6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 1, 2001 *COMMENT + THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Te. Canadien Champion, pubished every Tuestay anti Fiday at 191 Main St E., Mlton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (Bon 248). is one ot The Metrolanti Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Poilisling & Distriitotîng LI. groop of suituritan companis which incluides. AjaxPckeing News Atvertîset, AllstonHerait/Counte, Barrie Advance, Barys Bay This Weei, Boten Enterpise, Bampton Guardan, (905 878- 341 Burlington Post, Bolington Shopping News, Cty Patent, Ciy ut Yorik Guandian, Coligwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yotk Mi, Erin Editoial Fx: 87-4943 Adocae/Country Routes, Etobiîcoke Goandian, Famitornagl Post, oevet EditrialFax:878-943 ong, Geongetown independent/Acton Free Ptess, Hlaton Business Times, Adverisin Fax 8762364 Hutnnia Bsîness Tmes, Kingston This Weei, Lindsay Tiis Week, Matiham Adverisin Fax 8762364 Ecnnnmist & Son, MidandfPenetanguisitene Mmmco, Miton Shopping News, ississauga Business Timo, Missisaaga News, Napanne Guide, Classified: 875-3300 Nassagaweya News, NewmanietlAutnna Ea-Banner, Nothumbetland News, North Ynrk Mitro, akville Beane, Qaievillo Shopping News, Oidtimers Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey News, Oitllia Tday, OshawalWhîtby/Clariîegton/Port Pttty This Week, Peterbtorough Tiis Week, Pcton Cnanty Guide, Rchmond Neil Oliver A.scate Publisher HilThonhiliiNaughan Lihra, Scatbonoagh Mirot, Stouiiie/Uxbridge Tibune. Wendy McNab Adtîeroi.ing Manager Adottising is accepted on thte condition tit,in tite tuent nf a typo- Karen mith Eieoirgraphiîcali n, that portinofu the adedtising space occopied biy tht ottO- Kare Smih Edtrnouas item, tgtthen wit a rasonaitie aiowance ton signature, wili eut ho Steve Crozier Circuleatioan Manager changoti to, but te balance o tnt advotisoment wiii ho paîd toi et tht appli- cable rate. Tito pobiisitr rsenes th itngit tol calogntîoe advorlsemots or Teri Casas Office Manager dtcliitt. Tim Coies Preaducliomn Manager Tlhe Milt Canade Chanopeeà a Recybe poPlducet Different times ahead for real estate market Growth is already affecting the local real estate market and we've probably only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, the resale housing market is booming much due to existing residents selling their homes to move into the new development areas. The activity benefits real estate companies and many other business- es but perhaps might flot turn out so well for resale homeowners them- selves. Houses are sitting for sale longer and it's logical the competition may bring prices down. On the other hand, the resale markct has an advantage in that the new housing developments we've seen faîl short in terms of lot size. The new homes being buiît are obviously fresh and feature more modemn design, but there's little area between homes and limited back- yard space compared to many existing lots. And that's unattractive to some home buyers seeking privacy, space for a nice garden or room for the kids to play outside. It comes down to what the home buyer is looking for and how long the resale homeowner can wait for the right buyer. *OUR READERS WRITE Road Watch Program can make a difference Dear Egitor: Re: May Il letter 'Miltonians are the worst speeders...' As a supporter and chtair of Miltons Road Watch Program, I read your article that reported Miltonians as being the worst speeders with mixed emotion. It was discouraging 10 have Halton Regional Polices Project Gateway study report alarming rates of speeding violaticons, yel encourag- ing 10 see this issue getting the attention il deserves in order to combat the problem. Miltcon currently holds the worst automobile collisioîn reccrd l'or al of Halton (this doesn't include acci- dents along he Hwy. 401 corridor) police, and after three violations, plus the highest number of fatalities in 2000l. Something musE be donc bo stop these violations and make our roadit saler for ourselves, our families and our neighbours. The Road Watch Program s designed Eo do juet that. Adcptcd by MilEon in 1998, the programi encourages residenîs 10 confidentially report dangerous and aggressive drivers 10 the police. Al you have te) do us fijl out a simple form, which can be obtained [rom any police station, library, and the Toîwn Hall, describing the incidcnt, then the police will do the rest. The driver will receive a Icter froin he Its frustrating 10, sec people driv- ing lesit responsibly, with little regard for the satcty of themitelves and others. Milton us a family com- munity where s4fety sbould be our top priority. I encourage cveryone 10 partici- pale in the Road Watch Program. We're a non-profit group mun by volunteers, but witb the current sup- port oU the police force and through community enforcement, we can make a big dilference. Jan Mowbray Chair, Milton Road Watch Program Our gem of a pond has been reset, quite nicely too You wouldn'l have rccognized il a few monîhs ago. The water'it back. The gazebo's built. The fish that once swam frcely will swim again. The Mill Pond aI Centennial Park bas under- gone ils fair share of revamping. Over the lasI few years, sediment and milîfoil had cboked ouI the 51 -ycar-old pond, which promptcd the major restoralion. The excavation of the pond began in December, 1999. Thirty-thousand cubic metres of sediment was removed. Carp and suckers, along with other futh species (including an igbt- pound goidfish) were removcd from the water. The pond was re-tiiled in Marcb and the work surrounding the pond is close 10 completion. Peter Linn, the Town's engineer, and Ken McAlpine, the Town's co-ordinator of parks and facilities deveiopment, recently gave me an overview of the new additions in the park. A hydro box was recently installed, which will allow lights 10 be strung acroso the gazebo during Christmas and other evenîs. Ncwly-planted trees and shrubs will line the shore. A sign will be erccted aI the front of the park laler Iis sommer outlining the history of tbe park, accompanicd by photos. (Because sunlsb and base live in warmn water, tbcy'll be arriving 10 the pond in July.) And arguabiy the moitI important addition 10 Centennial Park s the newly-named Mill Pond Millennium Gazebo. The building of the gazebo was a lcgacy proj- ccl spcarhcadcd by tbe Milton 2000 Commitîe in honour of the Towns miiiennium celebrationu, A community-wide conteot was heid for resi- dents 10 submit namne suggestions for the struc- turc, which was officially named last montb, The gazebo was detinitely the firsI thing 1 noticed when walking up the pathway toward the pond. The way it's structured aimost gives the impression it's floating on the water, which was the main reason I wanted 10 walk ouI 10 il. I expe- rienced an almoat magical feeling when I leaned Random thoughts over the railing and gazed aI the water as the sun sparkled over il, And if you're planning your wedding in tbe spring or sommer months, the gazebo 'May be rented 10 be used as the perfect background set- ting for your wedding photos. Besides sitling on one of the benches near the foot of the pond or standing in the gazebo, visi- tors can also take advantage of the trails that bor- der the pond. Livingston Park and the Jaycees trails surround the pond and Rotary Park s just west of Centennial Park. The overaîl intent is 10 eventu- ally link the parku together througb a series of trails with the Mill Pond as the centre jewel. And what a jewel il will be. With the growtb of the town underway il seems only natural 10, wanî 10 preserve areas in the community devoted 10, peace and quiet - a place wbcre fani lies can walk througb the trailIs or take their dog for a stroli on a warm day with thoughts of traffie, new dcvelopment and pollution left at home. Wbile 1 was waiting 10 mccl with Mr. MeAlpine and Mr. Linn in the park Wednesday momning I noticed an elderly man sitting by him- self on one of the benches, juot staring off aI the water. He got up slowiy, made bis way down 10, the shoreline and stood for several minutes before heading down Martin Street. I think we shouid ail take lime 10 appreciate the beauty nature bas 10, offer because before we know il, ail we' Il have left tre memories.