,!- cr SaiL . !fbll ., i.'b i ...)s' 28 -The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 15, 2001 IWATSON UNi MILTUNI Twister Wrap $2. 99 Pis a Rght no w, get one for /ust $299 and we'iI thro w in a FREE 20 oz. Pepsi. 276 Main St. 878-4171 ~ On Fathers Pay ftrat adto a FA1II'SPA y #Real! 189 Miii Street le 878-6680 LOVÉ ENTERTAIMMENT EVERY WEDNESDAY - Appearlng Je -c~92:30 M Wlns on Thursays Join us on the patio.. Kilin'Jive Trio with guests on Sat. June 16. The Ivy Arms 201 Main St. E. 876-4899 Knight Cap i Wednesday Night is, Wing Nght m5 ings 270 Main St. E. (905) 876-3780 Date/mne The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts 'Words and Music', featuring cen- tre member Howard Willson with poems of wit and wisdom and Don Singular with music to invoke fond memnories. Tickets cost $7 and can be purchased by calling the centre at (905) 875-168 1. The Milton Leisure Centre invites youtbs rime to 13 years of age to its Wacky Water Fun Night from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The cost is $350 per child. Saturday lune 16 The McCann Dog Show takes place in the Gambrel Bamn at Country Heritage Park at 6 p.m., followed by the One of a Kind Quilt Sale at 7 p.m. Admission costs $7 for adults and $5 for children. Friday june j15 The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary tIoids à 21 aroual Strawberry IFair lini 8 arn. until dusk on the hospital grounds, 30 Derry Rd. Enjoy a strawberry pancake breakfast, hamburgers and hot dogs from M&M Meat Shops, old fashioned barbe- cue chicken and ribs and a Little Strawberry Princess and Little Strawberry Prince contest. The cost of admidssion is donation based. For more information cali (905) 878-2383. The Milton Community Resource Centre's eighth annual Family Fun Fair takes place at Victoria Park at Town Hall from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event features a Tribute to Britney Spears and the Raptors Jam Van. Meet Mayor Gord Krantz for brunch and enjoy family activities, food and prizes. For more information caîl (905) 875-0235. * lmport Car Centre ree Div. of Gerhard & Rudy Inc. Satu lune 23 S12 noon m 40M Have voir Europoan or Asian Import car sorvicod SPICY INDIAN& CANADIANCUISINi Spectal Feature Dalpuri R'ti with Chicken, Beef, Goat & Vegetable Breakfast & Luncheon Specials DINE.IN OR TAKE-OUT 905-876-2559 88 Ontario St. M, (Acrots:ram Spoko's 'n'S (tormerty Sandy's Donus ,àà bv Drolossionals wilhont baving le bave tomi. Jusi corne in wiIh voir automotivo problomns and Weil.. Put them iriqht! 905-878-5330 Mon - Fr1: Sam - 6 Pm lmpae? 583 Main Sie E. Milton Sundayjune 17 The Milton Jaycees presents comedic hypnotist, Paul Royter at its second annu- al fundraiser. The event takes place at Country Heritage Park in the Gambrel Barrn, 8560 Tremaine Rd. For tickets cali (905) 876-0692. Boston Preabyterian Cburcb celebrates its 181 anniversary at Il a.m. Rev. Marty Molengraaf leads the service, followed by a light lunch. Monday lune 18 The Milton Horticultural Society meets at the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St., at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Cecil Lan'rock presents a program on miniature roses. Everyone is welcome. For more information caîl (905) 878-6904.