Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jun 2001, p. 32

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32-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 1, 2001 Accounts Payable~ Expense Specialist Milton area. Large distributor requires a self-mottvated, resulte- orie'nted indivîdîscil t handto hîqt'. voluirnnp, Dutînc milincriled of spreadoheet account analysis, month-end accrualo and account reviews. Excellent analytical and communication skils, minimum 3 years of A/P experience and working knowledge of Excel are a must. Accounts Receivable Supervisor Milton area. Large distributor requires an individuel to Iead our A/R team. This intermediate position ie primarily responsible for a staff of 3 and will direct the daily receipts andfunds applications. In addition, weekly and monthly reporting and reconciliations are required. Excellent analytical and communication akitîs, a minimum 5 years experience in a supervieory capacity and a trong accounting background are a muet. Forward resumne & salary expectations to: Controller PO. Box 70, Milton ON, L9T 2Y3 or fax to (905) 875-4744 535 5 535 H1ospital Medical H~ospitul Medlcat Hospital Medical OAKVILLE RE-ENTRY HOMES INC. is a non-prelit, charitable, sepportine heasing program for people with mental heallh issues. We carrently efler multiple empînyment epportenilies for ORE Homes nc. & the new Halton Hemelessness Initiative. SUPPORT COORDINATORS- FULL TIME Location: Haltan Region (2) Qualifications:Degree/ dipisma, 3-5 years eaperience in a relaled mental health field. Carrent Fîrst Aid! CPR and Crisîs Intervntien. Computer lterale. Knewledge et Halton Mental HeaIth System. Valid drîers license, roadwerthy nehicle, $1.000,000 lîabîlity inserance. Knewledge et PSR an asset. Responsibilitios: Prnviding support & direct service prevision la consamers in ameas et: cnmprehensîee assensment & paneing, actiities et daîly living, moivtîation & skiles training, support & menitnring, evaluatien & advecacy. Ment promo/e a slreng team ennîreement. OIt hners crisis resporise tl necessary Satory/ Bensfits $ 34.000.- $37000. pur year, spîjt henetîts TEAM LEADER - FUL TIME Location: Haltes flegmen Additional qualifications & responsibillties: Eaperience en management, pregra denelopment & statt sapervision. Repert to Enecatîne Directes ut O.R.E. Humes mnc. Werk clesely wîlh lead & clînîcal agencies. ltake and case identitîca- luen. Supervisioneet 2 Support Coordînaters. Will bondie omali caselnad. Salary/ Denef ifs $39000. - $42.000. per pear, splît henetîts PART-TIME <weeksnds) & RELIEF STAFF (as requirod> Location: akille Quallfications:DSW, SSW or ther related mental health edacation! eoperîeoce. Carrent Frsr Aid! CPR and Crsîs Inerentien. Able le werk îndependenlly. Able te tuniction in a omoke and pet-rîendly ennîroment. Rsponsibilities: Support & maîntaîn a heme-lîke ennronment tor 7 resîdenîs. Occasienal enenîng conerage. Crsîs intervention for otf-site censamners. Ofice dulies. Demestîc dlles & dînner prep. Maîntaîn consumer & a/eie, records. Wago: $10,50.! hr. Please forward resumes te orna il ore@ica.net or fax 905-844-4961 or mai: Executive Director, Oakvf lie Re-Entry Homes infc. 599 Chartweii Road, Oakvf lie, ON L6J 4A9 Thdnk yenforyouerintreslt Ony/thune se/ec/ed for interview wIlhe centacted Oakvi//e Ru Entry Hmes /nc ru an eqna/ vppvrtenr/y employer ONLY THIOSE WITH MENTAL HEALTH EXPERIENCE NEED APPLY Saes HeIp 1 I Sales HeIp Milton Toyota is looking for enperienced sales aad teasing consutaats Io join ous sales eule. Successfut candidates rnusî base a proves record te both sales aud customer saisfaction, and mnusi have the motivatton Io sel and achreve persîssat asd business goals. The oppiiriuntty prormises ciinpelîîîse coin- pensatior .i itctuding henelits. a sitrongcomumit- trent o mraii nguanid des eloiipneni an(î:tmn aigeliiemit eattr CoîrrlltîîedtI pruvtidig ain eioiis an d sauporrîve wot k eîtsirosîieît. Isierestent appticanis re asked Ioi torwamd (ihen- ressirntre t he arttttiinf: Chris (,nrnian (/0 Milton Toaii 400 Sterias Avte suie i9l1 Y4 Plume: 905-875-t170 Fax: 905-875-1516c e-nmail: ch ris Câlmilttntiiyitu.Ciirn Cana/as argent laser prntur specialînts, iocated in Oakeillu, reuivres a Polished Bilingual Appointment Maker/Inside Sales Persan YOU RAYE A plished telephene mannes in both ofticial languages, a great atttude, a amîlîarîty with comîputers, energy, enthusiasm and enpurience. WE HAVE Great predacîs and a fast paced werk ennîronment, an excellent compensation plan cem- menserate wth peur eeperîence. Ase a cempany bus- eit plan is analable. Fae resamne te: Derek Swan: (905) 847-5991 Or cati tus interview:(905) 847-5990 est.237 emnail: dswan@lasernetworks.com # LaserWework é [GO GREEN 1H15 WEEK, RECYLE!J MOLI MAID. Provides a fult residential cleaning service. Let us take care of a]t your spring cleaning needs. For a on si, on ubligationa, in homeais, aaîae, please calt 877-3443 Mort affurda/le r/aaa ou t hisai L40S0 SLCTO 0 SD EIC4W MLO 875-2277 ae eicesfr a Tnaztncementl -T'eu- yoliur gradiate hc:)w prcîiidl yc:)ti ar-c ýf them-rr! 'Sihr special Q raduatùu Sect vs Friday, June 22., 2001 $aI9.95 -f- GST D:ectdliri.e is Jv.,rne 15 cat 4:00 P.mn. -- -- ------- IName: - IAddress:. Announce your child's birth ini lgjt (antablain CIbamPiou and your child wili be featured with photo in our Baby Edition in january. IPhone-_ IMessage. la 1 L $39095 +GST I I I I I I I I f - m 1 ir

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