veLynch stili recouping in Arizona By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion spending îbree monlhs in Arzona, cxcept inasybe Pat Lynch. The Milton pitcher in the Colorado Rockies organization does- nIt even need ime btb ink about il: "I arn su sick of il here." Mind you, i's not the weatber be's compiaining about, but the lengtb of turne be's spent rebabilitaling is ann at the Rockies' basebail compiex. "I only anlicipated being bere a rnontb, but ail these little setbacks. 1 can't waiî to get out of here and on to my first start." Lynch gets is wish tomorrow as be leaves for Tri-Cilies, Washington, the Rockies farin team in short season A classifica- tion. He is stili rebabiiitating, but bopes to finaliy gel a start with- in a couple of weeks and then move up in the organization depend- ing on is progress. Lynch says lie bas pitcbed weil in workouts, but that the amibas acted up on im at times. I's notbing out of the ordinary, just part of the process after the surgery be bad. He knows tbat others have to go through the same deal, but that isn'l mak- L\cîî worse, said Lynach, is ha lie had - . neyer had a problem belore wilh is arm, frm playing rep bail in Milton rigbt tough igb school. 'It's amazingly frustraling, up and down ail the time. t seems like it's neyer going 10 end. -So much bard work and it feels as if it hasn't paid off. Tbat's reaiiy the frustrat- Pat Lynch ing part." t may be tough to deai witb for Lynch, but on the positive side, the Rockies organization is taking every precaution in deaiing with is rehabilitalion, whicb in the long term will be the besltbing for him. [n the short teint, trading sunny Arizona for rainy Washington wiil suit him just fine. Midgets' win sfreak snapped by Bulis The Red Sox' winning streak didn't just end - il came 10 a screecbing hall. Milton's midgets were poised to deliver their eigbth straigbt reg- ular season victory at Mapieburst Bail Park Monday niglit, but couidn't quite closed the book on the Burlington Bulis. Reliever Conan O'Brien was one rneasly stike away froin put- ting things away wben the visitors stunned onlookers with seven its, two waiks and an evenlual 12-5 win. Thie Red Sox rallied froru a pair of early deficits before their ulti- mate dernise. Catcher Rob Angus drove in what iooked 10 be the winning mun - delivering an eigth-inning sacrifice fly that scored Scott Connoily. O'Brien brought borne two runs eariier on - witb a weli-placed single and fielder's choice ground ouI respectiveiy - and scored himself on a passed bail in the fiftb. Reg Taylor had the other RBI. Wbiie O'Brien's iacklustre finish aliowed for the reversai of for- tune, the bosts' lack of offensive spark eariy on also factored mbt the ioss. Milton rnanaged just four bits over the firsl four iniings - and no two came in any one frame. Monday's defeat foiiowed a lackiuslre tourniarent peiformance in St. Thomas. Milton did deliver perbaps ils strongest staternent of the year in round two - wiîb Steve Spiers' ive-bitter higb- igbting a 4-2 win over the AAA Mississauga Twins - but il was sandwicbed between a crippling îird-round ioss and openîng round forfeit. The Canadien Champion, Fniday, June 15, 2001- 25 In the know sports fans get their news here twice weekly. new program to prepare participants in a number of construction- rel ated occupations, in partnership with Mattamy Homes, Canada's largest home builder. You will frame a house from the foundation to the final framing details.i The focus of the program is framing, however, you will also receive hands-on opportunities in the following: Electrical - Trowel Trades - PlumbingIHVAC We have employers ready to hîre our successful graduates! Tools, textbooks and safety equipment given to each sttident (approximate value $300.00) For more information contact Isabel Webb - (905) 333-3499 or 878-1240 or visit our website at In partnership wih q> The C er l j Matiamy Homes Sidiis DrwJqomaii & nrùno f Please fax sports reports to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTrBALL LEAGUE Standings as of June -13, 2001 Teams 1 South Side '1' 2 New Lite 'B' 3 New Lite 'A' 4 St. Georges 5 South Side '2' 6 HoIy Rosary 7 Milton Bible 8 St. Pauls 9 New Lite Deaf 10 Knox 11 memry oace Hed 16-01 eli oehrwt e aiy elnso 12 Boston Game Wins Losses Ties Pts. 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 2 2 0 0 sorrow and sadness over her sudden Ioss. 0Qur players are with you! Terry Rowley Mechanical Inc. Vor Heating, Cooling and Barbecue Headquarters 905"7&1979 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 5 95 MAIN ST. 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