lO-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 1, 2001 <edlLocal man charged wi*th drug possession Il the local crime news in every Friday edition. A 20-vear-old Milton man was charged tollowing an incident outside Our Lady ol Victory Sehool Sunday evening. During a routine foot patrol, Halton police officers came across two young men on the Commercial Street school grounids. The officers sei.'ed about 5 grams of marijuana. The suspect will appear n Ontario Court (provincial division) in Milton Jonc 21. Impaired driver cbarged -A~ ya oI li ion iIcîghts 10511 55 . charged with impaîred dniving May 24. Police stopped a motorist - heading southbound on Tremaine Road in a 1993 Plymouth Voyager - at about 4:25 p.m. and charged him with impaired driving, driving with over thc legal limit of alcohol in bis blood and driving while under sus- pension. He'lI appear in Ontario Court (provincial ADVERTORIAL Srudents...are you looking for employmenrtbis sommer but flot available for an entirely fuli-time job? Employers... do yoo need someone to belp fot bere and tbere but don't know wbere to look for qualified, available employees? The Milton Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students (HRCC-S) bas the answer! Eacb sommer we offer a program called the "Odd Job Sqoad", whicb allows employers to post their casual labour opportonities in tbe office and students to find temporary employment. "Odd jobs" migbt include such jobs as lawn cutting, babysitting, moving furniture or walking pets. Employers can take advantage of our services by posting tbeir casual jobs FREE of charge in our office. Tbey can find cager, and bard working students immediately, and avoid time-consuming and expensive advertisements. For students, the "Odd job Squad" is a great program to belp gain work experience and develop contacts. It may even tum into a permanent job!!! Students can sign up for the "Squad" in our office. Tbey decide wbat dlays tbey want to work and wbat types of jobs tbey want do. Tbis means that a student can earn money and gain valuable working experience white stili baving the freedom to enjoy tbe sommer. Students and employers can visit the Milton HRCC-S office to register or post jobs for the "Odd Job Squad". For more information call 905-878-8418 ext. 214. Employers can also fax a specific job order to 905-878-6861. We are always looking for more employers to post jobs and more students to fil tbem! 310 Main Street Milton, ON Monday-Friday 9:OOa.m.- 4:30p.m. The Human Resourice Centre o/ Canada For Students is part of the Covernment of Canada's Youth Empioyment Strategy CALL IN THE «ODD JOB" SQUAD... The Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students helps employers and students with their summer employmne-nt needs. NO JOB IS TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Students: 9 Earn cash on a temporary or part-time basis. 0 Gain work experience and develop contacts. 0Access job postings free of charge. Employers: 0 Find qualified workers to help with casual labour. 0 Post jobs free of charge. Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students 310 Main Street, Milton, ON L9T 1P4 Phone: (905) 878-8418 ext. 214 Fax: (905) 878-6861 The Human Resource Contre of Canadla for S/uent Ispait of the Govemmen ofCanadas Youth Emp/oymenl Strategy Yoî taLi taiegy jeunese Canadât Police Bloiter division) in Milton today. Phony bis circulating Police are warning local merchants to be extra cautious lollowing several cases ot counterteit bills being used throughout town. IWHAT'S ON]I Twister Wrap $299 pius tax Rght now, get one for Just $2.99 and we'll throw in a FREE 20 oz. Pepsi. 276 Main St. 878-4171 189 Miii Street* 878-6680 LOVE ENTERTAINIVENT EVERY WEDNESDAY - SaL EtSun. BBQ Noon-Sundown 201 Main St. E. 876-4899 Knigr6ht Cap Wednesday Nîght is WÎng Nîght 2.5e Wing0sW 270 Main St. E. (905) 876-3780 'Me phony $100) and $10 bills first sur- 0 *. mxade 1hcîî vway lu dowxntowfi busmnesses, with a number ol instances occurring over the past two weeks. Ring goes missing A platinum gold diamond ring went missing at Bronte Street's Vida Spa Tuesday. An employee took the $2,000) ring off and set it on a counter before attending to a client at about Il a.m. When she returned a short time later, the ring was missing. Price switching A 34-year old Milton woman bas been charged witb fraud under $5,000 in con- nection with a price switching incident at Zeliers last Friday. Police report a woman was spotted switching the price tag of a toy - regular- ly valued at $2797 - at about 4:20 p.m. She then paid for the item at the faise price. The suspect wilI appear in Milton court on June 28. Rural break-ins A computer valued at $2,500 was stolen homne a No. 5 Sideroad residence Tuesday. Unknown culprits kicked in a wooden back door before ransacking several rooms in the home and making off with the com- puter. The break-in and theft occurred between 6:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. A similar incident occurred on May 23, when a back door was kicked in to gain entry to, a Sixîli Line home. The residence was ransacked before thieves made off with jewelry and coins valued at approxi- mately $5,000. Van found in flames A 1991 Dodge Caravan was discovered on f ire in a ditch on Bell Sehool Line in the early momning boums Tuesday. The vehicle - found by a female motorist - had been stolen froro a Hamilton residence the night before and was valued at between $8,000 and $9,000. Theft thwarted A BiWay employee foiled a potential theft at the Main Street business Tuesday evening. At about 6:34 p.m. he spotted a man lin- gering around the stores safe and immedi- ately alerted bis supervisor, who then noti- fied police. The six-foot white maieflied before police could amrve. Crime Stoppers 0CF H A LTO0N Police seek flire cuiprits Police in Milton are investigating an arson that occurred in the ares of Woodward and Wilson Avenue April 14. A person was walking by a mail box at this location and noticed amoke coming froro within. Police and tire officiais were called and the tire was extinguished. Canada Post was notified and several pieces of mail were damaged. If you know who set tire to this maiibox, Crime Stoppers wants 10 hear from you. Cail 1 -800-222-TIPS or 825-TIIPS. Crime Stoppera of Halton ia operated by a board of directors made up of 18 civiliana fmom ail areas of the region.