8-h aada hmpoFidy ue15, 2001 RI ah FP RU Robinson Pet Hospital Providing special care for your companions Serving the Milton community and surrounding area for 28 years New clients welconie! New vaxended hours, Open Saturdays 24 hour emergency care avaïlable Dr. Emmanuel Aziz D.VM, M.Sc (lons.) and Associates Protect your pets health through vaccinations and preventative heartworm niedications Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Saturdays 8am-3pm Robinson Pet Hospital 500 Steeles Ave. East Milton, ON. M9T3P>7 905-876-4636 Fax: 905-876-4637 ! SISHOP REDINS 1101 SCEGOL 9 Mark Ryafl Lafaomboiso Pyne Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Following a succesuful year of Student Governmenf activities, the Annual Grade Represenfative Election was ield foday. On Tuesday, a barbeque allowed candidates t0 serve tireir peers and campaign. Grade Representative Assemblies took place on Wednesday and Thursday. During tirese presentations, students lis- tened and questioned their fellow peers on ideas for next ycar. ire campaigno corne 10 a climnax today when sudents will have tire opportunity to vote a peer to represent tirem. Sîudent Government Grade Representatives for tie200l/2002 scirool year will appear in nerf week's edition of tire Royal Report. On Tuesday, tire Milton Human Resource Centre presented swo sessions on employmenf okilîs for students interested in applying for summer jobs. Al wiro attended received valuable information regarding resumes, applications and interviewa. Tirank you to tire librarians wiro made firese worksirops possible. Legend clarinefiat, Piil Nimmons, made a presentation f0 BRo' music studenta during perod one on Wednesday. Tire opportunity to listen -and converse witir a musician of sixty plus years was amazing. The stories and lufe experience ire tld, including receiv- ing tire Order of Canada for iis talent, let impressions on many young musicians. For those graduafing, tuas was a greaf opportuni- fy as firey conclude fireir iigir scirool music careera. Halton Regional Police will be participafing in tire Annual Torcir Run to raise money for local special needs atiletes. Period one classes irelped to support tire Special Olympies atiletes fhis past week iry pledging Constabrle Fraser, B.R. 's communify offscer. Al wiroielped tins wortiry cause are congratulated on tireir effort. Bisirop Reding Spring League Basketirall action wrapped up tins past week. Outstanding sirooting by Mereditir Murpiry and Kevin Hines lead Team Five f0 become tins year'o Cirampions. Thank you to al wiro participated in tire league for frein sportsrnansirip and dedication. As tire summer vacation approacires ever dloser, aIl students are reminded to sîudy for tire upcoming exama. Wow, the achool year sure has gone by fast and it's hard f0 believe that exmms sfart next Wednesday!!!!! The Spring Fling on Fridmy was a' huge success, and a special thanks goes out f0 everyone who helped make this event happen, especially those brave teachers who went in thre dunk tank and faced their students. During the Spring Fling, the Entrepreneurs Class raised $700 through their various events. Congratulations f0 ail the studenîs who won in their various draws and confests that fhey held f0 raise the money. Locker clean ouf will have happened this week or will be at the beginning of next week. If you wanf f0 get your $ 10 Iocker deposit back make sure you have cleaned out your Iockers, removed 'ail stickers, pictures, wrifing and other various decorations from the inside of your locker to get the deposit back. Congratulations go out to the new group of students who were selecfed to be Prefects for next year. Wednesday morning these students selected their execufive for nexf school year. Congratulations go to Kayla Scot and Jen Tait, who are the heads, f0 Jocelyn Merritt who is the new secretary and fo Kaite O'Reilly who is the freasurer. Friday morning the grads got f0 enjoy a breakfast of fresh fruit, bagels and timbits at the annual Grad Breakfast. Thanks to ail thre Prefects who helped ouf af this event. The grads got a chance fo hear speeches from potenfial valedictorians and vote on who fhey wanfed f0 represent fheir clasa at graduation. The resuits wiII be posfed after school on Friday. We would like to remind you f0 start refuming ail you ibrary books f0 the ibrary and f0 pay any fines you have. Rernember fhaf you wiIl not be able f0 pick up your report card if you have not done this. We would like f0 wish everyone the best of Iuck on their examsand we hope you have a wonderful weekend, and a great at week of school. DATELINE DRURY AT E.C. DRUE HBle 'SCEDOL Joanne Gunding Uinds.y Harrold For ail of you ot tiere reho ever atended a high seirool, this is for yoa. As we al know sayiag goodbye is neyer easy. This haashen a trying year at Druny witir sorte dillerent moments that the entire stadent bodsy shared, but aiso some golden moments of triumph. Beyvnd the wonds of our weekly risuai we cail Dateise Drury were memuries that won's ire lorgoten and lessons that wili nu doubt carry on in1v the lives of those wirv leanned tirem. 1 have reaized thts pava year that perspective and vutiook are eoenythtng. We, aa writers, may have presented tise lacts, iowever the evpertence and memory vf tire events that oouk place remaîn trac inrire minds of tire ndvtduals who lved vas those accomplished dreams me srote aboat. After we Write oar exams and say van goodbyes sire graduaaong clasa iii ire set free vut into tire world. As an attendant as sire Atiletic Banquet on Wednesday ntghs 1 couldn' irelp bot feel a esse of prtde knoing that 1 was s0 locky tv have groma up mith and learned lrom my fellom gradoases in tire room. Some vlaus have heen togetirer since me mere ise years old. Nom we are lorced for tire foost ttme ta van lises to go our vms ways and determtne van fatures. Trashfally though, 1I eldsoonger kaowiug thas the people l'oc sharcd tire pavi hir- teen years vf my lue witir have deoeloped insu the fan, caring, talensed, cooragevas, tiles- c, aristir, cvmpetitioc, smart, and ieautilul young mca and women tiras sley are soday. We are leaing behind as a lcgacy. Commonly known as the "compelitioe, atileie amati groap" we can aaaiiy ire bud studying away tantire Ltbrary or on une of tire many play- iag fields. We, juat as sirove belote as, are tire enions osirers wiii seler back tu an yeats to corne; tise unes they wiil thsak vf and shape thir etos airer. Yoa neser realiy appreciase a good tiig anail t'a gone. 1 guesa me can ail leata somesiing rom tiras. My suggestion su yoa ta to 'iold on to tise good tiinga ia île tiat you have accompiisined, for tiey are a remtndcr of sie goodaess wishin you". Drury won smo OFSAAcitampionairips thia yeat, homever even greater lauka mere accom- plsshed wtisoat any of you even knowing. Beimeca going iv classes and practice, leping organize speciai eventa and jus haaging oui piaying carda or ping-pong in tise Locher Bay, anse lrendshsps mere lormed. Sure, eli remember tire day out cast of "Conversations witls My Neigisiours Pis Bull" won the Ail Ontaro Drama Shomease and tire timre when we almot lepi thnough a Frenchs enamili, but ater coca tlese memnories fade boum vas minda like sie fading coloun of oartirair. we'li rememben tise peuple miro made those unirearabie imca more irearabie and tirose find miso sated shose special isca tiss e rote about n tins oery papen, cocu more speesai. la truiy amazes me heyoad description of how fat eve comne. Frvm lire aaotty-nosed kiadengattena amused iry indoor rececs iv tire bnîm- mtag,srong and leatiesa mcnanad momea vf tomoro. Tlsene are s many thinga and so hlse space su express tise feelings 1 ihave airout ieaving this s veiovi. IIeema to many tiras jus yesterday me tovis our irs iarful stepa inso tise rfa' mous Lvcis.n Boy and staned hnght-eyed attire vider puys and girls, mios ecmed 50 ali! itanis you ail for aking tire tsmc 5v read Dateline Drury and tiank you M. Keane for irav- ing tise patience tv guide us s0 eioquensly tirougir tins scirool yeat. On beiral of Lsndsey and myvel, itsa een a pleasure. As me go van sepatate maya, ieres atmetiring tov remem- ber: 'Besmeen yesicrday's regrets and tomotromas dreama la today'a opporsaaity." Gvodbye evenyone. -j