Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jun 2001, p. 28

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28-The Canadian Champion, Fnday, June 1, 2001 c j Smn-report _ _ _ Gamne Highlights- Week of May 2225th -, ,~ - Gootiin scoredt lce for Soutlroîns anti as matchoti Sp Reeti Nicholson for Zelers. '- - mnMilton Heighta Acadexny Ralobore iliage 0 Natures Fine 3 Connor Ramsden contrîbuteti a goal for Zllors as Adcatture 2 Greesparta Homes i McDoalds 1 i d MO5an Won for Sothiosw¶ l6 A wet andwild game. A vali The weather as agly bt Rainbsw Village and Avnery enctîng season opener Kennedi Hermann andy Greenparh Homes sqaared os n an eoctîng season Ryan.Laoe mre brlîant in netfofr Natures ire. F opeser. Aea Vos and Nathaniel Tielemans-Hadlow Jeremy Stntsn, Riciiy Veira and Bas Radd scorios dîd an excellent job as goalies. Jeffery McBnde, for Natures ire. Goalies Jasai DaSiiia and GregoryV Spencer Read and Tdd Graham led seneral rushes Schîct playeti oel for the McDnalds team wth scor- f fr Raînbow Village ut cold not put il past etA.J Retera-Robinison.a Greenparks Francs Del Rosso. Wyat Tomer putF Greespark us the scoreboarti laIe in the game. Sale and Sound 2 E Jessica Cranfond as ustandîng in goal fr Ranhom Cal ry Caes B Village. Rainbow Village regrets t0 annoance that Jeffrey McBnîde ha been placed ons the 30 day dis- A oery close gamne wth saîstandîng playaSpb Josh f ableti list wth a broken arm suslaîned in a playgroand Searle and Heather Satiler for Safe and Sound. t inlary. Gel meil sain Jef . Sconing for Saf e and Sound as Mahew McCasker and BrocS Charton. Brsck Chadlai, David Cramer F The Devls Harp 3 and Daniel Guarni ere exceplînnali n goal for Sale i Sas and Sound 1 and Sound as as Angla Beatos and Page Acheson for Dairy Oaeen.1 Etrearely damp conditions did nul gaench the sirilîrr and enthusîasm at ths seasun opener. Ryas Scot Caro Cars 4 McLaaghlîn scured tho fîir goal for Sale and Sound, Nethgats anmsa assaofed Sp El ol Bergamna and tyla Blackburn. Deils Harp goalleeders Anse Allore and Christan Great spenîng game for bot eamns mîth Scotto crf Arseneaa mre abie lu stop al other shufs ai goal. came stracking firt rtS a gmeat goal Sp Leah Halidap The Deils l-arp ea mas abie f0 csme bacli despite lolloed qickiy Sp anulher Sp Tetidp Lpfay anti the capable goabtending Sp Sale and Soanders Gadth Brumne. Grea goalfendîng Sp Asfbsnp Madtini Samuel Rosai and Mathew Mlder. Jacob Oinn of Norhgate Faon bt Scoos mre on strung mtlh a scored 2 goals and sue Sp Peter Gann. Assisties as final goal Sp Tylor Brown. Shannon Wallo, Roake erguain and Vctsna Larin. Southsiere Dentat CîtineB Thse Dotcomers 3 These chldren bruued the elements for theîr irst ener game. Wth Slenen Lendooy in goal for Southiew and Heathor onîfliams for The Documiers. These pouns stars plaped a grmaI game. Bres Booersai sconing 2usnd Mcael Wamer t for The Docomers ilS soid defese f rom Michael Begman and Brandon Daagherty f rom Southnîem and Victoria Rodgers and tAstn Mitchell f rom The Docomers. Wedps B Hltisark 6 Stsopp.r's Dnug Ment 3 A strong game Sp SuIS teame Jordan Hopper led 7Shoppers vvrth 2 goals ilSt Dallai Cso addieg a helper. Daniel Pearce and Thoenas Strack csmbined for She shatait. Adam Schembsi and Kaon Cnppes plaped mou n goal for Panier, wilh strong effort frsm Sam Walsh, Nicholas Guzzsla and Colleen Major. HCRC Tore ental An action packeti gomne md greal dnSbblîng Sp. Morns for HCRC anti goals Sp Tomne Destals Brandon Kemîn mith three, Kai Sarnstag-Schocý The firt game ufthte soason asti il as meti Goal Trstan Taylor Kîsai scorers for HalîmarS mre Jastn Bromn, Anrew Great plays Sp Car Dotsos, Sewa Kerr, Matthem Lenahan, Jesse Stophasie Larin. Mastrangelow and Taylor Moldoan. Wendys Cumeron Hobls, Ncholas Hiopman, Ashey- DîGesova, Amînîpa Glmoro anti Naîhaniel Masracci oreti ery lard. Special menonîo and Thank pou to Milton Sunoco Ncholas Ralyh ho playoti a superS gamo, heping GoodlibloFtness ou sn Net for tha shothandeti Woodys team. Bshles Industries1 Zltess1 The rain ditnt tampen thoenrthasîasm of thase ouns players The otstanding goalias mre Jennîfor Harissa anti Chrs Wodis for Zelers asti Hapiep Bell, Yonne Mors,. Jako Sknryk, Clark Wators anti Austin Zkmas for Bahes, Adam Bvans scorati for Babies anti Mathew Cadtis for Zellrs. aanti James Blslep each Mil osie Danîison, Nîco Sîssigei Sanoco goalias Aînsley Robertson anti Aria McI more kept Sasy dgainst goal scores Samear Kî Scotty Ford-S. Camaron Stsckaii-2, Brandon B3 and Daie Mardyck f rom Gootile. Aînsloy RoSi asti Aso Moitisas played a great gome buaigsou Sameer Kalia asti Bmma Lammers for Gootilif i enîspeti thoîr firot shat nat. Zeltens Southvise Dental with the Zellers and Southview Dentals first gamte. Bth teams showed their hard working team spirit onding in a 3-3 ie. n a strong performance Nîgel 8at. Juno8, 2001 SOCoer APPruclatlm Day khiibiW W111Un119 5,06,7 & 8 (formerly Tourameot Day) Time Dronte 1 Bronte 2 Bronte 3 Mlton District 9:30 arn under 5 team 8 under 5 team 5 under 5 feam 7 under 5 feam 10 under 5 feam 2 -unden S feam 4 ander 5 feam 6 under5S esrn 1 10:30 arn under 5 team 9 under 6 feam 10 under 6 feam 8 under 6 team 3 under 5 team 3 under 6 team 4 under 6 tearn 1 under 6 team 6 il1:30 arn under 6 feam 7 under 6 leam 9 under 7 feam 12 under 6105Wm 5 under 6 tearn 2 unden 7 fearn 14 1230 pm unden 7 tearn 1 under 7 team 2 unden 7 team 4 unden 7 team il under 7 team 6 under 7 team 7 under 7 feam 9 unider 7 fearn 13 1:30 Pm unider 7 team 3 under 7 learn 5 uýnder 7team 8 urder 7 eam 10 _________ lme Laurier 1 Laurier 2 Milton District 9 arn boys u9 team 4 boys u9 team 2 boys u9 feam 8 boys u9 feam 7 boys u9 team 9 boys u9 feam 3 10 arn girls u9 team 2 girls u9 fearn 9 girls u9 team 8 girls u9 feam 4 girls u9 team 6 girls u9 leam 7 il arn boys u9 feam 13 boys u9 feam 6 boys u9 feam 10 boys u9 tearn11il boys u9 team 5 boys u9 team1 12 pm girls u9 feam 5 girls u9 feam 3 boys u9 team 12 ____ girls u9 tearn 10 girls u9 feam 1 boys u9 team 14 B.ti Van Dongen Fabulais team effrn, Hiolon Carpetse for 2 fort1 more Bri5any Cunnothl 2 and Lynr Womf Whai a seasun openeril.Bocellent goal tendîng plapuSpb Taylor Ruhinsi for Parnogen Sp Riley Wilson and Mitchell Orsît,à Aclue and Ion -unIon Carnets Sp Jaqaîlîne Sînconich and dafr Rehecca f-finîsu. Lots of hoalle f rom Jordan WeSSer, McPhi Chiropractic Emma Smith and Brianno Mslnar for Van Dongon. Wiallace Pontiac Greatfrtsdo m Talîsha Amold and Gregory Pue Of ngoal for 2 for i Pizza. Scsding %Delinîn mîlh 3, Douan O' rea Struhan milh t. Great sn and Aexis Miot for anti Bryce Spiers asd Matthew Kemin for Milton Heighîs. Christian Robedts scoreti 3 for Milton Heights alo wifh Mafthew Kemîin anti Kyf o Lynch. Sfephes Bennest and Brundon Denbam scoreti for 2 loti1. Greaf defesce Sp Scott Freor f mus for 2 for i and Bill Doddingf ou for Milton Heights Acadomy. Miltan Phyaaotherapy 3 HinCaipets. mAn ofeingirygoal îîorîîitchell rinii A Great sfad lu othe succer seasouf Goals Sp Amnber wi -. iufaç for Van Dongen and the ryîng goal Sp Cunnor Prnce GallanI-?, Kaifyn Mcphaîl asd Surah Stsckwell for The boys had a lot off for Ifintns Mcphail. louson Levnman scsning 4 for Wallace. for Milon PSysmullierai Palton 6 Asesomne defence Sp leasn Levman and April Mitchell Weisner. KylE akefetd l d6 aSasilleIon Wallace ast indîsay SmîW hand Carfy Stafefars. The goal s WaefedWlcs0 Flerfai for McPhail. were Henry Liplap mvil Ina oitplaed îmIgam of be easi. aioech Great goalleslisg Sp Brifasy Tilstra-Sisgh and Ina lpse te ict 60 am og hesa suou oPaîntech Amenda Roger& for McPhuîl and Nafalie Stockalf and Boneatta Maptapna gpales Daniel Armitage and Banca Huy. As a resait CapVmiifrWlceCNTuls of errsfîc team couperaiai, Gins Wilson Il1) and Mwdod 0 Il sas a lSnillisg seasi Mackenze Robetsai (5) mre abie 15 score for Hn lmuh Paînfech Frst hme papers Kailyn Bell and Haley MewtI50B as Kyle Paal, PSilip. Wîmaer poued thaf Whey miSe a force lo be rck- GaisfrteMdyDc oeAoate uls 4. Rlake Jones and R uned mth. Whiie Alyssa Dodsoo shumeti thea the and Mitchell Dermost. Alansa Ramsden scoredfo for CHN. TPelyfrfic gall ropes ilS her Soundiess energyf sn Se net for the Hast Plymauth. Shanses Heaoep and Amandea Chols l for aea Widcalo mre Catsa Can and Dasiel Niksich mSs Mcadlase praided the goalendîsg for Hast. INîcus, iai for Cnd SotS showed greaf effor, makîns somne stapendoassiGayKaad savos! Lake Ducharme asd Sameantha LaigatafI & Mark Jacldis, Grog Mi euemplified aesumne team sprit. Vanter tsurance CHN Milton Jayceles Farah's Food Mari A hard foagbf game boIsson Imo closelp maloki( tears. Goalies for Miltai Japceos more Coadsîe Johostai and Christian Pînheiro. Scssng for Far Foodi MaO moere Adam Blay and Cric Cusninghar Matthem scoret eufar Milton Japcees. Milton Harekes Hydre Ose fan in1th poarng rais. Gualies .pp were Eric Scarffe and ol Brooks mas gualfender for 1 cuners for Miltai Physislborapy h 2 anti Andrew Boin wdh i. 1 6 son upener. Scorng Ion Burealis Judreay anti Andrew Bacon mdth Rcartis Radota eack scured 2 olndins f rua Tyler Cadis and ala and MarS McEwen and CHN. Great 0effr Dylan Domenic LUzzîInnorBarealis and MacDonald and Michael Rudd for 2 Sens Mitoen2 2 Althoagb il as mol and slîppery 151h teamo playeti FMfthWhet B eery meli and had nos of lus. 3 amazins goals froa id Kuie Bayle for M&Ms. Greatl loa playîsg frm TIre gome satadt ua frastIlspuce. Goafie Eli Hicks Vt anier %vith 2 goals f rom Vicoria Schembs uand t f ru for 515 aibool desieti Simon Hopper aI point blarrk OPy Rsbn Dercalch. Goalies for Panier mre Vicoria range ilS a sane une canonalp desasibe as iscredi- ab's SchemSs and Cheyanne Gray. Goalies for M&Ms ble. heurs pressare caninaeti mith lsnely fight pass- im. more Kora Wade and Alcia Carey. Special mention lu îsng Sp Jordan Hsizscbaber and Mark Nortsrsa, Witb Samanthu Ruche for playîng an excellent game. Chssfupber Larin ascossng lmce for Sears. Great 2 goalkeepîng effodrtspb Sean Sikalasi mho dniîed 2 Claro Iickers 7 groat efortSp Daniel Babîs and Ada Groch. 0 MesBonm 1 Brandon Colo asti Tyer Cle kepl dneisng 5th Wbeel - forwarti bt Sears's goaikeepers Davidi Casmeil asti k, he sao huoaissoe retsopn mirelas. A ssggy evening csuld nt dampen the threat. hsepswer osai scorers for The Miton Hawkepeo were sutstanding enthusiam of these tw0 teamo. eaget to and Zach Boychuk and Keoin Friesen. Gsod soing ail. play their season spener Mefforra opened wth a goal Sunny Oasis 8 Vteos Pzz hy ffaylee rew. Chrs Kickers lollowed mth h goals Tumnens Ctirokids 4 Canaden Tre 7 by Knstina Lace and a goal each Sp Madi Brew and Brianne GaoîdsonGosalies for Mellorm were Slrong effort hy hsth teama durîng the game. Wth Katherine DaSilvia and Megan Salîha. Chîro Kckers Brandon f-aggart scsring 5, Tyler Garrani , Joshua 0 Vt's Pizza and Canadian Tire played their irst game goalies mre Brnnna Davîdoon and Krsty Koot. aiau, Brandsn Lewaodlowski each alto i for Suniny olthe season under ruîny skies. Great goaltenidîng for Bceptional play by Amber Vos , Chelsea Lister and Oasis. Tamers goalies Optas Wright and Jason Canadian Tire hy Siephaie Bennet and Jonathan Jeonie Cushnie for Metlorm and Roiry Teskey, Megani Murphy mre kept Susy. Goalies for Sunny Oasis ldan Brscoe. Olvia Aleander made many greal saves as Wilson and Shawna Vantersoelen for Clio Kickers. were Bradley Benham and Tyler Gerrits. Sconing for ia. goalie for Vitos Pizza Vios Rose Serafini and Tumeros Chirokids ere Brandon Zomer with 2 and siaao hîcholas Bertoia shswed great skîlls in moing the ---- Paul Martin and Keoin Thompoon with t each. odoton hall domo the field. Nicole Burgess had a number of U d r - oy lies strong kcks and throw-îns and Jessica Daidson ApeAt ls made some gond stops on deltense. Mahew Hanter TO Iternational APLnday Ato lass-RMa scsred for Vtos Pizza. rc Schroeder and Stephes Loctapot Auto 6 LldaMcas-Ma Fitzsimmons dsplayed gosti Iicians and runnisg, ah Lndsay McLaren-Remax struck f it on a great slrot 3 dîd Lam Robinson mho scsred sour goals. Sophia Goalies for Lsckport Auto mere Jordan Pisarde and by Michael Harnoga who later f sllowed ith 2 more 3 Cîviero mode some great stops on defense. Aron Cameron Parent. Scorios for Lsckpod mwere Daniel goals for the hat trAk. Justin Riding-Wieth sstched Millet and tws hy Esic Schroeder scnred the other Schetzer mth 3, Nicholas Garcia wîth 2 and Bradley the other Remas goal, bat il mas sol essagh. Apple goals for Canadian Tire. Fitzsimmons i. TO Intemnational shometi meil for the Auto Glass foaght back mtt Sean McGoem sconing Glass more Jortian Gas asti Michael Gîbsus asti for Remax Jesse Nicholson anti JaS Shoporti. w4 Look for game reports in Footnotes in the Canadian Champion every Friday throughout the season. House League, Rep & Select Coaches remember to send in your game write-ups to: myscfootnotes@stn.net or deliver to 599 Vanier Drive by Friday of each week. AIL I I z g' f a I. ' p ast eSsorlSy goalies AIL S / first game of the season. The season is off to a aood start v N

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