The Canadrien flhamnion. Fddav.Ijino 1.f2001-35 Date/mne from DATELINE on page 34 2779 or t-isa at (905) 469-8599. i' M -0l? m tdqq8%edsït-sday June 6 mecets every Tuesday ai 7:30) ai Pineiands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New The Diabetes Information and St., in Burlingion. This non-denomination- Support Group meets at Milton District ai self-support group with trained leaders Hospital ai 7 p.m. Everyone is weicome. help parents of chiidren who are in trouble at home, ai schooi or with the iaw, abusive or taking drugs. Cali 1-800-488-5666. Milton Toastmasters meets ai 7:30 p.m. GEORGETOWN in the upper level of the Royal Canadian -Z CINEMAS Legion, 21 Charles St. For furiher informa- 235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 lion about the group, wbich helps people advance their communication skills, cail RosLno t875-3720. PEARL HARBOR Fp - The Campbellville Ratepayers' Daiiy 7:30 p.m. Citizens Group meets ai the Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. Campbellville Lion's Hall at 7:30 p.m. Al residents are invited to address issues of S RE community improvemeni and involve- Daily 7:0 P.M & 9:00 P.m. ment. Allerà Sun. 2:00 p.m. The PeeflHalion Vaginal Birfith TEMMMrEUN Cesarean-Cesarean Awarendess G lpDally 6:45 p.nL & 9:15 p.m. (VBAC-CA) provides information, sup- Ï SaLi Sun. 2:00 p. port and topical discussions on the firsi :1 Tuesday of each month ai 7:30 p.m. For ----------------------e-t Rea more information, cail Penny at (905) 873- . .~., .e, . Now you cari browse ,Cbt TERESA OPEN HOUSE aban MILLS.HALL* uSjunnJnev3,le4rs Sales OURepresentative COME BY AND SEE This detached 2 st. onl a well land- S905-8787777 scaped oversized lot. 3 bdrm, 2 OF baths, 2 car garage. $224,900. There's more - corne see for your- self! Saturday, June 9, 2001 Georgetown Fairgrounds Town of Halton His Sam -8 Pm Traditional Children's Activities Massed Bands Creating Floral Garlands Massed Highland Fling Clan Village Scottish Country Dancing Pictish Face-Painting Competition Heritage Animais - Pipe Bands - Heavy Weight Events - Highland Dancing Other Events Sheep Dogs Sing-Along 6 pmn to 8 pmn in the Cheer Garden Scottish Food & NoveltiesN The GaGiuig Ptuxe Ang Questions: ~ Cail (519)853-4958 I i IUAI1 HE [;WE1 PRCE 30 DU COFR 'IG1Y ii A iaii'AMîU ']; EI~ ~~ nom Q1 iTiFhUO1 , IIT INY AITU*S ST PU BS m mum q