The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 8, 2001-15 Donations soUght for- summer camp program Funds to help chi/dren overcome obstacles For Ricky, it meant overcoming his fear of the water and teamning to trust the aduit who taught hlm how to, swim. For Rebecca, it meant being able to say, "You guys are the best friends 've ever had." It aiso meant heading back to school in the fait with greater seif-esteem. For the past 10 years, the Chiidren's Aid Foundation of Haiton has sponsored a summer camp program for the chiidren in the care of the Haton Chiidren's Aid Society. The goal of the camp program is to give each child an enjoyabte summer and atiow PUBLIC MEETING Notice of a Public Meeting 401 CORRIDOR INTEGRATED PLANNING PROJECT TEMPORARY USE BYLAW DEVELOPMENT "D" ZONE Council for the Town of Halton His wil conduct a Public Meeting ta examine and discuso a proposea temporery Zoning by-law Amendment for the 401 Coridor Secondary Plan Area. Town Council adopfed the 401 Corridor tntegrated Planning Project ix March 2000 which inctodex a Secondary Plan ex wel as Urfan Design Gudeines, Scoped Subwaferohed Study, and tmptementing Officiai Plan Amendment. On Juxe 19, 2000, tfhe Town passed Zoning by-law 00-076. Thix by-Law placed the lands xubject ta O.PA. #94 lto a "evlopmet (D) Zone" for a one year period pending the completion of a comprehensive Zonixg by-law for the 401 Corridor. Subxequently, the Town pasxed Zoning by-law 00- 138 for the 401 Corridor on October 23, 2000. This by-Law has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Uxfil the 0MB milen on the appealo, if ix proposed t hat a Temporary Use by-law be paxoed f0 rcognize the fofure developmenf of fhe lands, however, in the interim, if only permits usex by a public authorify and uses legatly existing af the date of passing of the by-taw. The purpose of the public meeting ix f0 provide more information regarding the by-law f0 zone the amea as Devetopmenf "0" Zone. Planning staff witI proide additionat information af the Public Meeting. The public s invieri f0 attend the meeting f0 asic questions and provide coniments. If a perso<t or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the approveri aufhority ries nof make oral submissionx af the Public Meeting, or make wriffen submissions before a decision. the Ontario Municipal Board may dismisa the appea. Further information ix availabte in the Planning eparfmenf. ALL INTERESTED CMZENS ARE WELCOME DATE/TME: Tuesday, June 19,2001, 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Council Chiambers, Civlc Centre àFILE NO: D08401 Secondary Plan 11 îlieni to ealiite solDe of lthe lp[)lfless fiosI of us take for granted. Govemment funding doesn't exist to cover the cost to send a chitd to camp and ix only possible with donations. The cost to send a chiid to camp ix $50 per day or $250 per week. Any donation witl be accepted with sin- cere thanks. Send donations (tax receipts wilt be issued) to: The Chitdren's Aid Foundation of Halton, 5045 South Service Rd.. Burlington, Ont., L7L 6M9. For more information, cai (905) 333- 4441 ext. 214. Got a hot scoop? We'd love to hear your story ideas. Gali the newsroom at 878-234 1, ext. 234. Feel You Don't Have Control 0f Your Investment Portfolio? There ARE Alternatives to Mutual Fund Investing. Are You Ready To Learn? Cali: Rob Rubino 876-3466 M2R13C DOMINION SECURITIES , A Freesesminar Water Gardenlng Saturday June 9 9 am andl11 arnm___________________ [Il a-e M] l i :lla s s li i lss HWVY 05 383 Dundas St E. CO N N O N Just esue ofWubrIown Fax: 19051 689-3554 NURSERIES Tel.: C. B. VANDERKRUK HOLDINGS LTD. Mon. ta Fr!. 8 am to 9 pm Saturday 8aam to5prn vWWW.coflfof.C8Closeri Sunrisys Literacy North Halton has been in your community for 15 years! Heip us celebrate with a party featuring entertainment by Women of Note. Mon. June 18, 2001 Milton For detaits cati 905-873-2200. 19 Hwy. SM OSE 403 PLAM ROL Àv FAINWMW ST. 1