Dufferin looks to expand quarry by 83 hectares , from RESIDENTS on page 1 Dufferin Aggregates has proposed to extend the quarry by 83 hectares on lands north of the current site. But, said resident Paul Jarvis, "one does- n't move to the planes and then complain about the planes." The move would extend the life of the quart-y by 10 to 12 years. Currently there's less than eight years of life remaining at the quart-y. The quart-y te located north of Campbellville Road, between Sixth and Dublin Lines and south of No. 15 Sideroad. The main entrance to the quart-y iv off of Dublin Line. Applied for rezoning Dufferin Aggregates ha also applied for a rezoning designation from a rural and escarpment rural designation to a minerai resource extraction area designation. The purpose of the meeting was to allow residents to ask questions and gain infor- mation regarding the proposai. Once a technical report iv submitted, council will make a decision conceming the development. The report is expected to be completed by September. Surah Lowe, property and resource man- ager for Dufferin Aggregates, said she along with ber consultants listened careful- ly to the concems and questions raised at the meeting. "We're going to work improve the truck situation," she said. "The water wells won't be affected by the extension. I'd he open to meet with res- idents who have specitic comments." The quart-y, the largest producing quarry in Canada, supplies three to eigbt million tonnes of aggregate per year to the Greater Toronto Area. Got a hot scoop'? Gailus with your story ideas at 878-2341. The Canadian Champion, Fnday, June 1, 2001-17 NIO SWEmATIa & LABOUR Home comfort speooalists and complet. service & maintenance packages. 24 hour emergency service and fully trained instal Ail of aur units are designed for your total home o Cail now for a FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE ,~X and details on our summer specials. ' CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-718-6466 AP I 1994 JEEP M 20 N. 1998 CONCORDE LX 1998 GRAND VOYAGER j ptoair conditoning, CD, ylauto, air PWPL, onl 6 cy, auto, quads, onlyl 1150 km sI 57000 km.I68,00kmsPWPLI 1998 Caravan 1998 Neon 1998 VOYAGER EXPRESSO 6cy ., PL, air, 1-owner. 6ecyauro, rl, rcuse, p. scirs, 4dr.,auo.airO6,000kms 33L 6 cyIauto, quad seats, CD, P Nicenl ca s.,i000 kms. ~ 0 9 driver seat, PW PL. Nic cas. i 5 --999 2OOVCIIWS"~1996 DOOGE AVENGER 1998 PICK UP 1McHuiSm.L194VOAE ê4, aUto PPW ar oed,balan of4ot auto. PS, PB, PW i 8 cyl.,68000 kms,8'box, box flu LM1 9 VO A E ~annlyI Aicmeraut PS PB6 cl ato irPW L Slve 6ecylautoar 7 pas i 1owner PL, A/Clnr uo S B6clatar W L ivr servced ai Huer.76,000 kms. Taxes& Lic. Fee extra. - - ___ ~I ~~~_40 From Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8 your child will enjoy an educational experience that will last a lifetime. At Hitherlïeld School, students learn i an intimate, happy, yet challengirrg environment. Our sebool is situated just outside of Campbellville, percbed on a bilI overlooking 82 acres of beautiful rolling countryside. ..Anjj theres still room for you because... WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE'RE BUILDING-AGAIN! We are adding a gymnasium, an atrium and addtional claasrooms ta mark aur I tb Anniversary At Hltberfield, every child la unique. Our strong academic program, smaîl clasa sizes, and dedicated teachers help every cbild to want to achieve bis or her personal best. So ... corne and grow with us! For more information about Hitherfield, and bow you can become part of our wonderful student body, please caîl 905-854-0890.