ir you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or ax to R78-4943~ Dr. Tong Wan's - Towne Dental Gr ou, TnH.WnMilton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Why Replace Outdated Dental Restorations? There are Many reasons for reptacing otd dental restorations (fitings or cmowns). In fart. mnst dental problenis may nos be evident to patients. When you consider the daily stresses exerted on your teeU, it is nos surprising Uas retorationu evetuaiiy wear out and sometimes need to be îepiaced. Sometinen, however, patients briieve Ue nid adage. "If it dosn't hurt, dont fis it.' If lefs untreated, however, dental prbems cas lead 50 more expert- tise dental pmocedures and esentuai toods moss. There are a nunher of reasons. They may inlude ay of the foiiowing. - Wear: AlUougis Uere are a nunher of facto s as affect the life of a dental resoration, Ue aerage ilser fiing, crown or bridge nay last frn five to 15 years, depending upon Ue sire. Forces constastiy exerted on the filings by chewing and grinding cause Usen to wear down. - Leakage: Fillingu nay tsars 10 Irak around Ueir edgea due to wear and trauma. Often leakage on Ue iing surface of a erown goeu unnoticed by patienta. 'Thmn uiiown bacteria a ready acens to tise deeper arasa of tise boUs. Once Ue bacteria are inide Ue tooUs or crown, Uey cannoi be renoved. and decay nay begin rapidly again.Worst of al. Ushis damnage in often unseen and Uere may bc n ympons unsi Ue decay bau reached Use nerse (pulp> of tise tond. * Recsrring decay: Inreaucli exponure to die elementu Uai caused Ue orig- inal casiîy nake is possible to ges asother cavity in Ue sie tooneareg s original filling. Ifsa tonUs is not kep cdean, decay canstuais ceai Ue edge of Ue filling or ie another site os Ue sood. Esen ifsa oUs han a crown cover- ing i, decay c stil sat as Ue edges where it teta on Ue tond, if is is nt( kept dlean. As nentioned before, if decay is eft untrealed, it ran esensually insade Ue nerse of Ue tooti, causisg an abseesu, which leadu 10 rm canal or extraction. - Cracka: A greas deal of force in placed on ynur sceUs esery day. Tise sscr- age humas bises wids seserl hundred pounds of pressure per square inchs. TIis biting pressure can reault in tiny cracks in tise tonds. Osewing on sery baud subtances, sucis as ice or nta, can crack a tondsh or flling. Often. your dentist cas teli wben dest cracku hase undeemined asotiser portion of Ue tonds or genneton deep. B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADMV. Counselling & Psychotherapy Individuals, Couples, Children & Families 11084, 5th Line, Milton, Ontario (905) 854-0801 1 Elyfl4 P:Wlsat la tihe diffrence between a hypnotlst who entertains peo- ie and what you do? A.:Ssage hypnotists use the fact that people, who are wiling, cai be put into a trance-like stase, in order to make them do things that wili be funny and entertaining to te audience. These people are not randomnly picked from Ue audience, but rather. they are people who volunteer. They are aready prepared to do Ue thingu that they know will be aaked of them. From the initial group. the stage hypnotist will further select, by asking quetions and by use of light trances, to see who is more receptive to going into deeper trances and who is more willing to do Ue increasingly unusual stunts. These are frequently the same peuple who do funny thingor who loosen up aos when they have had a minimal amount to drink in a bar or at a party. What t do is use the same trance stase to accomplish the behavinural changes that the client desires. This state can be deepened as necessary. This can be 50 use hypnosis for pain management with chronic pain or in birthing, stress relief, to quit smoking or for weigt loss. Is can also be used for relieving fears or phobias such as fear of flying, snakes, or public speaking. The range of uses for hypnosis is unlimited and varied. The client is always in control and can choose 50 come out of trance as any ime. Being under hypnosis is much like the stase you go into natu- rally when lost in thought or just about 50 faîl asleep. 1 have used hypnosis widely and invariably, the client enjoys the expersence and is surprised as bow comfortable a stase it is. Some Uings require a number of sessions but many ftnd Uas they are reieved of the discomfort in just one or two sessions. Sessions are generally one ansd a haîf su swo hours long. Even skeptics, as long as tbey are willing su try the process, have Use same resulta. If you are interested, or would lite so find out if hyp- nosis could hetp in your situation, I would be pteased to speak o you. Elaj'ne Tanner os a Certfied member of he College of Profeuional Social Workers, wùth many years of profesional expenience in individau4 faily & marital counselling. Her office s locaed in Milon in a privaie rural eling miaules from thse dwnown area. Further questions welcome - caîl (905) 854-0801 Confldent!Oitv auaranteed. Pd ~ 905693-594Maxîne Stanley "PoiigaNatural Way to Beurer oelt nd Wellness " Q:My doc:or tol<I ne 1sams nterlng thse Initial stages ofbo would lik. to try somethlng naturel. Are tiser. any herbai sup- plements I can try? A: What you are actuaiiy expeniencing la perimenopause, the grad- ual perlod of change leading lto menopause. Perimeesopause affecta a woman's hormones, body and feelings. Typical symptoma include hot flashes, night sweats, itching/crawllng alUn, insomnia and litabillty ta name but a few. There are several naturel treat- nents you cao use un reduna tmse unpleaaant symptoms. Black coisoshis las cinicaliy proven herb used to relleve hot flash- es, insomnie and inltabillty. The bet esudence cornes froin a double-bllnd study tisat follawed 80 women for ai 2-weelc perlod, companing the benefits of black cosoas, conugated estrogens and placebo. It found tisat black coisosis was actually more effective tisas estragon ln rellevlng these symptor m abieNturel Heefth Bible by Steve Bratmnan). Dong quai la famed in Chnese medicine for fts afflnlty for tise female constitution. Trhia moot contains ranaoturai plant estrogens and la an effective antidate for anxdety, depresalon and nervouanesa Sons. studies suggest tisat dong quai may not be iselpful ln treeting perlmenopausal symptorns eisen used aione. Tiserefore, fts best ta use dong qua] ln conibloation wtis otiser herbai suppleymts. Soy leoflavones are estrogen-lIk, wate-ioluble conipounds found i many planta. Ifs belleved tisat aoy prolein, presunsably due to Nea Isaflavone content, wlN relleve hsot flashes. One double-bllnd etudyof1104 women found thsat ~ tese weels af taidng a daily dose of aoy proteln, 26% isad fevwer hot flashes. By week 12, tise reduction was 45%. He"ba Magie has an extensive lin.of herbai supplements tisat can id ln reduclng tise syniptoma 0of pedoienpus. Drop iand as wlat we canoaffer you today. Maxhe Stausleyhma B A. h leS owaidesan.&&W. ln Socia WWeetUn ehma w*efd widuseHe*aleloproyn for ower s&W, aid la a t&a%"ednubfUond cooaaeeder. S3UN TAN ErUIO 437 Main St., Milton DebrJob905875-4010 B.S., C.DA, P.D..L Li I1 Q: Is it safe to tan more than twice a week? A:you may think that if you can maintain a tan by tan- ning twice a week for 25 minutes, you will bec9me even darker if you tan 5 times a week for 45 minutes. However, too much exposure may actually result in a less satisfactory tan, because the more you tan the thick- er the top layer of your skin becomes, making it more difficult for UV light to stimulate melanin production. Your skin can only reach a certain degree of darkness, and overdoing it may damage the skin and increase the chance of premature aging. Two or three sessions a week is enough to maintain a tan. Remember, a haîf hour session is like a full day of sunshine t the beach. The goggles that you wear while tanning are very important even though they seem like a nuisance. Your eyelids alone offer no protection against ultraviolet ight, which can damage the cornea and retina and ead to cataracts. Not using proper eye protection may also result in short term effects such as tired, itchy eyes, headaches and Ioss of night vision. Remember! Fabutan is committed to giving you the best tan, tanning products and service availabie any- where. If you have any questions or concerns about tanning, please ask me & Id be more than happy to hep Make Sure to Ask ... t's our Healthi. I HLTON H1LLS SPEECH CENTRE 328 Guelph Street Georgetown (905) 873-8400 Q: My child loves to play on the computer. Are there any software programns available to improve reading skills? A: Learning to read should be fun for kids and most kids love to play with the computer! Whether they are just beginners or having difficulty with reading, these programns are filled with lively ani- mation that will reward your child's success and belp build confidence! Popular programs include: e Baiey's Bookhouse (Mac/WinlDos). Activities are designed to develop emerging literacy skills such as namnes and sounds of let- ters, rbyming, early writing and story making. For Pre-K to Grade 2. e*Stanaley 's Sticker Stories (Mac/Win). Helps kids strengtlsen read- ing and wrting skills, improve spelling and build creativity as they make their won animated storybooks. For Pre-K to Grade 2. e Word Munchers Deluxe (Mac/Win). Helps build confidence using consonants, vowels, adjectives, adverbs, synonyms and antonyms. Focuses on development of phonics, reading skilîs, grammar and vocabulary. For ages 6-1l years. For information on other computer software programns which can help your child develop reading and language skills, contact your school or local Speech-Language Patliologist. As well, the Halton Hilîs Speech Centre offers you the opportunity to "lry out" tlseir software in order to determine if it contains the necessary tasks. Cali thse Centre at 905-873-840 for more information. £ilh Main & OtroSt. nutrition house693-8942 Q :î love the sun. How can I reduce the damage to my skin? A. Summer means an increase of outdoor activities. While this has many health benefits, you will nced to take some precautions. First, drink watcr, lots of water. Dehydration'has occurred once you feel thirsty. Don't forget the kids and pets. We need 15 minutes of suni on our unprotected face and arms threc times a weck to produce vitamin D. The rest of the time, exercise suni care including: protective clothing, wide brim hats, sunscreen, and avoiding the noon sun. There are aises internaI prrtectnrs. Sun exposure can dam- age celîs. These celîs are called free radicals. They cause a number of problems including cancer. Antioxidants combat these free radicals and limit the damnage. Antioxidants should be taken not juat in response to an existing condition, but as a preventative medicine. Common antioxidants are vitamnins A, C, E, the mineraI selenium, grape seed extract, pycnogenol, and CoQI10. These antioxidanîs are usually found in pilI form, some are also in a cream form. Taking the puIs regularly is a preventative measure before, during and after suni exposure. The cream is an added boost after sun exposure. Summer is a great time to increase our activity levels and enjoy the outdoors. Lt's do it safely. Nutrition House la a "lPillar of Health" of the Canadian Coîlege of Naturopafici Medicine. With over 66 stores across Canada and growing... à le Ato-