30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 1, 2001' FREE Estimates... Gof wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair sprngs? Sot! vvoou hinshes? -Ihen coul Fields for Al furni- ture repaira and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily. (905)875-4427 SUPER Special. Save Up f0 30% on decoralor fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your colours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. Chairs f rom $199. Free Esfimafes. Senior Discounfs. Fields Quality Custom Upholsfering, 9-9, (905875-4427 Don'f fhrow fhem ouf! We'lI psy cash! Call John 905-854-2698 197 nltd Prix GTP 3.8LV5., spearge engin ervficwe n $6900.5-87-924 2000 Hoanda PreudeT, driLV,1sumerhonfy, wniarraty. $26900.n blacyee, 5-86-280 hed AersfarVa, 1996D ohnr. 17 K mod e. 5 878-590.958842 JOHN Deere 425, 20 H.P. gas, 4" mowng dock, 139 fhours, like new. $9.500 obo. 905- 854-0264, Campbell- ville. KUBOTA B5100E W.HL. 42" mowing dock, 3 P. Hitch, 1,327 hours. $3.500 obo. 854- 0264, Cxmpbellville. BARTENDING Course- Venure Hospitlity Training hands-on style course inciudng Bxr- lending & Smxr!Serve certfifcxtion 4- day traning progrmmin Oak- ville, Jun & 126 -10 pm June 9 &10; 9xm .~ For imb :416-631- 1 Fulilme Warehouse ootsiion availubie, fork- i xperience requîred. If youre a hardworling, dependabie person, please fax your resumne o: SL-Spedial Lubora- ories Lld,. Fax: (905)876-3729 periece enrepreneur- ship benefits.The En- wà0 self empicymenl benef is program -free bo El recipienis. 82% success raie. Also pro- ramsfor isabed;e- urasinfor woren. We aim ai modeling excel- lence in enrepreneurial skilîs developmenl. (905)825- 2345. www.entreprisecen- re.com DOMINOS Pizza nom hiring part-ime staff. Xppy in person a 17 Wison Drive (ai the corner of Main S. and Wilson Drive) afler 4pm daiiy FREE fraining. Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted. Cail 905-877- 4448. Laidiaw ix an equal opportunily com- pany. GAS Bar Attendant. 5 days a week, $350. Tra- laigar and 401. 905- 878-7626 or 875-1388 LEGAL Assisant re- ired ful l ime for fami- y aw sole pracitioner in Oxkvilie. Pieuse fax your resume 10: (9105)842-7401, atten- ion: Lynn, Office Man- ager MARKETING & Media Assistant - lmmedialely, lufl-time. Knowedge of horses and horse shows an asset. Must have own transporta- lion. Non-smoking envi- ronmenl. Send resume f0: (905) 825-0620 MILTON Preachool iooking for E.CE. or equivalent wilh xl leal 2 yexrs experience. To star! September 2001. Schooi holidays off. Suitable for Mom with schooixged chiidren. Fax resumne 10 905-693- 8958 THE Great Canadian Dagel Ful l ime & Par! lime Customer Service staff. High ener team players availa e 10 work flexible hours, wil train individuais with a greal atiude, enîhu- siasm and srong cus- tomer service skiiis. Resumes 1: 500 Lauri- er Ave. Milon. 693- 0842 -Greg WEEKEND help ru- quired for HunerlJump- er show stable. Please cxli (905)466-4421 4H or 5TH yexr xp- prentice and/or icenised mechanic nieeded for buay truck repair shop. Excelent wages and benefif package. Aply Central ruck & Trailor, 600 Harrop Dr., Milton 905-878-0900 or lxx re- sume 905-878-3520 SKILLED Heip wxnfed: Licensed automolive technicien or 3rd or 4th yr. apprentice fora busy local genieral repair shop. Excellent wxges and benef il pxckxge. Cxii 905-878-7926, xck for Bob or Kevin PART-ime Dental As- sisxnt (oer!. plus HARF necexsary(. Flexible hours. Send resume lc Box 513, Milon, Ont. L9T 4Z1 FLEA5E RECYCLE TH-15 FAI'ER sevies rasn 1i prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Cal! Louis- WANTED Cleaning lady 1 day per week. mural location. Transporfation required. Cxli 878-7799, evenînga or 875-0095, days GAASALE Slra June 2 Hwy 25, 2km soulh o De"y S. Clair Masonic Hall 8 arn - 1 Pm Procedsto the Help 2 Heu Fondation Tools - Lawn Equipreent - Household Ieres Bargains Bargains Bargains I352Kingaleigh Courtg ISet. Jane 2 7am-illamI [oshouseholdec. GARAGE SALE 479 Whte Dr. Sat.June 2 7:30 - Noon GARAGE SALE Sat. June 2 552 Claver Park Crac. 8Sam -12 Rein or Shine Appliancea. Clothlng, Toya GARAGE SALE Set. Jane 2 IRein Date June 3 18:00 -3:0 I292 Ridge DrveI Everyone. No early birds GARAGE SALE ISt June 2 8Sam -lPmI l99 Queen Streetl IBikes, Fumnitare à SetJune 2 ISam-2pmI I5EioCr. IFuritur Household tema GARESAE Se.Jane 2 740OCoulon Ave ToysBasket [3a1sae nd lotsJ moral No early brds Sets. June 2I I890 & 893 Blrch Ave.I I Somelhlng for wvry je Raindale Sun. June 3 GARESALI Se.June 2fOl 840 Maple Ave 800 -11AM Lots of greatataff [o,ouholdkldj clothes. peranniala, antques Raindata Sunday Jonc 3rd ISt June 2 8 5am -3 Pm 6660 Gueph Unel Sot fDrRoud GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 2 8:38 amn - 12:0 No FarIV Birds Ji,? Mpevwsua Ges. Peg Perego high- chair, Graco stroller, Sony camcorder, Household items (Cancelled if Raining) GARAGEIMOVING SALE Saturday, June 2 8:08 arn - 1:08 Pm Beautiful antique couch, dlning table, 3.4 size iran bed- - frameest Plus household & gift items (Some O! d, Some new 8a5 Birch Ave. (Miton) "Rain or Shine' GIANT YARD & BAKE SALE a 990 for Omagh Preabyterian Church at Boyne Communlty Centre (lrttannia & Hwy 25) Sat June 2 il am -3 pm Contact Dave McCann et 9058784458 or Tom 90"-78-0206 Donations Welcome HUEYARD SALE June 2 7:30 - 1:00 pre 235SelsAve. IWest of the Guelph down f rom Crawford Wicker, office desk, muga, etc. June2ndI 18-121 111 tarloSLN. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 279 - 297 Bell St. 8Sam -121 June 2 Lofa of Staff Toys, Clothea Somnelhlng for Everyonal YARD SALE& BACE TABLE SaL June 2 8 amn- 2 pm St. Stephens AnlcnChurch 1480 Steelea Ave. Homby (Between Winston Churchill Blvd and Trafalgar Road) YARD SALE 558. June 2 & Su.June 3 9 .m-1 Pm 7043 Appley UneI Mois slite] dish, TVa, etc. Somethlng for everyone. ISat.June 2 18-121 605 ChurchOi IBunlcbedsdesksl [7ushold nd sorts Rtems GARAGE SALE SEASON. Phoneo 0w ClssifisiDoprmo 876-2364 to book leurs toll SUMMER CAMP Ridu jn< l ll.,rni4nshilp Close to Oakvdle, Burington, Milton Mins. from hwy 5 ornd 407 If you love horses ond ponies thia is the comp for you. Fmom beginners up, hove fun white you eom or impmove on your skifls. Adult supervision ond instruction. Ages 6+ Weekly doy comp 9-4 lis - August Flexitirne ovoiloble Cost $175 p.w. plus e.. Week]y essons yeor round. CaU t905-876-2166 Fax 905-876-0700 email balygrace@ool Martin Street SchoolI Spring Ring 2001 'Corne loin us for lots o! indoor and ouldoor games, our tamous Lucky Number draw, BBQ and more! Great Suient Auction pnizes include: Famiiy Pass for 4 for Sports World Medievai Time Dnner for 2 Muns' Prizea to be Won!! Saturday, June 2, 2001 Q1 1:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. Stag & uoe For Chris Boone &Spring LaCourse Saturday June 9th, 2001 - 7 PM #1 Hall - Milton Fairgrounds Robert St. Entrance Prizes, D. Tickets $10 Available at the door For Mike Burack & Bobby Jo Hea(ey Dat: June M1 Mime 8:30 PM Location: LonsMaill Tbonwson Rd. Arena Lve musc &door Prtzes Th-(.;ib [b I/'bi S 1h wi12Ioexres her haksand \ aýppreciation to their relatives, nVriends & neighbours for their acts o kindness, floral tributes, memorial Sdonations and expressions of syrnpathy during the loss of our t hubnfter, father-in-law and grandiather. Thanks to the . Scott ,-Çarly Fneral Home and Fatlaer Earl Talbot for his comforting uods Thanks to the palîbearers and Chris - for the lovely luncheon provided. Audrey, Marilyn, Jim, Dianne, Janet and Familles Thank you- To my chi/dren, relatives, friends and neighbours, Ladies Auxiliary, Royal n *Canadian Legion, j Brandi 136 Canadian >. S Legion, Club 88, iSt. Paul's United Church ~ for the beautiful flowers, -cards and phone caîls and~ fruit basket whîle I was Millie Thomas ToMilton District Hospîtal ToOakville 1-afalgar, J St. Michaels Toronto Thank you to my doctors, Sday & night nurses, OR SStaff, and emergency staff ~5and technicians for your wonderful care while I. was in the hospital. eî fThank yo omch. Millie Thomas . . . . . . . The family of the late Gudrun Larsen wishes to thank the nurses of Milton 4t SHospital MedlSurg /7oor, ithe Halton VON, CCAC and,,.- Red Cross homnecare for k '"the care given to our mother/grandmother during her illness. A specîalr- thanks to Dr. Brian Watada and Rev. John Benham Thank You to Ambulance drivers, j M.D. Hospital, - ~Dr. Schachter, Dr DSingai, nurses in îÏ.-, SEmergencey and Medical floor. My $ family, friends and neighbours for visits and flowers. Jean Bruce JMANAGERS experience roquired. Reseft is avalahie Must be flexible days/ hausu. Apply ai 5051 Harvesler Rd., Burlingion or fax 905-681-1841 afin: Robin Evans Automotive Technician Competitive hourly rate and benetits. Fax reaurne 10 Beverly Tire & Auto 905-689-3381 Alla: llugh, or cali g05-525-6765 Autamotive Apprentice FIT. Mn 2ysexp. /On-going training /Esc. work conditions Competilive wxges Cali Rasait X302 906-336-2266 or (leave mess. aler hrs.( PERSON FRIDAY REQUIRED FULL-TIME for general officç work in Oakville. PIease fax resumne 10: 905-815-847 Çelebraling a Birthday WVedding Anniversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you looking for a new job? wanting 50 hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Seil? To Trade? Are you Iooking For a New Home? an apartment? a ownhouse? Want to Self Appiances? Furniture? Treasures? Did you ose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? tn.jck? boat? traier? Fax the Classifieda 876-2364