Be sure ta fax ail, your team reports and sports story. ideas ta Steve LeBlanc at 878- 4943, or, drop them off at 191 Main St. E. If the office is closed, please silde reports through the mailsiot. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -On the move Local resident John McDougall delvers a smooth pace on the way to victory et the Milton District Hosptal Foundatlonsa annual Hike for Helth fundralser Sunday momlng. The local rucer won the 10-km roud race for the third yeur in a row - clocking In at 40:25. OPEN 3ATUKDWAY RLLT. ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY 5 PM THURSDAY The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 1, 2001- 25 HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Campbelfvile Settenieut Aiea - Groundwater Investigation WHEFRE- LION'S COMMNITY CENTRE CGUELPH UNE (South of railway tracks in Casnpbellvîlle on the west side) VIUN: t Thuruday, ina.14,2001 TR«: 7:00 to 9:00 PM (Presentatlon at 7:30) The Region of Halton and the Town of Milton are in the proceas of finalizing an investigatioei on the growidwater resources within the Huinlet of Cmpbellvle and its sunfoundmgs. Members of thc public are mnvited to attend thc final public meeting where our consultant wiIl prestetUc findings of the study and discuss Uie implicaions for Uic Hamlet of Canpbellville. Halton Region Health Department staff will lso bç in attendance providing infomation and advice about weli water quality. For additlonAl informationm eaecotat Mr. Dave Ketdaeon Environmental Engineer Azimuth Emyfrommental C.msulti.g 111 Saunderu Road, Unit 2 Barrie, ON L4M 6E7 Phone: 705-72148451 Fax: 705-7214926 E-mail: aimuth< Mr. Steve Holysh Hydrogeologist Regional Municipality of BHlte 1151 Broute Rond Oakvllle, ON L6M 3L1 Phone: 905-8256161 Ext. 7134 Ton Free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Fax: 905-825-8822 e-mail: holvuhs(i) î[-(ý-ITON MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE Standings as of May 30, 2001 Teams 1 South Side '1' 2 New Lite 'B' 3 New Lite 'A' 4 South Side '2' 5 HoIy Rosary 6 St. Georges 7 Milton Bible 8 St. Pauls 9 New Lite Deaf 10 Knox il Grace 12 Boston Game Wins Losses Ties Pts. 10 8 6 6 6 6 6 4 2 1 5 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 o Thank you to Terry Rowley for sponsoring the league standings! Terry Rou-wley Mechanical mnc. Vour Heating, Cooling and Barbecue Headquarters 905*878'1979 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 925 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, UNIT 3