The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001--9 ISchool arts programs being squeezed: Andrew ho By DENNlS SMITH .SpeciaI fo Ehe Champon conhil Give us a littie credit to help high "Stt school arts programs, trustees plan expreý to tell local MPPs. and vý Curriculum changes and an But average credit' funding formula ally eý are squeezing arts programs. formu Milton trustee Erica Andrew told a studer recent Halton District School Tru Board meeting. motio Current provincial funding "is Haltei having a great impact on arts pro- ing fi grams, which are downplayed in credit the new Ontario curriculum," she 'W said. "The only way to continue the becau * arts iv to let students take extra i ssue,' * courses." A m With the curriculum shrinking to Camr four years, many Halton students Hardi Golf clinies for women executives Professional women can get in the swing of things through a unique golfing clinic this suminer. Held at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club, the program bhas been designed exclusively for professional women and iv ajoint initiative between the Women's Executive Network and ClubLink golf courses. The clinics are open to tèmnale golfers of ail ages and skill levels and each day-long instructional session includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments - as well as a complimentary gift bag. The deadline to sign up is Thursday. Cal (416) 361-1475, ext. 222. « NC 4& e /00unto The movement for active, healthy living [(ttC arts courses like music. tudents use the arts to explore, vss and interpret their beliefs values," said Ms Andrew. Lit means the board tradition- exceeds the provincial funding ila's limit of 7.5 credits per -nt. ustees approved Ms Andrew's on requesting a meeting with on's four MPPs to discuss hav- funding based on the actual iaverage. 'e should also invite parents, ise for some, it's a signiticant ," she said. ong those concerned was ibellville resident Jim ng, who spoke as a delega- program t(hat bas a lhcavy cosphasis on compulsory credits in the math and science areas, music has con- ributed to our son's overaîl skill development and bas also support- ed the requirements in these ses- demie subject areas," he said. Mr. Harding noted music helps students devclop sequencing, pst- temning and motor skills. The sub- ject aiso, relates to child-rearing and patriotisos, plus math, science, bis- tory, geograpby and enhances sehool events, ho said. And the program iv available to ail students, said Mr. Harding. "If there were no school music classes, or tbey were availtable on a reduced level, it iv doubtful ail our musi- Hombe & Persosil Services mec SypSung iodependo o Empty Nesti s a "one stop shop" for those people aho: Dont know where to tumn Are concerned about fnding the right person for the job Dont have the tt me to do wbat it takes " What Is }our Time Worth ? Want "peare of mid" for theceselves and their toved oves Dont want the "worry" or the "stress" " Roofing " Pombing "Electricat " Heating/Cooling " Carpentry " Painting "Generat handiwork -House cteaning Wisdow cteaoing Lawn care j Lifestyte support Ilih.jsionepl o . el : ' I SWEAT! Horn e ,mfort speciahisIs and complete service & maintenance packages. 24 heur emnergency service and fully trained instai Ail of aur units are designed for your total home cc Caîl now for a FEFE N HOME EST MATE and details on aur summer specials. CALL TOLL FR EE 1-888-718-6466 A N Viito r eb i e t % m '0ffoeo*UM une m15, 2001, on on nsaIod à ( bng UMnEnvtmegv- toniai ho omt.ood wth aodw ober S* *Mon* yooovukubho a e~ tm.16.91.itrootepoom asurnm.ordeteredpovvet.GSI 0 obe u 4 1I O EAR TS & LABOUR -11 vate tutelage in the coimmiunity.' He vaid bis son studies music at Milton District High Sehool as a ninth credit, but cannot take the extra credit next year because of funding concemns. Few of the school's grade 9 stu- dents are eontinuing music studies the following year, Mr. Harding added. "If we do not find a cre- ative way to allow more grade 10 i " , t ý , ,u tiacte will be no one to osove on in the years to comne." M.M. Robinson students have been seeking a meeting witb Burlington MPP Cam Jackson on the issue. One students recent let- ter suggested if the provincial govemment bas money for televi- sion election ads and provincial tax cuts, it can afford to spend more on education. scoop? CalIut with your $tory ideas at 878- 2341, ext. 234. ADVERTORIAL The Milton Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students (HRCC-S) is once again open for the summer!!! For students and employers who have used our FREE services in past years, we do not need to explain ail of the advantages of visiting the ernployrnent hub of Milton. If you are like countless other college and university students who have recently finished school for the year and have not yet found sumrmer employment... don't worry! The Hurnan Resource Centre of Canada for Students, part of the Goverrnent of Canada's Youth Ernployment Strategy, is here to ensure that you have nothing to fear. Our office acts as a link between employers and students to make sumrmer employrnent connections in the Milton area. OUR JOB IS HELPING YOU FIND ONE! For employers, we offer a wîde array of free services. Among these services is the free posting of job orders on the job board in our centre - as well as on our Internet Job Bank at We also'offer screening services and we have an Odd Job Squad on cati, every day, to handie any casual labour duty. No job is too big or too small. The Odd Job Squad is ready! We offer many other free services and programs to both students and employers, so do not delay! Corne down to the Milton Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students! Our office is located at 3 10 Main Street, in the TD Bank Building. You can reach us by phone at (905) 878-8418 ext. 214 or by fax (905) 878-6861. STRESSED OUT? TIRED? OVERWORKED? ("uhi Stratégie rînploynient emploi Strategy jeunesse HIRE A STUDENT TO SAVE THE DAY!. The Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students helps employers and students with their summer employnient needs. Our free services include: Advertisement of jobs direétly to qualified students *Information about labour market trends, employment standards and job search techniques *Access to job postings on job boards and on Internet Job Bank HumAN REsouRCE CMENR 0F CANADA FOR STuDENTs 310 MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ON. L9T 1P4 Phone: (905) 878-8418 ext. 214 Fax: (905) 878-6861 m Ëi