Thtt us S r ie Cndian Chaporidyue1 011 Why After a recent local meeting about housing issues, 1 was talking with a young woman. We discussed the great need for affordable housing and the lack of any funds for building. Suddenly, she looked me right in the eye and said, "Why do they hate us?" 1 was taken aback and saddened by her question but not puzzled. This was shortly after reading in the newspapers about plans for drug and literacy tests for those on welfare. do they hate us? The young woman is on the waiting list for subsidized housing. The money she earns is not sufficient to cover the cost of renting a decent place to live and the other needs of her small family. The estimated time she will have to wait for a place is five to seven years. By then her children will be almost grown. Her situation is very discouraging but on top of it, she has concluded that people in need of assistance are hated. "Hate" is a strong word to use but at that moment that was how she felt. It seems to be the fashion to blame those in need of support and to forget that most of us are just a divorce, major illness or job loss away from money troubles ourselves. We also forget that Jesus said "Love thy neighbour as thyself' not "Love thy neighbour as long as he or she is financially self- sufficient". Submitted by Wendy Schau, Chair of Outreach, St. PauI's United Church BAHAI "Acceptance of the interrelutedness and interdependence of ail people implies the renewol of every social institution on the planet, including the family." from the Writings of Bahai'i LOCAL:-..-....................................878-0011 REGIONAL:----------------..........1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL-..-.........................wwwahaiuorg 66 0 HI-a iif, IL O Senior Pastor Rav. Dan Rogio Chidren Mra. Natals Rouge Worship Mrs. Esher Ksler Youth Rav. Gord Clark 9 amn - Early Worshîp Service 10:45 arn - Second Worahip Service Paster Dan Rogge preaching Reveation Chapter 14 - The Harvest of the Erth" HoIy Communion will 6e served Supervîsed Nursery & Dynamic Chiidren's Porams availabie duringl ail services! SHERYL STACEY & SMFIELDI REGEJERA70NTOUR 2001 jre. Adnh*8k3 - Offorin to e reelv*d jýSundayr, Jn3 at 63 D. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study We bel jeve and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. John 6.69 HOLY ROSARY PARISH htp//nAwwgoliler' nti-cLrlhairmltin/i }oIvnîîsan nihtmI 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) VHOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Marin Street Mass, at 5:30) pli. Salurday 9:001 a.m., 10:30 1111 & noon Sind ty ST. PETER CHURCH 9tb Line é-Britannia Mass at 9:00 a.m.Sunday Rev. EarI Talbot, PPR MILTON SFVENTH-DAY Àog;lbý CHU RCH Inie o oorweklvSabbath serýiies ýi Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown Si. Milton I/i-arr'er tIhe arnazing Bible invers tri lites perplextny iquestioins,:and the secret tir aî happy lite. For ISIEFIBIBLE LESSONS, write: 1.0. Box 23012, 55 Ontarrio SI. Miltomn, Ont., L9T 5114. On the INTERINET, lbnp:/,www.vrrp.crsiitn d ww\N.;trzitigLit.s.orrg/lirllesLiootrl/'scliliiîn;iin.;isp 'ASTOR: Carltrrn O. Rrrulstmn, 416-821-4010 SOUTHSIDE COMWMTYCIURCH of The Chrisian & Missionary Aliance (formnerly known as Milton Alliance Chîsrch) 2850 DERRY RD. - Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg Mecombs 11:00 KM. SUNDAY MORNING WORSIIIP SERVICE Join us May 6th-June 24th fer a series on the Famiy (Nurseri rare proNided) ADVENTUREL&ND (fer id age 3-gr6> For more inf<s on <ur regular wcekly minmstrics, picase call the churclh office. We welcome you to... SI. PAULUS UNIED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday - PENTECOST YOIJTI- CONFIRMATION & COMMUNION Worship 10:30 ar..e Nursery & Church School july 16-20 - "Beach Trek" Vacation Bible Camp Rev. John Benham ludy Hunier, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 ý x Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E.,Milton lihe C hurrh on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 Rev. Dr. Miark MeDennott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 ain - Ho)>' commnunion 10:00 ain - Sunîg Etocharist Chmrch Scho) & Coffec I lotr THURSDAY 10:00 ain Holy Comîmunion > WiheeIchair Access Thtrosgh Parking Lot Dicta VIOTORY BIBLE CHURON In roda y 's world, rhere are înanY pressures r/lai pull us in various directions. VBC is a chu rch focused on learning how ro applv the Bible ta ail aspects of life. Join us for our services so You and yourfamilv can have victory in your 1ie. But thanks be to God, whicb giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (l Corinthians 15:57) 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Morning Worship Seniors Activity Centre 500 Chflds Drive (located by Allendale) "Living A Victrnous Lfe By The Wom' 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyce@ S The Salvation Arny Church Milton 11:00 arn - Morning Worship 11:00 arn Sunday Sohool 100 Nipissing Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Lieutenants Sheldon & Clare Feener For more information about our services, and other programming please cali 876-2420 _________________________________________________ I I a i 1 ïý