29, 2001 Sam Sherratt School gets funding from Grassroots for information technology Studcnts arrckarniing ahout illonnation technol- ing for its 'Celcbrating Our Success' program. niculum. ogy with help from i I rassroots project. With the funds, participating schools can pur- As part of the project, each school will produce Eight I-lton public schools will reccive a total chase technology to assist their projects and partic- a web site that will be a resource toi other schools of ncarly $45.000 flor participating in the project. ipatc in staff development sessions to learn how to and serve as an integral part of the school project. -Gra.ssroots is a terilic opportunity f'or schools use technology in the classroom. The Grassroots project is a national initiative to connect currculum and technology in the class- Schools can invest the funds for computers, sosrdb h iityo dctoIdsr room," said Mary Taylor, the Halton District scanners, digital cameras and software that benefit spndso by thestyo Education, Nutrkyo School Board's instructional technologies coordi- the entire school. CnaranadSh N the dcationblcNuewior o nator. Grassroots funding is for school projects that OtroadteOtroPbi uevsr "With these new funds, schools have been able engage students in using information technology Officiais Association. to enhance the computer technology they already for learning. For more information about Grassroots project have in their schools." Participating schools suhmitted proposaIs that in Haîton, refer to the Halton District Schooî Loalv Sam Sherra t unl it rreciuv mnl- iuse technotoRv and are linked to the Ontario cur- Board's web site at www.haltondsb.on.ca. u'-'u ý"iàlvlvry a..u a., . 1-()Uâlly, aulii alicliaut awluvi Wili luuuivu iuliu-