CPR training can greatly reduce preventable deaths Public assistance in doing CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is one way to help increase the survival rate of a persan suffering a heurt attack. Roughly Il per cent of deathu in Canada are a resuit of heurt atfacks and many of these deaths are preventable. A 1999 study by the Ontario Pre-Hospitai Advanced Life Support (OPALS) program for the Oakville and Burlington area found that lesu than 10 per cent of ail witnessed cardiac anrest vîctima received CPR from a bystander. Many situations can cause the heurt to stop, but the mot common cause in aduits is heurt and artery dis- ease. Choking, umoke inhalation, suffocation, hypother- mia, drowning, electrical shock, and trauma are same of the other reasons why the heurt stops. Many of the deatha in chiidren and youths are a resuit of these situ- ations. Every celI in your body needu oxygen and nutrients to survive. Oxygen froro the lungu is carried ta the celis through the bload stream. The heart is a large muscle that pumpo the oxygen rich bload through the body and most importantly fa the brain. If the heart stops pumping blood for more than 4-5 minutes, the ceils in the brain wili become starved of oxygen and begin fa die. If a persan shows no signu of breafhing and does not appear ta have a heart beaf, it is very important ta sf art CPR immediately. CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscifation - Cardia refers ta the "heart", Pulmonary refers ta fthe "lungu", and Resuscitation means to "revive". CPR does the bredthing and pumping nor- mally done by the lunga and heart, and can increase a persans chance of surviving by preventing t he brain froro dying. Within the "Chain of Survival" the vital links required ta manage an emergency situation when someanes heart appears fa have sfopped are shared by the first persan on the scene and Paramedicu. The first person on the scene needu ta caîl 911 for help right away and start CPR. Once the Paramedics arrive, they provide early detibrillation and Advanced Life Support. How can I help? Leam CPR - take a CPR training course. When perfortned on a person seho is not breathing and shows no sign of a pulse, CPR can prevent brain death from occuring and will give the person a better chance of being revived once the defibrillator (heurt start machine) is applied. Anyone can leam CPR! Recent changes ta the stan- dards have made the stepo for CPR even easier ta remember and do. You will leave the CPR claso feel- ing confident that you could help sameone in an emer- gency. Numerous local agencies offer CPR courses such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Canadian Red Cross Society, St. John Ambulance and others listed in the yeliow pages under "First Aid Services". Also, look for flyers and postingu at local community centres, schools and mails advertising CPR courses in your area. Heurt Saver L-evel courses take roughly 3 haurs and often focus on prevenfion and healthy living, recog- nizing when a person is having a heart attack or strake, perfarming CPR, and removing abjects from a per- sans airway. Family members and friendu do the majority of bystander CPR. Wauld if nat be great if you were able ta help your famiiy or friendu in a time of need? For more information about CPR, please cail the Halton Regian Health Department at 905-825-6060 etc. 7111. If your caîl is long distance, please cali Toli Free 1- 866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). UrY 905-827- 9833. Health Notes is prepared by staff of the Halton Region Health Oepartment Help available for those looking to stop smoking Halton ç health department offers counselling If you're ready ta quit smoking, but clinic individually tailors each approach know you'll need some assistance using a variety of techniques. with this difficuit task, the In addition to stress and Halton Region Health behavior management - Department is there to Iend a ' two keys to successfully helping hand. butting out - the clinic also 'he Health Department's incorporates the nicotine Stop Smoking Clinic pro- patch, nicotine gum, and vides counselling services at Zyban. no cost. For more information about Recognizing that no one method of stop-smoking programs, cali1 the Health quitting wîiI work for everyone, the Department at (905) 825-6060. Altus CoolGlide Laser getting great resuits. - Fast & Affordable *Safe & Effective IL (Fair, Olive, Tanned or Black skin) w- a"E« 1ctro4Wà550 Ontai Unit 16,1 b yli <îIf ~CCECPERDT 876-1 rio St. S. Milton [711 HbwloHeC4ý Lli'u~ to burnshecause we store toins ini fat to help protect pril showers have our lier. Lecithin helps to break down storedhbody A~dpassed, the gardens are fat andunhurden the liver.It is onlyone ofthe many <I ,planted, and you've already had your irst Sun- outrients wie use ta support fat metahlsm, hc b umn, thats right summer is almost translates ioto cellulite free, healthy looking legs. here. For many of us, mainly reomen, the seûtk Out We use EMS Treatînents to ighten and thought of putiug on shorts or a hathing S tone the muscle. A strang muscle puIs a suit bnings ont our worry lines, and thats P -ou demand an thse body fat surraunding it. al we need! Luckily there is something Thse muscle huera thé fat as fuel rehile the ' you cao do to gel mbt shape for summer - nutrients help to release fat ino the sys- 'à fast. tent su t is availahle for thse bdy to use. At Beverly Hlîs we have developed a One 41-minute treatment is the equivalent <1 treatment programt that targets winter uf 9 hours of workout. Due ta an aver- weght gain and the thing we hate most, whelming demand we have just added a cellulite. Cellulite has an orange peel third EMS roam. We use our 15 years apparance on voue hips, thighs and thse experience in weight rianagement and hacks of your legs. It is tough ta get rid oft rofl a nutrition ta custom design a treatreent G aod sumetimes needs more thao aust a -".N..ÇP program that reduces the specific areas change ut diet. Though the us. ot tlectno Muscle where you tend ta store cellulite, namety our hips, 0Stimulation (tMS), nutritional supplemeots such as thighs and ahdomen area. As watt, the EMS Lecthin and Es, otial tatty Acids plus nutritional Treatments are a great compliment fa anV cardiovas- counsellîng, we cao hetp yon achieve dramatic cular prograta give yau a long tean look ta yaur rýsults.hody. Why watt? Staet todayt With aur five-week We work wth the factors that have contrîhufed ta pmogram yau con have gorgeous legs this summer! your weîght gain. Facors snch as slow fat metaho- One complimentary trial session is offered ta new husm, stress, puer eahong haits and improper weight clients onty. E ONNGIraENS os. Nu une person is the same, and we alat have dit- For more information and yonr free consultation, inhsI 5 tus erent needs. Because ut this, Beverty Hitîs wîtt please cati Beverty Hilîs Weîght Management and WOOkidesign a nutrîionat protocol that suits your persan- Nutritionat centre t 905-75-288i9. n b dSteaI preferences, mne that is hest for you.ManHol sargieed utioalCnltg We stat with a fuît nutritionat assessment hy a Pracitioner witti over 13 Yeats ouperienco in seight louuoand un of exOi ------ t Registered Nutritional Consulting practitioner. nuition She i Clnic Dirctor ai Beeerly Huiis Wight Md 10Mooy people who eat wetl and exercise wilt stilI Management and Nutrition Centre in Milton, Clonkuor notice that they are huiding up foyers ut cellulite Village, Mississouga and aur neweut location al Absoua and tht nathing seems ta hetp. There bas ben Flîneus, Mississouga For more information contact Mrion research that supports thse idea tIsaI cellulite is Iard al905-875'198,9 [ Halton His Speech Centre Communication is Vital @ Language e Stuttering *Articulation * Swallowing *Voice e Reading *Stroke Rehabilitation s Tutoring aAccent Improvement Pro viding therapy to children and aduits in Halton, Peel and Wellington Counties Evening and Saturday appointments available Ph: 905-873-8400 Fax: 905-873-7291 haltonspeech @aztec-net.com 1OnIy 328 Guelph Street 15minutes ta Georgetownl Georgetown L7G 4135 ELECRQ-MUCU /Rouce 12to 30 M lo40 mkts /Ftm up thoi tm ma The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 19, 2001-11 ià - ýt s k r! d 19 7n