in a box, an adding machine or small calculator for keeping track of sales, paper, pen- cils, tags, bags and boxes - to put sale items in. Place items in aisle like rows, leaving plenty of room to minimize accidents and breakage. Clothes on a line with easy access, a mirror for those to try things on. Use old baskets to hold small items. Go t o the bank the day before and make sure you have lots of small change and be ready day of sale for those early risers. If it's a nice day, rope off your driveway, increase your space and save your grass. Be sure to place clearly printed signs at key locations, a main road entrance, an intersection or turns with directional arrows. 8001 LOCE! The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, J une 19, 2001-27 Çradaw c{nkncmn 'g i Teli your graduate how proud you are of them! Our speciat aduat~ ~ published in June *39.95 + GST - I I I Name: I I Address: _____________________________________ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Phone: I I I I IViessage:__________________________ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -o- G~ST J