30-The Caniadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001 AUTOBODY TECHNICIAN üil mukes und sîzes, requîtes liCeflsed Autobody Technician. Would be willing to train suitable candidate. Contact: Lance Stevens at: 905-878-6919 Chief Accountant/Controller tOar citent, a inutîîat insiîrance cuîîîpany locat- ed in souîh-central Ontario bas an iipentng for a Cief Accountant/Controller. Reporting tri tbe General Manager, iis postion is responsi- bIc for al aspects of tbe organiaioss accounting, budgeting and financtal reperting reqsîretnents. If you are a qualified accourant (C.G.A. C,.A., C.A.) a teain player, conputer literate witb strong commîuncation skills this would be an attractive career opporiunity for you. Wble sot essential, experience in the insurance industry would be a definite asset. The position offers a competitive salary and cotnprebensive benteits package. Please reply by Jane 1, 20011 to: File #HR-0t25 Cnwan Wright Limited ciNAN Fax: 519-886-0829 or Emnail: donna.baxter@cowahwri2ht.com CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Àleadivg dsîrîbulofof s) îdulrial (Oriel îqvîpvînevl localed in Cskville, is cvrrevlly seekirîlj ((le servîes s) a pîvaclîve, evergetie indivîduai or ((is position. The qaalilind indivîdual muslt e compouter lilviale, (have excellent cormmnuvîcalîso klîs and possess a posîive atitude and srovg woîk nlhîc. Insîde Sales and cas- vemrstrvice experience would te a'srovg assel. Replies are invvîed 10ý Canadian Inkiet Systems Ltd. Attention: Fred Prota 2751 Coventry Rd., Qakville, ON L6H 5V9 Fax: (905)829-1842 E-mail: fredp@canadianinkjet.com A LOCAL NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HAS AN OPEN)NG FOR 2 RECEPTUONISTS A pleasant telephone manner and basic computer knowledge is required for these entry level positions. Experience is not essential. The irst position is FfT Permanent. The second position is F/T Temporary, suit- able for a student. Hours are 8:3Oam-5pm, Monday-Friday Fax resuime te: 905338-0656 Due enoaur contiued growthin th e Milion, Oakvilie and Toronto- West marketitsg areas Wr now have opeiings for two comnissioned marketing and sales professianals. Respansibilities induite tise sale of homne sat- ing il and eqipîtient. diesel fuel and gaso- lisse to bots tise duiiestic/residential and consmercial/itsdustrial markets. Previosîs ex1erietsce in domesticleesidential and/or sisall conisnercial /indcus trial sales wold be a defiiite asse. Yoa toast 1ioide yoar awîs velsîcle. We offer ais attractive commisssion compiensa- îlots package inclading car allowaîsce. A cois: 1relensive traininîsg prograiss wilt be peovided. 1-o paisse tîis 015poriaoity llease forward youi resusîse incladisîg salaey listoey ro: Theemoshell mc., 200 Cochrane Drive Unit #I, Marklsam, Ontarin L3R 8E7 Attention: Marketing and Sales Manager Fax 905-470-7807 N , eciscli.kaii, CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Curwood Packaging (Canada) Ltd. Itequires a Customer Service Itepresentative. Functions: -liaison betweýen customers, sales and production Processing new orders troubleshooting prolems with existing iirders Requirements: -related experience in manufacturing enviriinment preferred -gooid computer sklls in windows envrooment and Microsoft office ability tii work witb a minimum of supervision able to work multiple tasks in a busy environment. -excellent wrtten and verbal communications skîlls team player lnterested applîcanis shoold submnii resumnes prior iv 5 p. m. on Thursday May 31, 2001 Cuewood Packaging (Canada)Ltd. 114 Armnstrong Avenue Georgetoswn, ON, L7G 4S2 Attn: Mr. Gary Gabet Fax: (905)877-6711 NURSES AIDE Eden House Care Facility, RR.#2 Guelph. Requires a nurses aide for night shift. If interested please cail for appoint- ment 519-856-4622 DOM"Ik -Domtlc Provîdes a full residential cleaning service. Let us take care of att your spring cleaning needs. Fora no casi, no obigation, in samse cuimae, Plaecai 877-3443 More affordable thas yu iîhîsMi BONUS! Il C assýied kds appear at.. rnonandM pio!o hIwmU ÎhihfW ay. Sel your RemiIn the Classttods. zf nbe a Uapo Classified Hotine 875-3300 fi 8162364ik Ibt YOIN E eu