The Canadian Champion, Fnday, June 1, 2001-9 Correction A story in Iast Fniday's Champion contained incorrect infor- Raltlesnake Point ( ui C(ourse. It was stated the deadline te, sign Up for the clinics was Thursday, when in fact there wasn't a sign up deadline. 'Me Champion apologizes for any inconvenience the error caused. One big reason to buy hife insurance. 1 can help you secure your child's financial future. Sce me for details: r 71 17 -- M L NjCc HEATHER SOLIE, Agent 3006 Derry Road W. Suite 204 (Across from theM Hospital) 905-693-1400 State Farm Understands Life:.' jc State Farm Lif Insurance Company Canadian Head Office: Scarborough, Ontario CENTRAL CLE.ANING; E/kM 70' SYSTE-MS Model 189 Central Vac With 11i piece Air Package *Powerful 2-stage 5.7" motor will clean most homes *107" waterlift I 404 air watts cleaning power eFeatures Beam's spring mounted motor system and unique isolation gasket to increase motor life expectancy _ * Permanent self -cleaning dual filter ~ ~ I - 15 litre capacity dirt receptacle 4 e il piece air hose kit Attachment 112.99 CLEANING EQUIPMENT SERVICE SUPPLY COMPANY CESSCO offers ePool SupplieseCleaning Chemicals eFloor Care Products *Portable VacuumseSanitation SuppliesePaper Products *Vacuum Parts and Supplies*,Cleaning Equipment -Vacuum Service & Installation Pool Chemicals SHARP SSuper Tabs '45.98 Motor Bypass Sure Shock leaning 40% Algacide '13.74 24999S179$9 Sundry Supplies __k241 Kraft Single FoId $29.47 es White Swan Toilet Tissue 138.54 cs ILotion Soep Il13.15 ea 917 Nihp i1.l ieU 1Sodiltoni 110 905-32-681Tel-re -8 -4723 OPEN WEEKDAYS 10-6 SATURDAY 9-5 SUNDAY 11-4 - Sales - Service - Installations - Also Located ln Burlington, 3345 North Service Rd. "',CESSCO always has a BEAM Central Vacuum Package on sale to fit every famlly's needs."