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Michelle Doelli is also cougrat- ulated on her doufile gold performance, winning the Junior Girls 800 and 1500 metres. As well, the following membfers aIses quali- fied in individual or relay evenîs for the Southerit Ontario Regionul Championships 10 fie held t McMaster University: Luke Brunner, Megan Burke, Jonathan Borrelli, Diana Cosme, Carly Doell, John MeDougal, Mike MeGilI, Kelsey Mountain, Miro Mosavc, Ava Stofast and Kalfryn Weston. AIl ai-e wished the fiest of luck. Wiîh the soccer playoffs occurring over the pas( few weeks, B.R. fias fleen well repreuented. The Senior Boys îeam hosted Nelson n semi-final action 10 fight for a ferth in the Halton Championship. Following a tough game in front of home crowd support, Onel Martino cored the bite goal leading the guys 10 the w: n. On Tuesday, the team ravelled 10 Burlinglon 10 compete in the Halton Championship. The entire team played well and defeated Loyola 2- 0. Today the team is traveling 10 G *H.A.C. where a win would earn them a spot t O.F.S.A.A. Good luck guys. The Junior Boys also competed for a fiertfi 10 the finals afler defeating Sî.Thomas Aquinas in their quarter final game. 'Me guys traveled 10 Q.E. Park last Friday and played exîremely well. Phil Foley sîopped a penalty shot aI the end of the game forcing oser- ime. Unfortunately the îeamn feil short, ending what had fleen a great season. The Junior Girls îeam also played amazing ini their semi-final match flut was unafile 10 clinch the win loosing I-0 against M.M. Rofinson. AIl of B.R.'s soccer players are commended on their great seasons. The annual Athlelic Banquet is fieing held this Thursday, May 31 from 6- 10 PM. Athetes can stilî pick up their tickets on Monday. As usual this evening promises 10 fie an amazing night with great entertainment. Currenlly, the Senior Concert Band iv n Chicago. Watch for hîgh- lights of their trip n the nexl edilion. This years Spring Dance is occurring on Friday, June lt, 2001 from 7-Il PM. Those who have tickets from the previousty cuit- celled dance can receive a new ticket or refund fiy eeing a Student Governmenl representative n the piazza during ticket sales. Graduates now have the opportunity 10 purchase graduation din- ner and dance tickets. They will fie on sale untit the end of nexi week n the piazza during periods two, îhree and four. To conclude with some words of advice for ail of B.R.'s competi- tors: "Confidence is thse key to vitory." DATELINE DRURT Av E.C. DRUET H109 SCIEGOL Joanne Gunding Lindsey Harrold Although ihis pasi week was a short one, each day l)rury students tock pari n somtething special. As the end of the school year approaches more and more actis- lies are reachmng their climax and thien drawng ici a close. A wînner was finally declared in thse Student Government Survivor Challenge wbch has taken place oser the past six weeks.[he Sears Drama Festival participants could fmnally pack away tfteir scripts followiitg the final periormance of their play, and the girls rugby players can hang up their cleats aftcr their last game of the season. Along wtth the conclusions of aIl of these actsîttes, Drury students were also învolved n the annual Lterary Cofiee House on Wednesday esening. Throughoui the year, the Englîsh teachers keep their eyes oui for promîsing writ- ers who would be willing to perforru ai thse Lterary Coffee House. This year, many îalenied studenis agreed 10 showcase iheir work. The intîmale esenîng included student poetry, short sînries. and comedy as well as performances hy some of Drurys musicians and dancers. Esery one of thse thiriy participants was spectacular What a wonderful way 10 show parents whai their chîldeen are capa- hIe of creaiing. Many thanks 10 Mcr Keane for organizing tis esent andI to A of thse participants for their hard work! Another group of people who hase coniributed a loi 10 the school. tIse Sindeni Gosemment Esecutive, also hatI a husy week. On Wednesday, the final two teains of thse Survisor Challenge faced off for firsi prize. Tis week's challenge was a trîsia race, in which the first team 10e answer iwenty questions correctly was named champion. In the end, fie OAC tearn prosed sîctorjous. This esent was ose of the last things 10 he organîzed hy ihe curreni Student Gosernmeni. The mem- hers of this year's esecutîse ere Megan Bougher, Lyndsey Jones, Ali Rollwagen, Jen Camphell, and Jennie Htunt. Thanks su much for ysur dedicaton and sehool spirit. The eleciion for nesi year's esecutîse took place on Thursday. Read Daielîne Drury nest week to find ouitIhe resulis! With ihe raîny weather andI resultîng muddy fields mosi sports mere rained oui ihis pasi week including games for the hoys basehaîl and girls sol ibaîl teamu. There is one tearu howeser. tIsas delights in playing intihe ran. The girls rugby tearu played through the downpour on Tnesday versos M.M. Robinson tn Burlîngion. Afthough the girls had fun in tIse mud and scored one try, they losi the gamte 25-5. The team had to gel oser ibis loss quickly howeser. as tIsey partîci- paîed in a toumrnent ai Nelson Higb School on Thursday. This mas the last scheduled conîpetitîon for ths tram. Tme 10 stari praciing for nesi year's tearu' For tIse stuidents însolsed in the Sears Drama Festsal. there wll neser fie a "nexI performance'. The group wrapped up their producton wth a performance tn front of the school on Frday afiernoon. Finally studenîs were able tu sec the play ibai had so much success in competition. Although tIse play included somre dark humour, the majorîty of sîndenîs mere able lu undersiand the messages ahout racîsm and prejudice. Hopefnlly, some sîndenîs mere inspired lu take part in draina nesi year as the entre casi of ibis years prodluction is graduaiing. As actisities wind down and June approaches il is a challenge for sîndenîs 10 sîay focused on their school work. Jus( remember, only four more weeks lefi until eunis su i is ime 10 star studying' GRADE "A" 'PNEWS DISTRICT Bien11SCHOGLI Mfichelle Merkley EmiIy Willoughby RERUN Wiîh the sehool year slowly coming 10 an erid, students ut MDHS have been as husy as ever. Dur girls sofîfll team won their game againsl White Ouks on their turf in a 19- 10 victory. Ail the girls playecl very well. On Monday and Tuesday, the Prefects did tours for grade eight studerits from feeder sehools. The younger students had a chance 10 see students un classes and gel a small sample of what lhey can look forward 10 nexi year. On Wednesday, students from MDHS helped ai the Tim Horions Day Car Wash. The money they raised is fieing used 10 help send kids to camp. A special thanks goes ou( 10 the fol- lowing students who donated their ime and car washing talents to0 the car wash: Josh Suter, Jutin Stanly, Jeremy Smith, Jenny Smith, Toni Carleten, Alex George, Alex Rundle, Katie O'Reilly, Rochelle Sauille, Sony Dhillon, Samanîha Thompson, Mark P, and Defibie Rorke. Also on Wednesday during TAP classes, tudents from the Anti-Violence Committee asked the grades nine and tenu 10 filI out their perceptions of safety in the uchool and what they îhought could fie donc 10, solve il. The resultu from this survey will fie presented t0 aIl TAP classes in ablout two weeks. The answers from the students will help the uchool underutand the students' concerns and their ideas on how the violence and van- dalism cao be stopped. During TAP, ail students were given information on the "Lock-UP" that will occur sometime next week. This is a practîce routine that is done each year at ail High Sehools 10 practice what should fie donc un case an intrud- er enters the school. On May 23rd OAC students will fie coming uround 10 flouses within the sehool area for their Bottle Drive fietween the hours of 6:00-8:OOpm. AIl proceeds collected will go towards the MDHS prom. On May 26th, the Anti-Violence Committee will fie holding a car wash ut Canadian Tire and on the 27th they will fie having a B-B-Q aI Lofilaws. Ail proceedu will go towards the Spring Fling that they are planning. Attention ail students!!! Have you fiought your yearfiook yet??? There are now ortly 22 left!!! Make sure you gel yours fiefore they go! Also, do you have a biand? Do you want 10 com- pete in MDHS' BaIlle of the Bands"? If you do, make sure you look t one of the many posters around the uchool and contact students in charge so you can compete. Finally, just a reminder to ail parents that Letters of Concern are fieing mailed out today. We hope you ail have a safe and happy long weekend.