Public school board hot over tax credits for private schools By DENNIS SMITH Special ta The Champion Tax credits for private schools have drawn fire from the Halton District Sehool Board. Trustees voted recently to express their dismay with a new $3,500 provincial tax credit for pupils attending private schools. Milton trustee Erica Andrew pro- posed the board indicate its disap- proval to the provincial govem- ment. 'The initiative seriously under- mines public education," she noted. Educators have estimated the move will divert $300 million in funding from public education. Ms Andrew said the $3.500 private sebool tax credit saves the Province money because it costs $5.600 to educate the child in a public sebool. "This wiII earn the government a profit and induce parents to go to the private system." ERICA ANDREW 'This will eam tbe government a profit and induce parents to go to the private system,rr sbe said. Quoting in part from an editorial, tbe trustee noted public education "is tbe rising tide that lifts al boats." The public system offers belp to any student, noted Ms Andrew. "Public schools accept wboever arrives," sbe said. "Private scbools do not take troublemakers, or stu- dents witb special needs or low marks." And if a student does cause trou- ble in a private sehool, they can be expelled, said Ms Andrew. 'Me trustee said Premier Mike Hanris often refers to the quality of the workforce and quality of life in Ontario. "He is bragging about graduates of the public system pro- duced in the years prior to is com- ing into power." The provincial tax credit, for fees paid to independent schools, will be phased in over Oive years. Janet Ecker said recently ber education ministry has undertaken numerous public scbool reforms and bas increased tbe syttem's tunding by $360 million for 2001/2002. "But just as we are sup- porting and encouraging parental involvement and choice witbin tbe public system, we also respect tbe choice made by tbose parents wbo cboose to educate tbeir cbildren in an independent school." 2 tochoast M 321780 #183847A 2000 GMC Jimm ____ ____ ___ mm ,,csiLm Il.2000 Buick LeSabre - 1996 lntrepid* *1999 Regal LS , 1994 Sedan Deville- *1999 Sedan Devlle - 1998 GMC 1/2 Ton Pick-up * 96 Seville STS * 98 Montana Van - 00 Grand Arn Ftnancing apply ta 1996 and lier. 0 3 Mils, 5000 km warrmnty on thon v.hicle. *As ta SpnciaI, no warranty. ____ s1n5tyle! l4e izli'U-jeyol:L tc sereic u From $1419*US per person Standard Inside Cabin Dec. 29th - Port Canaveral Dec. 3th - At Sea (Experience the ship's treasure) Jan. lst - St. Maarten Jan. 2nd - St. Thomas Jan. 3rd - At sea ian 4th - Castaway Cay (Disney's own Private Island Paradise) Jan 5th - Port Canaveral O4Ja.d mil.. kacna. from Amnan Eprss Confpany. Copynigh 0: Ama Ca nad ,. 2001. Indpendently onend and opeaefi by 362763 Canada I.Rieg. Oq 60416 Price quoeeis a cruise o*h raie, andia suiqd Io chanea andaisaalaihy eaitha ieaoa bookoog. Taxes and por charges rin nlodei. As Io Dsnay phoos, Iogoa and proprhsC Dsnay '7P71724B '94 Cadillac Sedan Devilit ' à . Ilac Seville STS 1 L---'98 Cadillac C ý1996 Uhrysler Intrep'i