'Growth is coming; people Fî must accept i*t:l Reynolds O The Canadien Champion, Tuesday June 5, 2001--5 I~ ~ ~~~~~i A1~L1~]V Ii ~Yf ~Ij D By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion. Milton residents must accept growth and take the necessary steps to prepare for it. That's the message Jennifer Reynolds, the Town's director of community services, tried to get across when she spoke to audi- ences at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre and the Chamber of Commerce Mayor's Breakfast last week. "I'm aware some of you arc sup- portive of the growth and some want it to stay the same," Ms Reynolds told the small group of older aduits at the seniors' centre Wednesday. "Milton will grow." Planning for the community growth doesn't just include roads but new people as well, she said. "We're expecting 3,300 new people per year. The Çrst occupants (of Mattamy Homes) arrived in April." A new urban development site is being looked at near Britannia and Tremaine roads as well as a new arterial road between Derry and Britannia roads. One seniors' centre member expressed concemn regarding traffic flow in the area. 111 don't think the transportation problem will go away quickly," Ms Reynolds answered. Charts of expansion areas \vere shown tw groups. vicinity of Jenniter Reynolds the expan- sion development will be bounded by Main Street to the north, Britannia Road to the south, Sixth Line to the east and Deny Road to the west and will be completed in a phased-in manner. "We're also, in the process of a transit review," Ms Reynolds said. "Milton's very formuate to have two buses for a town of this size. As the community grows, (the transportation) system will grow." The reconstructing of Main Street between Thompson Road and James Snow Parkway and the widening of Main Street into four lanes past Bishop Reding Secondary School is scheduled for this year, she said. A facility study is expected to begin sometime in June to look at expanding town hall and the library. The development of an arts and cultural centre is also part of the study. -They'll either ail be (joined) together or they'll ail be separate," Ms Reynolds said. "We're doing an arena study for a twin pad arena and we're looking (to develop) an animal shelter." The plans to build an arts and cultural centre is scheduled to begin in 2005, she added. "We desperately need a bowling alley," said an audience member during the presentation at the sen- iors' centre. "(New people) will have a culture shock when they discover we don't have any facili- ties." Ms Reynolds said a bowling alley is also a high priority for youth according to the Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee study but stressed it's not the Town's responsibility to build a bowling alley. It's up to the private companies. What we as a Town can do is pro- vide the suggestions to build cer- tain facilities. The Town is only one of several partners involved." As individuals the Town is trying to embrace change and must try to welcome new community mem- bers, she said. "People who will live way out there (south Milton) won't know what the Mili Pond is," Ms Reynolds said. "We need to reach e see MAYOR on page 19 Virginia Cyr ALTUS COOLGLIDE LASER getting great resuits. *Fast & Affordable # Safe & Effective Can treat ALL skin types (Fair, Olive, Tanned of Black skin) Registered Dermal Therapisi 550 Ontario St. S. Unit 16, 905 876-1711 SALES HOIJRS SERVibE HOURS C~N m .mu Mon-Thurs .....am-SprS Mon.-Fn 5a..... m E VR LEMM mMMDMO MMILEB B a jFday...... Ba6pr Tue........ ýZ pr o i ' u o Saturday..... 9am- 5p'm Saturday ..... nm 2pmn HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON liqLýýO 2M ý-"LU0M'