The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 29, 2001--9 ,Town gearîng up to compete in Info on Trillium grants St The Ontario TriIlium Foundation will agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Cultur Communities in Bloom contes hldTow Hl .Àin .i here o r- n Rccain ndr.... 'ndn ý holît T o n l l w --m-1 i ra 0 ro tt ecîit tdre v l tun ic re For the thirti year in a row, Milton will take part in tise Communities in Bloom competi- tion. Thse town will compete against other Ontario communities in the population categosy of 20,001 to 50,000. "We've neyer achieveti nation- al status," saiti loy Antierson, co- ordinator of eommunity develop- ment. "You start at tse provincial level, then can move to national anti then international. This year we're aiming for national." The eight general areas of judging consitieration include titiîness, urban forestry, lanti- scapeti aras, floral displays, turf areas, environental effort, her- itage conservation anti communi- ty involvement. 'lThe Communities in Bloomo competition is a chance to show what, makes the community a great place to live in," Ms Antierson said. 'That's what the program is really about. Its not just about flowers." Two jutiges will have the opportunity to tour the town August 16 with members of the town's Commnunities in Bloom Committee. The community winners wilt be announced in September. "They'll (jutges) see the whole municîpality, both rural andi urban Milton," she said. It'll be a community designeti tour. We're in thse process of designing the tour route. It's important that the judges meet with as many people from thse town as possible, including thse mayor andi counicil members." For more information regard- ing the competition or to suggest tour route ideas, cai loy Anderson at (905) 702-3143. last year and funding opportunities. The Trillium'i Foundation will allocate more than $8 million this year to non-prof- it and charitable organizations in Peel andi Halton regions in the areas of arts and cul- ture, sports and recreation, human and social services anti the environment. The first meeting will take place May 31 in Burlington at the public library in Centennial Hall, 2331 New St., at 7 p.m. 'Me next meeting will be helti June 7 in Brampton at the Region of Peel Council Chambers, 10 Peel Centre Dr., at 7 p.m. The last meeting will be held June 12 in Mississauga at Burnhamthorpe Library Theatre, 1350 Bumhamthorpe-Rd. E., at 7 p.m. The Ontario Trillium Fountiation is an tiative. For more information, cail Yvonne Ferrer at (416) 963-7903. We wish to draw your attention to the folowing in our current 'Canadian Tire Flyer' FRONT COVER - HEX DOME TENT. 7"-1296 Product may flot be exacgy as shown and may vary by store locabon. We sincrely regrel atiy invtrnreniencwe i may have cauaed ytu. Pennent Ride Saturday will help raise awareness of June 16 Ride for Sight Participants in the Pennent Ride, a wann up for the fundraîsing Ride for Sight, will meet at the Hardball Cafe at 9:15 a.m. Saturday. They wilI then meet up with riders in Brampton and Orangeville before heading to the final destination in Markham. A kick-off party will be helti Friday night at the Hardball on Regional Road 25 with radio host 97.7. Pledge forms are available there. The 2001 Ride for Sight will tollow June 16 starting at the International Centre in Toronto anti ending at the G&E Fairgrounds between Collingwood anti Wasaga Beach. Riders will meet at the International Centre at 10 a. m. The. Canadian National Jousting Tournament Brampton june 15 e 16,@ 17 - nw.a F-Aw .ae * on oui EntirW stok 0100% COTTONS & BLENDS & Mg Special Selection! W-1-D-E COTTON PRINTS & SOLIDS 150cm vvide. Solids - Reg. 8.98 m NOW 2.77 m Prints - Reg. 9.98 m NOW 2.99 m Our Entire Stock! McCALLS PATTERNS NOW 2.49 en. From May 23-June 3, 2001. No limit, while quantities lasti Special Selection SILK NOILE SOLIDS 11 5cm wide. Our Reg. 10.98 ry NOW 5.49 m Special Selectior GRABER DRAPEI HARDWARE Individually price Selection varies per! Now 60% Off Our Reý e n Special Selection! KNITPARADE sýA.9 E FTZ BL 0,n 15ocm wide, solids in 1 ly pr c r 0ntDd8 se assorted colours and textures. Our Reg. 7.98 m 3 r i s p r s tý 7 NOW 2.66 mc fou r Reg . p ri Special Selection! BUTTON BLITZ BLOWOUT! TTO OW UT' 6 m t ures. ALL BUTTONS individually pricd.t x Selection varies per stoe. Now 50% Off Our Reg. Prices Excudig romoional igoods enCoSlectnefoMay 16-Ju 3,20 01. lleedtn-sol e any okfrh e aetg.Not valid with any other discount offers. Sorrecetin apy, tal no se : 'ce IREIO rchandise ers. Pi Mlua Ma entor MleaOnce8!8l.0931 MENS, WOMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING FOO1WEAR - BACKPACKS - TOWELS - BEDDING LUGGAGE - HOUSEWARES - CANDY SOFT DRINKS - SIGHT & SOUND - COSMETICS BABY PRODUCTS - HEALTH & IEAUTY AIDS SOCKS & UNDERWEAR - GREETINO CARDS AND MUCH MORE fl x 2MAN5 AR'. z