12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday. Juna 5, 2001 *mc. *:W N*m of g om dR* *au.,, umu* a449 S 559 DOUBLE 229 Set 4)9 DOUBLE 279 Set 459 C isw hp SUN iuDkP i 9CM* LOd SUY IOUE329 Set 519 DOUBLE 469 Set 669 QUEEN 289 Set 499 QUEEN 339 Set 519 «M> FREEDED INABDAO QUJEN 3"9Set 579 QUEEN 569 Sd 769 KING 479 5et 799 KING 5195Set 819 KING 559 Sd 879 eKING 6"9Set 1049 4r-m7m lgWa'5 AFrwMeFUM M Miam b MPP i bvaFat kWM M b/1h mmgu9. 1PIM Rod F eM laj CANADA'S MATTRESS SUPERSTORE" " Visit aur website t www.sioeptactorY.cOm Heurs: " Fnancmng uvalabie e Senior Dicount Mon.-Wed.l1UOp.m., " Over 40 locations across Canada T hurs.-Fri. 109 p.n., " We customîzo Saturay 9 P.m., * a Zm [ýý ý Sundayll-5p.ni. MAIN ST. h'jlu 01W SIR s R D. FAIVIWS ....... -/Full of energy E. '. Drury High Sohoot hosted the 1-aton-wtcte Energy Challenge, a fun-fiIled speciai Olympics event, Thursday. Here, trying ta rail the plastic bail alang the paal naadles with her chin la Lee Hawchln. Cheerlng her an la teamn leader Jaan Nunnara (second fram rlght) and teammate Ashley Dawsan (right). Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Local teachers being honoured Retîrees and dedicated teachers of the Halton Catholic District School Board wilI be honoured during 'A Celebration of Staff' Friday. Among the honoured guests will be 10 Milton teachers. 1 Doug Card, Richard Corlett and Andrew Dylag of Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool are set to retire at the end of the current school year. John Luciani of Our Lady of Victoiy Sehool and Sharon O'Drîscoîl, Anne Smith and Roy Tonelli of Holy Rosary School will also retire. Teachers Marcelle Lambert and Patricia Weinstein of Holy Rosary School and Claudine Macedo Our Lady of Victory School will receive recognition for 25 years of service to the board. The ceremony wiIl be held at the Burlington Convention Centre. T '1N0 HUTON'H W)kig10,heh umkng ))i. Cucfrthe Town of reardt residential cect ais Residential care tacilities are deined as residential facilities in which residents who have a range ai1 emotional, psychiatric. physical. developmental, or, social disadvantages or prableres lie in a 24-hour supervised seiiing, and receive bath roore and board and support with dailtyliving. Residential caen acilities 6r include group homes.Q The pu"poa the propased Officiai Plan and Zoiing by-iaw amendreents is ta estabtish planning poliies and regulatians that wili continue ta permit residential caen acilities, while ensuring that they are registered and appropriateiy iocated and distributed within the Town ot Haton Hitis. The amendreents ta the Officiai Plan and Zaning by-laws will apply ta the Town ot Hsiton His as a whoie. If a persan or public body that tules an appeal ai a decisian af the Town ai Hafton His in respect of the proposed Officiai Plan and Zoning by-iaw amendreents does nat make oral subrissians et a public meeting or make written subrissions ta the Taown af Haton His betare the prapased Officiel Plan and Zaning bylare amrendreents are adapted, the Ontario Municipal Board T 1c or may diamiss ail or part ot the appeai. CpeofteFinal Repart ai the Haltan His garage salead cei enilCrn Facilities Study, including the praposed Officiai Plan and Zoning bylare amendreents relu be avalabie for public reviere ad comment tram May 23, 2001 in the Town of Haton His Planning Departreent. If you rish to be notiied of the adoption ai the propaued Officiel Plan and Zaning bp-lare amendreenis, you muni make a rften request fa the Planning Departreeni, Towen ai Hatan Hilis, 1 Halian Huis Drive, P.0. Box 128, Haifan HuIs (Georgetaown), L7G 5G2. ALL INTERESTED CiTiZENS ARE WELCOME DATE/TIME: Monday, June 11, 2001, 7:30 p.m. LOCATION: Counci Chambers, Clvic Centre FILE NO: DOOR - Realdenttat Cars Facîlitiea diminmi4