Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 May 2001, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001-29 CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM 1561 The Queensway, Etobicoke Saturday, May 26th, 2001 - 9 arn until 4 pm A eading company in contract trucking s now hiring for the following positions: Class AZ drivers fu and part time for van and fiat deck work. Positions available in Milton, Mississauga and Oshawa Ontario. Class DZ drivers full and part time for vans and fiat decks. Positions available in Hamilton, Mississaga, Toronto and Scarborough areas. Must be available to work weekends. *AZ or DZ licease *Calent Drivers Abstract *2 yeors verifiable driving experience *Be prepared la do a written or road tett * opetitive hourly rte up to SI 7.00 *Drivers safety bonus program *Ecelent benefit pragram *Uniform package Lte model equipment~ , .Welcome to ATTRIDGE TRANSPORTATION 5439 Harvester Rd., Burlington, Ontario M7L5J7 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE CHILDRENII Do yoa hoot spore ime? Artyoaa o fother or mother wth chldrto? Are yoa retred? Do yoa need a happy, grotifyîng etoto ge op in tht mornng? JOIN OUR WINNING TEAMI! - *comptihve wogeo * r tetantgsttiog ond iening completedl on site *A fomily ton bosnoso whert yoo ort moto thon atst o number *Troiog now fot toores and lto Sspttmber plocomonto I n tht Mstîttoogo, Ookolle ond Boligton oteos. Drivers with existing Class 0 or E in good standing ore welcome ta apply. "SA FETY IN MOTION' Fo more mnfomatioa <al tell free 1-888-749-1515 or 905-333-4047 MITNHYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. 10 Senior Biling Clerk Milton Hydro Distribution tac, lias an apeaing for a Senior Clerk in iheir Billing Department. Responsibîlities include the daily billing and maintenance. of castomer accounts and thtertion of the mailing equipmraî as required. The suc- cessful apli'anims have strong analytical sItls,. bc attentiverta deraîl, mark with mi.nimal supervision and take on atm tastîs as the mark changes. lob Qualifications for Sniot Clerk. Acconting include: *a colleg/unieersity degrer in business or rquivalrnt exprieiice; -eucellent comparer skihts - proficieni in usiag Word, Excel and/oîr Lotus; programmiiig ruperirîsce wosîhd be an asset; *at trst 2 yars enperiince iii a retated field. Applicans for diis po)sitiais shoîld seird die esunics by Fridiay, Jane t 2001 ts: Attentian: Ms. Ruh Mifls, Billing Sopervisar Miton Hydba Ditributinn tc, Box 189, 55 llsampson Road South Miltan, Ontaro L9T 4N9 Wie apîseciain dîiesisî sowîs y ail aîsîslcmais, lioweacîr, oiihy bssidwuulcts [a lie iiiiarsicsedwilscs.aiiî,isiedt We currenthy bave a position availahie ftor a Ternporary Office Clerk a( osr Distribution Centre, Halton HMis work- ing 40 bours per week tor the months of' Junc, July and Augusi. Tihis positicon requires an organized, tlexi- bic îeam-worker who is computer litorate. Excellent mathemnatical abiities and data entry okilis are a must. Strong interperoon- aI and verbal communication skilo are a good understanding of office procedures and paperwork flow are aioo required. Interested applicants should forward a resume or letter of intent ta Wvendy Cortese, Distribution, Halton Hulis by Friday, lune 1, 2001 Fax: 905-876-9993 FLEA5E KECYCE NH5 PAPERI HECEPTIONIST Part-trne Oakvilte, evenîngo & weektndt, trong keyboarding okllo, pleaoaot lelephone manoti a mastI Fax resoines ta gW5-338-7452 Atta: Carol LIGHT ASSEMBLY FLEXIBLE P/T ORt F/T HOURS. Coaolîog, asembling & packag- ing0 in a clodu rieniily Ný Buringlon locaton. Fao 905-332-0783 or emaîl: îahnI ucas53@hornia i arn s1s Skîliecd H.ip Auto Body Person Eperenced body repair peroon tor booy Collision Centre. Fol oibodyeperience mandîtory. Excellent wageo and benetits. cati 905-577-3177 aifIguC lbuilding Sujpuly company. Year round outside work. Forklift certification a must, as well as the abiliiy to operate a chainsaw/certification would be an asset. Fax resumes to 905-876-3230 TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS - Milton Permanent fuit & part tme positions avoulable immediately for a busy and fast-paced office environment. No experietiuo necessury. Goud customer skiils an asset. Fax resume ta (905) 875-2910 (Kathy MacDonald) Part Time cashiers required for afternoon & weekend shifts. Apply in person to Quality Greens. Fax 8764896 " Campeiive haariy w6igéiaad pant ime pas pins cammission avaiabie " Fuiiibenefit package Equpmeni provided " Advancedogaîag sce1anykntele reqaîred/l educaiîan pravided locatians " Fexible warkng haarMiiion Buringtan ani waterdawn Please contact Robert or Brenda at (9 or submit your resurme at 400 Main SI LABOURfTRAINEE posiins avaflable MastIbe physically fti, orklîft experience an attel, good oral & wrtten communication sklls. Operate air hoîstt or any plant equipment an astet. Witt be traîned toi oor procettet. Stiîtt work. Fax vaga..lt: (905) 849-0616 or dr.p off maimete: «I UWy«rft Rd, OnavlIe Atte: Aldera. G.Iffng Ludlow Medical Products mnc. Requires F/T Warehouselflelivery Personnel Must posseas a valid drivers license. Drivers abstract requirad. Shîpping/Receiving and Warehouse experience preterred. Mechanical abîlîty required. On-caîl involved. Please oend reoumne or apply within ta: 595 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. 16K 2G4 Attention: Allison Young Schranz 400 Dundas St. E. Oakville, 16H 6Z (Trafalgar & Dundas) Fax: 905-257-9218 Now Hiring For Our New 17 Say Shop EXPER IEN CED SERVICE ABVISORS Fulîtime and Part-lime. Join aur dynamie customer service drîven tests , li l 301 M@nday to FuIdoy 9:.0050 RAIILESNAKE POINT GOLF CLUB, MI LION seekîng *BANQUET CAPTAINS *BAR SUPER VISORS Full time for year round banquet facility. inquiries cali Dallas at 905-878-6222, ext. 2006 Please fax resume fo: (905)693-1900 HERBAL MACIC F/T Health Counsellor Position Available Provide weight management counseling& salI herbai products in a clinic setting. Sales exp. preferred, excellent opportani- ty tor advancement. Cati (905) 469-4532, ask for Sara WE ARE IN NEED OF L AWNM MAINTENANCE WORKERS F/T, experience preferred & own transporta- lion required, Salary lo tel lect noperience. Cali (905) 878-2488 Fax (905)- 878-1098' Henry's Lawn and Garden YOU DON'T >. HAVE TO BEAN >~ TO PAINT A BRILLIANT We're the Arts& Crafts lndustry Leader! *We have over 600 stores and we re opening 75 more stores this year atone! *The potential for our Associates lis Unllmited! *Departmnent Managers Help inicrease sales by supervising and mioti- vating the staff. Dties indoude resiewing the departrnents presentaton standards and mer- chandise dspatched by the Praduct Fow Coordmnator, producing the daily-to-do-list, and maintaîning îrventory levais *CompetitiveCompensation Package *25% Merchandmse Discount - Vacation, Holiday and Sick Time, Medical, Dental,Vision and Life Insurance PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AT Mdichasis, Brantvmew Plaza, 1881 Falrvew Street, Bulington, ON; or if yoia cannai apply in parson please FAX your resumne ta. FAX: (M0S) 639-7796. Equal Opport...ty Employer Rapidly growing business hos 2 posi- tiuons available. We are looking for a re- hiable, self-motivated person for general labor. Heavy lifting required. Ap- plionce repoir knowledge, an asset, but not reotuired. We also require a re- sponsible cleaning persan for major ap- pliances. PIeuse drop resume sE: 55 Sinclair Ave., Unit 2., Georgetown OR ]LOOKIlNG TO B3UY! ALWAYS LOOK TO TI-IE CHAMPION FIRST1! CLASSIFIEDS DO PAY PHONE 875-3300 OR FAX 876-2364 Celebrating a Birthday VveUi ,Lj Anniversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you Iooking for a new job? wanting to hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Soul? To Trade? Are you looking For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Wanlt t Sell Appiances? Furniture? Treasures? Dd you ose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer? Fax the Ciassifieds 876-2364 When L'uyInq or eelIInq a vchlcle, rememter Zbje (anatiïan Ecbamipion. 1 1 à mc

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