16-The Canadien Champion, Friday, June 8, 2001 Be sure to -Retirement Party is planned for popular former newstwoc, music department head at Milton High School Patents and Students ol retîring loillnet Milton District High Schooi music depart- ment head Laurie Walker have arranged an evening te, celebrate his gift of music Nlonday ait Georgeton iAi aise Ct di i. "Mr. Walker- as he's known to thou- sands of students, is hanging up his baton after 33 years of teaching music. years have been Stewarttown Middle Georgetown, where he taught music to thousands of grade 6, 7 and 8 students. Over the past eight years, he has, Laurie Walker with assistance from other teachers and volunteers, conducted the choir, the concert band, the jazz band and produced fabulous concerts. Mr. Walker started playing piano at age 3 and began to play professionally st age 16. He continued his studies, majoring in piano and received a bachelor of music Aller teaching ai several schools in Toronto and Peel boards, he became head of the music department at then Milton High School for tive years (1974-79). He came to Stewarttown in the tail of 1993. "It is has been the most wonderful place to end a career," said Mr. Walker. -The par- ent and community support is fantastic and the kids are so talented." AIl students, past and present, parents and friends of Mr. Walker are invited to attend the celebration. An informaI series of musical presenta- tions by the Stewarttown jazz band, choir and former students wiII be foilowed by refreshments and a chance to offer person- aI congratulations to Mr. Waiker. Decorest: The utmost in quaiify & design. j Many roll tops, flat tcr Piatinum coul seating for comfort & durabiiity. file cabinets &c Let us help you choose your custom fabric. 1 ail your home -~ GUELPH LINE, CAMIPBELLVILLE M. (905854-0649 op desks, book cases, office chairs for se office needs = ý.r NISV ID O IDOKF'RNT E CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPHY 905-332-7912 " The Childrens Specialist " From Newborn to Aduit " Props & Costumes Provided " Specializing in Handpainted Black & White Photgraphy 2201 BRANT STREET, BURLINGTON Lakevîew FORN & KENS t8c pon'rV9 M i~ Out, on Our G reaVe E53UMMER E3ALE Book by June 22nd101 & we PAY the GST! It's Worth the Drive to Acton! 85331190 130 MILL ST. E. 85334577 *NEW STORE HOURS* Mon. - Wed. 9 arn -6 pm, Thurs. & Fr1. 9 arn -8 pm and Sat. 9 arn -5 prn a week in The Champion. ........................... ------------------- C. 1 1 1 ýl