26-The Canadiai Game Highlights an Champion, Fniday, Juna 8, 2001 ÏCompetitive & <4 ~ le Re evr O Brlan's Auto e Southview Dental Cllnic 4 Kodiak Power Equlp 4 Linico Industries shots were beîng blocked wîth ease. Durîng cm____the second hait, Domino's Pizza scored~ ' ealy, but New Mechanical didn't give Up 2 and ted it et 2. Wlh ltte ime ef1 in te Miton 0 game, Dominos Pizza came out on top and Erin Mille Good use of the filtd from Venter Insurance An esciting game wilh two persistent Il was a close iret game ot the season. -. . 'The first game ot the seeson for Mîtons proves too mucit for a short-itanded Home leams. With outstanding forwards Bot eams played very weli and consider- Under 10 Boys Rep team was a heart- Cinema squad. Goals were acored by Ariel Johnalhan Camick and John Russell ot ing the weather, we are glad to report Ihat Loblaws7 breaker. Ethan OConnor scored Multons Sereda (2), Breanne Kluge (2), Katie Kuge Brians Auto holding back the other team, nobody drowned. Kodiak piayed an excel- S poks 'n Slopes5 only goal. Having conlrolaed te game for (1) and Krista Dermott (3). Goaikeepers David Burchett scored thte first goal for lent game with atelier performances Botit teama played a strong geme. Goalies te majorily of te lime, Erns Mils wereeable were Brooke Harlwark and Alexandra Brians Auto. Wit good defense by belwees te posta by Meagan Johnston for Lobiaws were Adam Daibello and 10 slip in two quick goals 10 wmn the game. Pinheiro for Home Cinema and Miciteela Soutitviewas Brandon Lowry and Michael and Nancy Webb. tinico aiso itad strong Nicitola flelemans with goals scored by Tite Milton squed piayed itard for te entire Bailey and Makayia Tosit for Vanter. Furtong. Gregory Brooks was able to keep goal tending from Michele Parcels and Tyler Sieben (3), David Harînga (2) game Il sitould be a gresat season for these Speciai mention goes to Julia Soderitoim out any more goals. Thte second hal f ite Brooke Waller. Kara Boomhouwer played e Nicholas Tielemans (1), Josituabos for great passing. Great effort from Lindsay game waa non-stop strong pay. Lucas strong offensive game for tisico wit excel- Hoizachuiter (1). Goalie for Spokes 'n McEwes, Alexandra Seliors and Brook Fraser of Brians Auto scored, foiiowed by lent volleys. ReeAnne Cushnie scored te Siopea was Lee Derrick wit goals scored Kitchenbr 2 Hartwiclr. anolter goal by David Burcitett. Alilof lwo markers for Kodiak, ably assisted by by Jeremy Brown (2), Steven Gazzoia (2) Milton 1 James Thomas' hard work peid off with a taura Wilson and Erika Minkitorat. and Eric Taylor (1). Tt eodgm î iesao tre Paintech 0 got esalfruviw. Titisrecod wind by o's1 oba 4 with heroics by Milton Magics gosikeeper MlcroLlnk bo1taasw3mr ol frTmHro' olw Spencer Kopera, who stopped a penalty Soutview, one by Jay Glinny and two by proj.ct Automnation 3 Dotnlno's Pizza 3 kickin te earty minutes of te game. Mid Due 10 lite rin te game was calied eit hall Gregory Brooks. Josit White in goal for athogtefisha.Ktcnrgtte ime. However, thte girls played a tremen- Brians Auto was fabulous with many acro- An excellent outing by bot teama proved Good game on botides witt lots of longw irtougl, lteMakfirlsohal, K itcer got t doua hait and kudos 10 Item for braving te batic moves. Matlhew Tidy-Russell made taIlite girls are back and ready to pisy! balla from bot defenses. A different lina up minraesgoa butrM ilon Tequamied jua wealher, te dandelions, and te puddles! te tying goal for Brians Auto. Geoffery Afler shaking off those firsI game jiters, in front for toblaws proved a firaI strike by back and forth with no furter scoring until 5 Absolutely awesome saves in net for Pnice 0f Southview heid off any more goals, Tim Hortons ran fuit steant ahead wit soid Nicitolas Tiielemans. Gerry Giddens fougitl miniutes from fuiltimne when Kitchener Painlecit, whitie Jullienne Posavad scored for bot tams 10 finish wit a greal start 10 perormances n goal by Courtney FiaIt anid hard agaînst Joshua Holzschuher but a scored agaîn. lte oniy goal 0f te shortened game for te season. Gabriele Deans. Thte irsl haIt ended Vith motivaled tobtaws team pushed ahead for Microlink. Thte garne will be repiayed and il looks like te match-up wil bas good one. Tim Horons up by one witt a goal by Emily a second goal by Joshua. Andraw Bayton Boys Under 13 ?lmU Zaku Pharmacy5 Warzonek. Forwarda Chirstine put one inte lest minute inlte first itaif, Rainbow Group 0 Lindsay McLaren Remax 3 Brennenstuhi and Toni Teilemans neyer but inte second haif Grahamt Sharpe Milton 2 Miltn Do~ Jep O ls sccarseasn an wta a geat tarlforgave up, and strong datasse work by deniad Dominos Pizza while in net. Bntoi2 Milto Dode Jep 0 t's occe seaon ad wht a reatstar forShannon Croit and olante Chartes kepl liteBrnfd2 Thte game waa a wild and wel affair. Att Zaks Pitarmacy. Malt FraI tarled te score ow. Proect Automation answered it Thte boys under 13 rep teant played itoat 10 players played eslremeiy watt. Witat a fta beh crnglt2 rdaiêi goals. likToso ant e second itaîf witit amazing goals by 'G rs U d r1 Brantford and bot teams gave il titeir aIl. wonderful way 10 tart off tae season. ak eis oys iogith ey i ad litgae. inFona Sinanan, tauren Grant and Brooka îtnCutn yses o Ban Clifford acored once from a iteader, Speciat mention 10 lite goal keepers for te bag, but te second itaif proved mucit Harper. Goalies Amenda Bowers and Bapo l5Aisrs e witila Justin Clouden acored a spectacular bot teams, as titey did not alow any goals. more citallenging for Zakas. With Ramas Georgi Baker accompiisited thit ask for Bapo I i-tr goal front long range. Brantford drew levai pouring on tae team; titey camne back with Proect Automation. Nolewortty efforts in Thte irst game of te season aaw te wîit wo goals of titeir own. Peter Hodge Transport O just 1 goal away from a lie. Goal scorers midfield by taura Stratton and on datasse Brampon At-stars in fine form ater a wis- Rainbow Group 3 ware Kyle Furik, Kan Herrmann and Drew by Vanessa Ouelielte and Aies er of practice. Thea Miton squad had jutairl n e Agreat effort payad by PH Transport, but Brown. But Zaks wasnlt finisited. An excel- McCutctteon kept te game interasling. rampvedten 6 iton O NlTengdmre rîed Mîton by no means easy due 10 lite awesome Venrosftum, to0 hast tite goalie Bot teama ba said. Heatitar Rollwagen coachad tate i goaltending by Krystal Kennedy for te gave il litera ail, but site end tae Zak Project Automation 4 laam and Ittey playad watt for a first outing.Wtro0 Raisbow Group. Goalies, Krystal Power attack was no match for Rentss. Nassagaweya Veit Lab 0Ontersao pneteMlo il and Sars Voisin of PH Transport tried teirThsw aelpaydgmwt xcin Milton Cutting Systema 2 Undttar 14sesos opeer li te toirls hast but couldnlt stop te 3 winnisg goals Makstsel 5 rushes and good goaltesding by bot Brampton 1 n aeu itsvctr olwn ol by Eyse Gerbutt and Brienna Fitzsimmons adcm pwt itr ôlvn ol (2). Speoi mention 10 Jennifer Trento and Milton Heights Acadamy 1 laams. taures Prisniak pisyed asstrosg Thete lam itad tusn ite rais. Natalia by Tammy Merritl, Asiey Robinson, and Taytr Msclw fo soe geetpasss ad Tte ounn ras ddntstopMaktee trmeain goal for Nssaaweya and tursad MacMillesnitad a fairty reiad sigitî as tae Tara Esglas. Alsyns Bymes-Frizzaii got 1 kicks. coming os strong. Jonathan Ridîsg mesi- aa aystt.Tls iepu Milton team dominsled tae play. Wa ted a show itar asceptionel spead osntae rigitt age topul ahattrik fr akseel wt aure Frank piayad vary watt for tard ima scorisg but came awsy witt a 1- wisg os a sumbar of occasions. Valarie Vanler Insurance 5 agred 10ull inaneltrik frMSafeeawii Nassagaweya. Thte Projact Automation goal victory. Stani Niadzielski got bot Burke worked itard on ltae torwerd lise. Paintc 0 uGreg Monin adene w c arififorc offence of Fions Sinanan and Monique goals wit assista 10, Michtelle Merritt. Nikki Etaine Robinson, Shtannon Joitnston and Paintech o ptl oseign ites 10m ailfianforizos piayad tard and combined 4 goals Gazole wes a solid player in midfietd. Tammy Mamritcontrolaed tae midfIeld effec- Il as an esciting game filad mitit great Makela.- Crtig norc.drmWiedimsonytotal aitit Fions gatting ae tltrick. Great lob tivaly for tae homne lam. Playing rock soiid passisg and greal goatandisg. Great gameandioleutNitholu ec. Ada ikia by Brooke Harper as sweepar, and ise Milton Cutting Systems 1 aggresaiva datasse were Ailey Kurgen, playad by Terra Venerus-Pya and Meagitan gamnndeol tNcho astlayed a rtet orti by Jaitan Husain. Erin Jessica Reilmas, Julie lentorno, tindaey Moniz for Vanter and Jessica Spiars and excellent dafensiva ptsying by Forrast1 Furik, and Sera Mancini (great corser JannterStrnk or aiseci. Gol soras PttesonandToddMasai taed lim- 'Tiis mas our irsltnrp 1 Erns, traditionaliy a kicks!) Cassandra Bergammer.asmad ltae me nrSta akfrintec),oBleenna Kiug a (2)sala anydTols on set. lpDasel-'oylner1 ougi telam t10hast.Witt 17 playara, we aitutout making ose greel save diving 10w ande Krari uge(), Pan le()nlcsK aiinte manws sonnlte.nDganil rDmiowizamre able 10 play tard 10 lita end. Wa 10lita rigitlon tae ose scoring opportusily ia a madKlum) aou thstandting Lto HaitscodmytGhe olyga forNDomMeosaizal 2 acievad aslia and damosstrated good bail Waterloo geneated. Thea Milton Optimist Sys. mditmru ustnigMlonHihsAcdm.Get ae e ecaia andlisg skiiis. MeaesKay scorad our lose girls mare firsl 10 most loose halls and put plays.Bath teams playad s vary sîrong gae. goal. Thte ErnS strikars lasted Natalie togetitar some esciting altackîng pisys. Nem Mectanicai scored tair first goal eaady MacMilles consatly sn set. Il wasa eaes Milton reied on teir passing game and tae Ateto GirlzssBorn Tho00Yar elbato eamstllha at(05 7 -7 . b e - O sne11th n te first haif, however the slrong offen- effort. sive ide of Dominos Pizza wasn't too tar beitind, who shorly ater, tied the gamne at 1-1. Both teama itad great goatres, thte Game Reports are published in Footnotes in the Canadian Champion every Friday throughout the season. Home team coaches; remember to get details from visitor's team immediately after every game. Some write-ups may be edited due to space constriants. Send your game write-ups to m yscfootnotes@stn.net or deliver them to 599 Vanier Drive by Friday of each week. bail. Great starti Keap up te good work! Soccer Appreciafioni Daly (Formely Tournament Day) Tomorrow Sat. June 9th Check your schedule for your team's game time. Have funf!! ~ ~. ___ith Dawni WiIhams., Week of May 2nd-Maiy 3lst Home Cineme Vanler Insurance Une 10 *- asm jBoys Under 11 IGirls Under 13 IGirls Under 11 1 (go5) 875-*07.2. Êeatie lit, /Ail 1%