The Çanaçian Ch mwonTumbyJune 5 2001-21 vý,Senior Royals ousted nemeda Mvrcskk by provincial champs off year in fearsome fashion By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion WeIl, at Ieast they were put aut by the best. Bishop Reding's senior boys- soccer squad had tisat ta dling ta foliowing a round robin exit at tise OFSAA 'AAA' cisampionsisips this past weekend in Hamilton. A 3-i Friday morning loss ta Woodbridge's Holy Cross knocked tise Haton/GHAC winners out of tise i6-team taumnament. Haly Cross went on ta complete its ciampiansiipjoumney witis tiree mare vie- tories, including a 3-2 decisian over St. Augustine's in tise finals Saturday. Sa tise Rayais were able ta take some salace in tise fact that it took tise pravince's top team ta eliminate them. Offering just as mucis consolation was a round two triumph over third ranked Resurrection Thursday aftemoon. Retuming from a minar ankle injury in game one against Taronto's St. Michaei's, Onel Martino delivered is finest iigh scisool showing ever against Resurrection. He exploded far four goals and punctuated bis scaring clinie by depositing a penalty shot game-winner with just a minute remaining ta toppie tise Kitchener-based scisool 5-4. Coach amazed Agreed co-coacis Gord McCaries, "Oniel had tise game of is life. Tisey (Resurrectian) were double-teamring him tise wisole time mnd ie was stili absalutely daminating." Kyle Grant netted goal number one in the victory, which followed a disappoint- ing 2-1 defeat attise hands of St. Michael's T7hursday maming. Tise Rayais had half-a-dozen key scoring chances in tise opening haîf but managed ta capitalize on only one - a goal-mautis scramble into tise bottom right corner by Chris Casa. Tisose missed opportunities plus Martino's ill-timed ankle injury - wiicis sideiined iim for most of tise second iaif - carne back to iaunt tise local lads, wiso surrendered tiseir lead sisortly after inter- mission and went on to get vanquisised. Two games later Reding once again grabbed tise upper isand when Grant notcised iis îgistis and final playoff goal in tise opcning iaîf against Hoiy Cross. But tise eventuai cisamps evened tise count on a penalty kick just before isaîf- time and added two more ta eliminate BR - wiso fnisised tiird in its division and out of playoff contention. Exceptional cage work Gosîkeeper Allen Lourenco stood on hiss isead down tise streteis, maldng over a dozen saves - at least isaîf of wiicis pre- sented major challenges - ta keep bis team witisin striking distance. "Allen was just incredible," stressed ca- coachs Femnando Costa. "Tisey (Haiy Cross) said tiey'd neyer seen a perform- ance quite like is." Martino's four-goal effort in round two brought is team-leading playoff scoring total ta an even 10. Four were game-wînners, inciuding those against Loyola and St. Thomas Moore for tise Haltan and GHAC tities respectively Maldng Up tise rest of tise senior squad - tise school's saccer team first ta reacis OFSAA - were Marc Borrelli, Frank Fazia, Stefan Linder, Mark Medeiros, Bruce Milligan, Matt Patterson, Matt Stockton, Connor Sweeney, Paul Szafer, Ryan Taylor and Rufus Williams. Junior standouts Jason Fererria and Dave Wynne were caiied up for tise provin- cial championships and bath saw limited duty. Reding boys show strongly at OFSAA, but get eliminated by eventual winners By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milton's intermediate lacrosse teamn has given itself a lot to live Up to. T'he Mavericks have established tienselves as a faste ta be reckoned witis in short order - witis commanding victories in tiseir first two ganes. Kicking off its second season in fierce fashion at John Tonelli Sports Centre May 25, Milton grabbed an eariy lead and went on ta, pummel the Mimiîco Mountainers 11-3 in front of a smail but spirited fan base. The hasts had enough goals for tise win before tise garne was ialfway aver and broke things wide open with six deposits in tise finai frame - including five in as many minutes during one particssiariy prosper- ous stretch. Josh Arnold backstopped tise club ta victory while his teanimates delivered a balanced attack - with seven different players denting tise twvine mnd a total of 10 collecting points. Bobby MacDonald led tise season-apening blowaut with three goals while taliying twice were Derek Blanchardiand Derek Mewhinney, who's coniing off a rather productive inaugural campaign with tise local intermediate hockey squad. Singles were chipped in by Steve Chuchmnach, Jef Mitchell, Matt O'Meara and Kaegen Sherriff. Paul Pedulla and ion Sweetiand contributed two assists apiece. Defenceman s camp runs again Applications are now being accepted for tise annual Cross Barder Hockey defenceman's training camp. The program offers two ane-week camps frm August 13 ta 17 and August 20 ta 24 at Burlingtan's Appieby Ice Centre. Instructors include former Burlington Cougars Scatt Mifsud and Mike Sehutte - now tailing in tise NCAA. Registration fées are $139 per player per week or $255 for bath weeks. Famiiy amd gmoup rates are avail- able while goalies pay just $50 per week. To obtain an application form or for more informa- tion, eaul (905) 355-1504. HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Campbellvile Settlement Area - Groundwater Investigation ViHERE: LION'S COMMUNITY CENTRE GUELPH LINE (South of railway tracks int Campbellviie on the west side) WVHEN: Thuruday, lime 14,2001 flfrE: 7:00 to 9:00 PM (Presentation at 7:30) The Region of Halton and thse Town of Milton are in the process of finalizimg an investigation on the groundwater resources within the Hamniet of Caanpbeilviile and its surroundings. Members of the public are invited ta attend thse final public meeting where aur consultant will present the flndings of the study and discuss the implications for the Hamiet of Campbellville. Halton Region Health Departinent staff will alsa be in attendance providing information and advice about well water quality. For additional information please contact: Mr. Dave Ketcheson Environamental Engimeer Azimuth Environanental Consulting 111 Saunders Road, Unit 2 Barrie, ON L4M 6E7 Phone: 705-721-8451 Fax: 705-721-8926 E-mail: azimuth(&links-loo.ofl.oe Mr. Steve Holysh Hydrogeologist Regionai Municipality ofilalton 1151 Broute Road Oakviile, ON L6M 3Ll Phone: 905-825-6161 Ext. 7134 Toll Free: i-866-4RALTON (1-866-442-5866) Fax: 905-825-8822 e-mail: bolyshs(&iEÊ Despite a penalty-illed second pcniod, Lise gaine was compieted in just over an hour. Mme visitors scooed only once in the last two frames and neyer got into any kind of a groove against thse gritty Mavenicks. Explosive on thse rond Milton one-upped itself five days later on tise road, scorng six times in tise opening frame en route to battening tise Whitby Warriors 12-3. Eight Mavericks lit tise lamp in tiis one including two-goal marksmen Blanchard, Sheriff, Rick Gallinger and Noie Coutrouzas. Neal Barby also stood out with a goal and three, helpers while Sweetland contnibuted a goal and two assists. Otiser single deposits came from O'Meara and Jordan Gunter whiie between thse pipes for tise vie- tors was rookie tender Jordan Lumis. Whitby's big gunner did ailtihe scoring for tihe vis- itors, wha were restricted ta just a singie tally under the final 10 minutes of play. Milton retuns borne Monday, lune 11 ta battle Markhaan. Game timie is 9:30 pm. Ibis will serve as a prelude ta tise nintis annual John McCauley Memorial ournansent in Bramupton June 15 ta 17. Milton went undefeated, with an especially impressive defensive campaign, ta take champi- onship honours last year. Keep your Temperatures DRIVE5 I For thear we 715Mon trct . ilon 86- 1