4-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, May 29, 2001 iSafe cycling Brooke Harrison (above), 7, takes a water break whlle Chris Lajole tries his hand at the teeter toiler obstacle durlng Htherfleld School's bike rodeo Wednesday. Students from junior kindergarten to grade 8 participated in the annu- ai event, which Included special guests from Spokes 'N Siopes and the Milton Road Safety Commlttee as weII as local Olympic cyclist Chrlssy Redden. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Saturdoy June 2 10-4 pm by Appointment 1t Naul Naturain mari r-ah peilecli doen, dry nns rinnove old reanents or nadl colour mi totid nai] colour renioter or fr0 dtp or naïls lto un instant sporge dtp. t. Nil Shapiîg To attractively diapo nads, tiotddiflde ai a stigit angle, and file rontt arder- aradlt ta(lit lie rails odge is iovellci] Always f[de tarda lie centre af lie rail, rover sesais as tis cass sptting ard tearng, dia wealering the nados 3. Cuticle Cire Unrranted mnd excess cticles mui lbe retîtaned ard kep in top shape toaird in a perfect mai- cure. Apply a cuticle massage creamandi sorti fin- ges in lukowaen ater Tile craides are notsi fllam mti a meiicird cuacle temaver creato. lUno a pmoblem cardce remarer il r ruadces are % sre, cracled or sensiise ta geally lrugb off te rater layes o adicrdo. lthergesry ral dtm l imt a ccre sracla are lie Iindanlare laly in r crclar motioan lrua rdeai] cardce layers. Wtdu orl scisars precinely vim amay dca] ctjde or hagnails. [ner crI frenb cardce) 4. Nid Preparaionc A baffer helps rmaortmagI, eutged naids la allrw poabsh la adhere pesperly adislailen crcla- loin the nid led fr a heallliee Iook Facr amauraI brrrIrak fin, use a 2 on I adlwhite pendil rademeatl t he cdge of nlarl tace the naral Witie Ri hp. 5. Nid Repair Use nid glre 1 i mdmk, spls ai] breks rnnarml orîls. 6. Nil SrengdhmSes & Hardeners Gel inIa the babit nf n drily om grnmlh pragran labeli nuengtltrn nals ai] Hosted by provenu clappaig.spltung, ai] cruclang. Srly'Hasern[lard As Nada ta lteargi- rai [aninula aidungoal protecionfo r e0 yares lite pemer e not nnera- uinr pradaci, saper durable ai] argb s Toffon Taf for maximunmprotetorn front external elements. Candtuantng oure nals peaperly asmont impprnant 50 thepl Iarrtir nrengt ta resite ernemi ai[androseoli]abuase. 7 Buse Coius A base cari afferes ddarrnral protectiand ai]nmpranat ita smoatti armerarr- faces ai] prosenta disclrariiar iefore apply- i ng a base cari mute sure paurerails are dry ai] X-. fre nI rap residre ramnt e earlp aaicure sîepn. Base carsa usa help oal colaur r-esc ranger-fac lesî resnîts, brali r [lido ander te oal rpr beforer par caner die nad surface. Nar- [ tn e [ahane fan ridthrffDy anson's diree Irlialans flao clure fios.- Claurfral, Ner- Lengdi ids i hTrima ai]d ard As Nails mth Woyln. Jtfer die base coarlin cnmplelely dry, a pply dirre fghî acaokes, one dama die centre, t khdiconanrlang mcl i sae. Remember, tnon d coaris aireebteretdiione dick anc.Fora nprofen- sînl finish, mre msaplici]plisb arenni] die caides ai] nid ei]gen idi a maffcace crrerc- lac. Nid plab dises [mm dite top layer dama. Fac a perfrdily set maicare illor 5 mnutanes bern ea c c at a ppliod fac 9. Top Coul Fac nlane, beflluace ai] proeaccion, dires nadaingflic na tnp cori-greil Incaa boighaemog înucb-ap betmcco manicaren lûtlire tlocl i nfannalalci] midiUV absarbees la pestect clme [omthditandi]preneos naids ront yelnlg. 10. Drying ilueres nor ored l0 mail [ne naids la dry mihqniol-deyng pondants. Bnbh-o ne aerosoVonr spray iosandy rnrfrce-dry mcl nid clmr la prltent fit ginai ncuffing ai] nmndgng Corne In & Make Vour Appoîntmnent Todayl (905) 878-1 133 See Your Carrnage Sq. Shoppers Cardage Square 265 Main St E. Drug Mort Cosmetician! a. t- I