4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 8, 2001 F Quick Lube Service We use Quaker State Oit and Fram 0Oïl Filters GET ON TRACK have your 2 & 4 wheel ___PO- alignment checked by our LA icensed technicians. & earFclt * nwtoade Sodas1- z«w 'Furniture store customers testify they di*dn't get items By FANNIE SUNSHINE and RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion A Campbellville man faced five former customers in a Milton courtroom this week as they recounted their dealings at the Village Pine Shoppe. Charles Currie, 43, is charged with 17 counts of fraud under $5.000 and one count of fraud over $5,000 in connection with fumniture ordered from tise Campbeliville store. On Monday, Milton resident Heather Spann testified during examination by Crown attomney Andrew Goodman in Ontario Court (provincial division) that in the fall of 1998 she paid $1,984 for a bedroomn set. ise fumniture was to be delivered within two weeks but sise neyer received it, sise said. Wisen the fumiture didn't arrive, she and her husband went to the store to investigate. She testified that the two were told by Mr. Currie, with whom they had deait with during the order, that the fur- niture wasn't ready and more time would be needed. "We went home and we waited and we neyer got our fumiture," Ms Spann said. 'I got ail sorts of excuses as to why we couldn't have it." After months of waiting for the furniture, the Spanns sent a letter to Oriena Currie (Charles' mother), indicating they would take the mat- ter up in SmaiI Claims Court. Before judgment was reached in SmalI Claims Court, Mr. Cumre agreed to repay the money in ques- tion, but neyer did so, Ms Spann told the court. Defense attomney Anthony Bryant questioned Ms Spann as to why she sent the letter to Oriena Cumre rather than Charles Cumre. Ms Spann indicated that through some research she believed Oriena was the business owner. Mr. Bryant also pointed out tise 'fine print' on the fumniture invoice stating that the shop doesn't accept responsibility for manufacturer delays. Ms Spann said she hadn't read that portion of thse invoice. Justice i.D. Takacis also heard from Jennifer Goodnough Monday, who said she too paid up front for a bedroom set she didn't receive. The set, valued at $3,600, was ordered in April, 1999 and was to be delivered within 10 weeks. The fumiture neyer materialized, she said. Mr. Bryant questioned Ms Goodnough thse following day regarding the wording on the invoice she received from thse pur- chase. It doesn't say thse full amount wilI be refuinded if (tise fumiture) isn't delivered in six, eight, 10 weeks, two years?" a*see on page 19 CORE SOLUTIONS WiII fix, troubleshoot, upgrade and enhance your home computer. Any PC problem in NO PROBLEM! Having Internet problems? Need computers in the home networked together? Maybe your computer just needs a tune-up. Any PC, any operating system. Low rates, free estimates and house cails! Over 7+ years in the inclustry. MVCSE certified. CAL (95-334I166O EML ,CORE5UTON YPAIOC o eMILTON ONaLINE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Town of Milton is currently accepting resumes for the positions isted below. Please indicate the position applying for. Refer to our website at www.town.milton.ca for further details. Health and Safety Officer Payroll Clerk Admninistrative Assistant - Committee Il Resumes may be sent to'Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ont. L9T 5H2. Attn: Coordinator, Human Resources or by fax to (905) 878-423 1. We thank ail applicantis for applying however only those selecte'd for an interview will be contacted. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Due to a delay in the mailing of thse TAX BILLS for the 2001 final tax instali- ments, the due date wiIl now be July 3lIst and September 28th. Bis wiii be mailed out thse first week of July. --- -- - --- - --- - -- -- - --- -- --- -- ---- - - - - - - - r e v . IIliili Quit Smoàng he Canadian Cancer Socety knows Most peope canti just Say, I'rnsrnto quit smokin now' then quit frgoM. But Our smokng cesstion progr- OneS29 at alle - Caheip chang e hway you thin about your smoking and provide you wittools to create tÈebest way for you to quit. ITetÈfirst step io beconiing suroke- free. Cii youo local office of th Canadian Cancer Socieyorthe Societystoll-free Cancer Information Service, 1-888-939-3333, for your free copy of one stc ai a rue. Also available online at mancnc$b«c w-m c w m fR