The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 1, 2001-29 MCOAY 10Cla ssified Ads : I ss rOO9:0AM -500 PM appear ai... TOUR CLASSIFIED HOTME 4378-m5300 M rmhn aaýcopoio VWWw.riltoncanadîanchampOlonco#f L1 . . ., Happy lst Anniversary Jerry and Susan McLean are to happy to announce the d Shelley (Green) and Derek Morley engagement of their daughter MoeiediJune 3rd20J ennifer to Mike son of CongratuiVdo! hckadTer lbo »u Mm&Ikid GWen hckadTrr aso BREAST FREDEV43SU -aPpmW MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS *Breast Pumpa é Baby Scales e Breast Feeing Producfs Better Living Home Health Care Inc. 25-B Commercial Street, Milton 905-875-2458 à1a'amnmm1smnmu BEAUMONT, Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Mlaîs (sas Hewitsanf ot Mitos are plased ta ansausoe the batlh et Ibir daugbler Atisan Nicole ai Mitas District Hospital on Maîbars Day, Sunday, May 13, 2001 ai 10:24 am. Praud grandparats ara Richard & Cors Hawitsos et Miltas and Oais & Avril Wnchster et Ftockwood. Allisas a asa selcomeri by ber Aunt Angela, Uscle Travar & Cousin Kyle Riebot, tagatrr witb masy ther tamily and friands. Many tbanks ta Dr. Sharma, Dr. Chaw, Dr. Rabinson asd ail the nuraing staff at Mitas District Hspital fr their austasdisg cars at aur nus famiiy. DEL PAPA Michael, Tisa arrd Aeis ara thiled te amnounce the biflh et their second daughtar and lita sistar Haiey Vctoria. Hailey sas bomn Frday May 18, 2001 at 8:44 s.m., weighis9 8 bs 1 1/2 oz. Wecamad witb apen arma by asditad grandparents Crag and Pal Hamili alesg sith grandiparanss Dase and Sasdy Del Papa. Dligtad great grasdiparests, Mary Scharfaet Ottasa, Mary Hlland et Etebiceke and Lloyd ad Kathie Levy et Lndon. Thairk yuu ta Dr. Chas, Dannsa and Nancy. and a VERY spedialthlank you ta Dr. Sharmna andt staff, Dr. Ches and at the OR and OB staff MDH. RAE sn Laisa Memary af a dear husbasd asd father Ernest Andres sho passad away Jasa 2, 2000 His cbeery says and peasast face aresa plasaura ta racai. Ha hait a kisdly word fer aach Anit died belavad by al. Soe day we hope le met hlm Soeaday, se kns sol sMien. Te dlasp is baud is the baffer land Neyer fa, part again. Ssdty missed by WHOs Otheansd tsally DOAN, MAXINE In her 711h year. Courageusly t Tilsonburg Hospital on Sunday, Ma y 27,2001. Loving mother of Suzanne and Roger Watts, dear Grandmother of Aexis and Chustopher of Mlton. Funeral service to cela- brate Mxine's lite was held af Newark< United Church on Thursday, May 31, 2001. Donations f0 Newark Unted Church of Cancer Society will be ratfuly cknoWegedbythe family. Am- 519-863-3020 BROTCHIE, Robert Douglas Suddenly on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at the William Osier HealthC entre, (Georgetows & District Memorial Hospital) Bob Brotchie, in is 74th year, of Georgetown, formerty cof Kincardine. Beloved husbasd of Kathleen. Loving steptather of Sandra and her husband More Heidman, Janys and ber husband John Cuikeen and Shirley and her husband Wayne Crawford. Cherisbed grandfather of Russeit, Douglas, James, Kelly, Peter, Nataie and Wayne Jr. and greaf grandfathar of Coty and Tyler. Dear broth- er of FMors Boston. Fondly ramembared by his nephaw Allan and his wita Marilyn and their chil- dren Lori and Jenny. Friands ware recaived at the JOS. Jones and Son Fanerai Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rd. N. of Mapla Ave., Georgetown, 905-877-3631, oni Thursday, f rom 2 f0 4 and 7 - 9 pm. Fuserai service will bu heid in the chapei on Friday, June 1 at 10:00 a.m. Inferment Ripley Cematary. In memnory contributions f0 the feart and Sf roka Foundation of Ontario would bu appreciated. REMEMBRANCES in the fonn of donations to The Milton District Hospital Fondatton are appreciated. 'UHrA1ICvu.arr.x 5.-E.N i u ,Jxi $219,«0 The former Beehive Inn. Located lu Brookville 3 minutes fromn 401 20 minutes to Mississauga. Over 1/2 acre mature lot. Detached garage has 2nd floor studio. Highly visible location is ideal for home hased business / art gallery. Cati for appointment - 905-854-0312 Executive 4 bedroom bouse in Timberlea on a beaucifully landscaped lot. Fully upgraded interior, including floors, french FOR Rent, Townhousa, 3 bedroom, availabla July 1sf.$1,100 par month. Referances ra- quired. 875-000 PROFESSIONAL cou- p lloin' f0 ranI a 3 bdroom home insa nice n eihbourhood. 519- 942-008 achools. Ibis bouse is a must to see. FOUND in Zellers in Cail 905-878-5438 to view lafsell 87 rings. LOST - White kitten wth blacks and brosn spots. Around Childa Drive ares 693-0678 COMFOr-fM/fiàW sdTWV7S , 12'»f- . CI-ILDOARE needad in -CONvEIDlE-E ensuJibrwdhnduuefojrq . ruiîdw E.W. Foster/Sam Shar- haupmpm n arcfd wgs& ratt ares for 8, 6 & 3 SAVNS - lem con, n/d, g year olda. Phone 905- Ptuoe 905-542-4081 duing bu- hm887639 J DAYCARE availabla in My home. Muais /snacks provided. Play centre, crafta and M Mew e-fenced yard. Cail Pst fached reverse rant f0 Su R 905-693-0458 owns ý210K, 519-853-1BdR apt for ranI. EXPERIENCED Day- 0894, WAN R.E. Dosntown Georgetosn. care providar bas opn 2 sore, 4drm, wthNewly renovated. C. Air. * fr any ar. Selam PRIVATE sales Milton. Availabla immadistaly. n frrt eaExlen lastrgey byrd., Spa-Phonea(416) 410-9194 refarances. 905-875- cious dining, Kitchen 1 Sud Rm apt. Down- 4722 aras. Beautifully daco- fown Acton nawly reno- RAINBOW Village Day ratad fsmilyroom. Email vated, C.Air. Available Care bas s few spacas for snf0 brueseOglobsi- immedistaly.4 Phone available nos. Ouaiify Barry 905- (416) 410-9194 programs for chiidran 18 455-6386 or Evelyn, bedroom apartment. montha f0 6 years. Also 905-456-1232 Q uiet building, Main tsking registrations for St ruat location. $650 September. 905-878- plus hydro. 905-878- 7552 OFFICE space for rant. 50 Stueles Ave. 905- 272-0648 $$ GOVERNMENT- Funds $$ Grants and boans information f0, start and axpsnd your business or farm. 1-800- 505-8866. NMitn edom la n ptmet ue 3dIneLy decrt $9gWER90- 87548 3er Irebedroo aart- n ,main 0fo house, newly decorat- ed, use o basement, parking, NOC. $1,200 +1 utilities. Avalable July.1 Cail Tony 905-858-87231 ACTON large 3 bed- roomn apartment, $950+. Also 1 bedroom Acton $600+. Also George- fown i1 bedroom $675+. 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352 SCENIC Rockwood, 1 bedroom, sunny, over- lookisg park. Small building. Now available. (519)856-4900 SINGLE 3 room spart- ment for rent. Shared kitchen, iaundry. No smoking/pels. Firat & ast. $650/ month. Juiy 1sf. 905-878-1833 SPACIOUS 1, 2. & 3 bedrooms. Freshiy 1paisited, bright. Com- petilive rent. udlington hihrise. Watt main- lained. Convanient loca- tion. 905-333-9846 Noon - 8 p.m. 3 bedroom bungalow for rai. $1 200/monfh plus utilities. Contact Edita at 905-875-0489 BDU, K\ing 5-uI la, r- lowtop, orthopedic mat- tresa set. New, in plas- tic. 00sf $1700, sali $650. 416-766-9885 BEO, pillowtop mat- fress, bosspring, head/foot board. Us- used, stili pkgd. Cost $1175, sacrifice, $525. 416-521-9635 BUY/SELL stair lifts, wheelchair.lits, hospital beds, scooters, etc. Cati Silvar Cross 905-847- 5504 CARPET 1 have several 1,000 yrds. of new Staismaster & 100% ny- lon carpef. Will do living- room & hall for $349. In- cludes carpet, pad & sn- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 FOR Sale freezer, 17 cubic feet, $200. Ping pong fable, $100. Treadmill, Nordic Track, $200. 876-1824 LAWN Tractor: 14.5 H.R Briggs & Straton, 42" ec, speed only $16.9wk . 1-800-267- 9466. www.crazycatdi- ,-àt /J riTOWER SIIOF