Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 May 2001, p. 10

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lO-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, May 29, 2001 Keep your, Temperatures DRE For thse air me 71 M i S ctE Meo 76318 oIo Milon& Distdct HospitàIA l uiary Halton Healthcare Services board chair Christs Wessel (left) and CEO John Oliver accept a cheque for $1 31 ,000 on behaîf of Milton District Hospital from Auxiliary member Grace Hildebrand. ,,Milton District Hospital gets big shot in the arm from Auxiliary PUBLIC MEETING Notice of a Public Meeting 401 CORRIDOR INTEGRATED PLANNING PROJECT TEMPORARY USE BY-LAW DEVELOPMENT"D" ZONE Council for the Town of Hation Hitls aitl conduct a Pauic Meeting la examine and disssa a proposed temporary Zoning By-law Amnedment for the 401 Corridor Secondooy Plan Areo. Town Council adoped the 401 Corridor lntegrated Planning Proiect in March 2000 afriof inchadesaa Secondary Plan as welt as Urtian Design Guidelinen, Scoped Subwatershed Study, and tmptementing Official Plan Amendruent. On Jane 19, 2000, the Town passed Zonîrsg By-Law 00-076. This By-Law placed the landosabject lx O.P.A. #94 tto a "Devetopment () Zone» for a one year peniod pending the comptetion of a comprehensive Zoning By-Law for the 401 Corridor. Sabsequentty, the Town passed Zoning By-Law 00-138 for the 401 Corridor on October 23,2000. This By-Law fas heen appeaied t0 tRe Ontario Muncipal Board, Untif the 0MB ndles on tRe appeats, il n proposed IRaI a Temporary Use By-Law ha passed lx recognize the future deveeopment of the tonds, however, in the iterim, il only pernnes uses hy a pub- lic authority and uses tegatty eisting at the date sot paaning of IRe By-Law. Thse purpose of the public meeting isIx provide more information regardiog the By-Law to zone the ares ao Devetopment "D" Zone. Planning staff witl provide sdditiuoxa information aI Ihe Public Meeting. The public ix invited lx atend Ihe meeting to ask questions and proide comments. Ifsa pemson or public body tRot files an appeOl of a decision of IRe approved axthorfly does 001 moka oral uuhmixsioos aI lthe Public Meeting, or moke writteo xubmissions etors a deciion, the 0ntario Municipal Board may dismînu IRe appeat. M~R Further information is avaitabte in tIse Planning Departmnent. AU. INTEAESTED CITIENS ARE WELCOME DATEMME: Tuoaday, Jane 10, 2001, 6:30 p. LOCATION: Cauncil Chambers, civfs Centre FILE NO: D081401 Secondary Plan 10B INVITATION TO WORKSHOP Invitation Officiai Plan Program Workshop The Town of Hatton Hiltos i n the procesof undertsking an Off icia] Plan Review. An important aspect of the Review o lxo obtain input f rom the communtiy ta elp guide the future direction of the Town. Through Steering Committee meetings we have ideotified three major areas of intereot: CrowtR Management, Economic Devetopment and the Enironment. Crowth Management s the topic of this workshop and we are inviing you to contribeale your views on the future of tme Town of Haion Hitîs. Thse worftxhop witI ho etd on: Thursday, June 14,2001 Cultural Centre 9 Church Street, Georgetown 6:00 p.m. 10 9:00 p.m. Backsground information sud illustration panels will ho on dîsptsy aItIshe open bouse prior lu the worlshxp. A brief prenentation about tIse Town 0f Hation HuIs OBficial Plan Worfs Prxgram witt ho mode. Grxwth Management in Hation Hillu aill he tIse focun of the workshxp and discussion grouop. 6:00-6:30 - Drop in, 010w diuplay panais. 1630-9:00 - Overview ol Officiai Plan, Break out Croupu for discussio of Crxwth Management (with cxnclxding dscussions ai approximately 8.45 p.m.) We value your input and hope tRt vox cao jin us. Weas0k tRt yox register ahead uftime. Please contact Jason Innis at 905-473-2601 ext. 2256 or by emait aI îasoni@town.Ralton-hills.on.ca Ix confirm your sattndance. Last day for registratio s Wedneaday, Jane 6, 2001 by 4:00 p.m. Information os the Town of Hation Hlîs Official Plan Program is ovastahte aI www.town.haltxnhitt.on.ca (Panning & Development Services). 107 Mitton District H-ospital is now $131,000 icher thanks 10 the hospitat's Auxitiary. Auxiliary president Grace Hildebrand presented the donation to the hospital May 17 during the fundraising organizations annuat meeting. The funds represent those raised by the Auxiliary during the pool year. At the meeting, junior members Jessica Dovidson and Beth Holiburton were asmo presented with $1 ,000 buruaries for their votunteer efforts. The bursaries were awarded in the memory of Shelagh Conway and Iris Wlchinski. The annual meeting aiso marked the etection of the Auxitiary's new board of directors. Heading up the board this year are president Rose Barrow and vice- presidents Pouline Howker and Deborah Coulombe. Heather McIntosh wanamed secretary and Rita Word is the new director of volunteers, Sam Sherratt Public School would like to extend a very special Tlîank You totefollowing companies and individuals who donated items for ur Bloomin' Barbeque, held Saturday, May l2th. Thanks also to the many volunteers who made this day possible. 2 4 t Pizza Fahricland Knight Cap Scotia Bank A & P Food Store ifthu Wheel Trock Stop Knuchies Sport Shop Sharon & Roo Cross Absolute Tansportation Flamhorough Downs La Rose Bakery Shirley Hall Academy o Music Callinger Motors La Toscana Ristorante Shoppero Dm4 Mrt Anna Filao Golden Fish & Chips LaserQuest Smart Cleaners Bellocchio Coligers flave! LeeAno Peroazza Spohes " Slpes Bort & Marge Folco Coodlife Ftnets Lolaws Mlton Marhet Springridge Portos Black's Granite Rdge C & CC Marinelaod & Came St. Clair Paiot Boardtopia Hatoo Regîoo POnt State Parm Insurance Body & Sole Conservatio Athority Metter Canada SohWay Sandwiches - Bruce Hood Travel Harrop Art Callery Milton Chrysler Dodge Marhet Dr. Busy Bodies Play Town Hrvrys Milton JaCees Sun Havet 'nning Spa Canadman ire Hawkns Aimal Hospital Milton Photo Super "A" Vtdeo Carolyn & Scott Hi-S Hait Desigin Milton Toyota Sweet Water Crilt Richardson Hogshead Brew Cluh Misty Bise Ceramics Swins Chalet Casa Lma Home Cinemna Vides Muddy Dock Restaurant T & B Sargent Parmus Cathy Plman Homhy Clen Golf Course Nadine Neshtt The Dickens Cathy SpollIa .D.A. Nancy Haringa The Peminine Way Charley FitzWhiskey's loy Armi North Eod Nissan Tht rat Canadian Bagel Comsc Express Jay's tce Crearn Oriental Wok The Quitera haasket Colt Beverages lers Camphell PotinCanada Tito Horons Country Markiets Jessie McCann PetValu Tri City Automation toc. DZ. Ont JML Syortswear RAM Lighting Vichy Cxwans Dai ry Qoten Jostens Canado Reese Auto, Truck & Vida Spa tisane Neetando K & S Travel Equipment Services Weekenders Direct TV Katena Ftowers ichardson Chev-Oldi Woody Neat Domingos Tîger Market Karen Scott Bita Weerdenberg Wsimyy's Diner Don Cherrys Kelly Burtiholder Bod Gohby Wingstip! Dr MarIera E. Turner Ketsey's Restaurants Bon & Sue Cramer Zako Pharmacy Dynamîc Packaging Key Centres Royal Bauk Eîstey Opticat Ktchen Food Fair SchootTees Esecutîse Pairways Kitty & Tom Haîkett Scoryso Commuications e '4 m

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