20-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 8, 2001 M HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Campbellville Settiement Area . Groundwater Investigation WEBLE LION'S COMMUNITY CENTRE GUELPH LINE (South of railway tracks ini Campbelllle on the weut ide) WHEN:I Thursday, June 14,2001 lME: 7:00 to 9:00 PM (Presentation at 7:30) The Region of Halton and the Town of Milton are ini the process of fmnalizing an investigation on the groundwater resources witbin the Hamiet of Campbellville and ita surroundings. Members of the public are invited te attend the final public meeting where our consultant will present tihe findings of the study and discusUhc implications for thse Hailet of Campbellville. Haton Region Healtis Department staff will also be in attendance providing informnation and advice about well water quality. For additlonal Information lease contact: Mr. Dave Ketcheson Envirommental Englacer Azmuth Envfronmentai Consulting 111 Saunders Road, Unait 2 Barrie, ON L4M 6E7 Phone: 705-72148451 Fax: 705-721-8926 E-mail: aximuth<glinks-loo.on.c Mr. Steve Holyah Hydrogeologist Repionai Munieipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 3LI Phone: 905-825-6161 Ext. 7134 Toll Free: 1-866-4HALTON (14*66442-5866) Fax: 905-825-8822 e-mail: hovhs(DrÊeion.hàJton.on.c8 "www.region.halton.on.ca I IT N Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ~'Esyrider Eight-year-old Casi. heada out on the trial aboard Peachea with help tram Big Siater Judith Roua. durlng Big Siatera of North Halton's annual trial ride Sunday at The Ranch. THERE MAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO OWN A JOHN Looking for a reasor o t buy the John Deere of your droams? WeIl, here it is ... during Deere Season 2001 you can4takeoff with a John Deere you've always wanted. John Deere is offering a special 2 % RNANCING* on select Lawn and Garden Equipment. So stop by your local John Deere dealer today. DEERE LT133 Lawn Tractor " 13-hp angine " 38-inch mowing deck " 5-speed shift-on-the-go transmission U(255 Lmv Truster . 15-hp engine "42-inch converible mowing decti "Aonomaic tranonistoon ONLY $4,959 ÎÎ1255 Lm n d rè rdu ter .18-hp engins *48-incti convertible mowng deck *Automatic transmission ONLY$6799 G)L y)90 335 La m WliucTruter - 20-hp engine " 54-loch convertible mowving deck " Atomatic transnmssion ONLY$9329 wvww.JohnDeere.com NOTHIG RU S LIE A EERE Milton HALTON GROUNDS CARE EQUIPMENT 1589 Steeles Avenue s 905-878-8121 *vi.,,4vSin'S'~*S" ,n..,vi,&noiFm ..,.,. .i«3,,bn,ý . .,... 1 . m,qh , ,. "W, d ,d -y ism ,,.,. . . 1 S i n ir.S, , . ,,f , d- ,I S .oSS,,i,,,,in,0,ii ., .n...în.oinn .n, .. I M o mImm D033,D"297 1