28-The Canadfian Champion, Frday, May 25, 2001 CARPET I have noverai 1,000 yrds, of cew Statnmaster & 1001,, rire staio.n (30i ya5' t Steve. 905-639q-2902 PIANO Ilentoty Clearance Sale..CnOet 100 pianos.. Nemey- er-Yamaha-Kamai May 24-26 TO. 4-9, Fr. 9-9, Sat 10-6. Cati 905-631- 9259. No reasonabte off er refusedl SUPER Specuat. Save up lu, 30% on decorator fabricai Pay nu GST! Lune pour furniture... hale pour cubonrs? Sofa & malchîng chair from $788. Lveseats f rom $448. Chairs f om $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dscounts. Fieds Cualu- ty Custom Uphotstening, 9-9, (905)875-4427 355. computers, Videos ATTENTION INTERNET UISERS Untîmted Acceso uoIy $1595, great local service and support f rom SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 320 Garage Sales [ ITYARD SAL I SOL. May 26th I 8AM-NOONI I 123 Maie S. E. I ISt. Pau's andî Churchos Mine, toems Raie or Sltino GARAGEJMOVINGI I SALE SatardayMay 2thî ISOOam200prn 88 BiSrch A (Miltn I GARAGE SALE I245 Randail Drvo I Milon ISarnlMayn2 FOVNSALEI ISat.May 26 181 Pm1 lUnit32I I661 Chldo rnveI jodsan osol1J staff GAEGESALE' ISt May 26, 2001 IColnon Aveeae lame lare tare, constructiun items, office eqa prnefand mach more GIANT YARD & BAKE SALE & BB0 for Ornagh Presbylerian Charch ut Soyee Cornmueity Centre (Bitaenia & Hwy 25) Sot, Jaee 2 il arn - 3 prn Contact Dave McCane t 905-878-6458 or Tom Hill aI 905-878-0206 Donations Wetcorno CHARITY GARAGE 6' liticiesceiit 8 A&M, te 12 Noon Proceeds f0 Mîhon District Hospital and Chltdrons Assesment &Tealment Centre ICATC) Somelhing for every- one - Oargalns GaI ore! Held by Xi Zetal Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 26 Sanday, May 27 8 arn 11326 Guetph Lino North of Mohawk Raceway Milk cons, crosstilc noms, seowblomer, rototitters, cedar rails, lots for eneryone -1PMI ISat. May 26 I824 Cedarbrae Ave.I GARAGE SALE Sat.May26l 59 Campbelll IAve.Easst LZZpllîlle [t NUAI IGARAGE SALE 8:00AM- 2 NOONI SaturdayMa 26 569 JoyceBldl lmainly mens and boys 4-6X) and other iterna GARAGE SALE 510 7 Prince Si 800 ? Sot. May 26 I eIp Wanted Raie date Sun. May 27 CARETAKER wanted tasorSeptember Ochoot, prîvate. 12:30-6:3Cpm, daity. Reterences se- GARAGE SALE quîred. Phvne 905-854- 268 Kîngsleîgh Court1 0890 e8-1ilAM St MayI26 CLEANERS Requred tus dapuhîft. Fuîltime, esperie sce.Calt ltItre GARAGE SALE aiea, Main & Ontario 390 Valleyn ew Crea sîreelu. Sot. May 26 FREE training. Drive 4 7 am -l1 a Us. School Bus Drivers1 Furs tare, sports Wanted. Cati 905-677- eqa pmeet, baby 4448. Ladiac is art tema, etc. eqoat opportouty cum- GARAGE SALE shop tookieg for car de- 840 Woodward talers. Witt train.* Coud Mlton startueg sataty. Compa- Sot. May 26 ny paîd beneft is. Con- Rain Date Sanday ladtBuob Nudd ai Muffaîl Noanehold iterne Autocorks. 905-875- sports equip, bikes & 0660. mcmoe LIFEGUARDS PPL uffers best cages aI pouls in Brampton, GARAGE SALE 416-2l13-0111 ori St May 26 puîeptîmted Com 9 AM- 2 PM cPo 5703 Trernaine Rd. fr etfcto Sornething for courues. q uires a parts driver. [1 PI ease cvntact Jude MULTI-UNIT GARAGE Barras ai 905-878-8808 SALE MITNCfe m. 481 Pitfield Road MILTON ttaue Tue. Satarday, May 26 aont hlpr 8:OOAM - 12 IlN monn 7-3 & 3-11 at- Raie Date: lun. Monday Saeday, May 27 tlhmugh Fmday Part tîme mWeekendo405 Martne Street. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. May 26 8:00 - 12:00 811, 813 & 15 Cedarbrae Avenue Farnitare, dishes, 1 qaality chiidrns F'LEA5E clathing, tlava books..samething fori RECYCLE everyone! THI5F'AIER MILTONR resc *ol tuokin gforECEo eqcîîvatnt mîth aI vles MULTlFAMILYI I GARAGE SALE 92 Hemtock DreJ IFM AIL1 GARAGE SALE Sat.May26I 8 1130AM1 ICedarbrae Ave.I Eeeryone! [UL AMILl GARAGE SALE St.May 2 I 8 AM Nonl Career Training BARTENOING Course- Venture Hoopitatîty Training hando-on style course înctudung Bar- tendîng & SmartServe certification 4 - day training program un Oak- ville, June 5 & 12, 6 - 10 pm. June 9 & 10; Oam - 5M. For inb. 416-631- 505 iFRESH faces needed. Kids, teens, adaîts 20- 65 pears needed for catalogue work, tash- ion/hais showsTV. $15-90 pur hour. 905- 336-5455 1SENIOR C.Y.W- Levet 2 or 3 conkero required fuît/part-time at nem and esustîng adolescent test- dential programu in Hal- ion & Peel Reguons. F osti secvndaty educa- tlo un Chitd Care ornre- tated tield reqoîred. Es-l peruence un resudentual 1oettîng an asset. Fax ne- isume 905-469-6127 Furniture Lawn Sale Rain or Shine Sat. May 26, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 11998 Winston Churchill BIvd. 1 1/2 miles N. of Mayfleld Rd./Rlver Dr., Georgetown New reatty to, finish handcrated turniture. Dres ers, armoire, night tables, wardrobes, TV armoire, tVNlideo, cabinet, TVNCR stands, pedestai table, corner cabinets, htch & buftet, china cabinets. îetly cabinets, dressinq vanity, bookcases, plant stands. deshs, deacon benches. cottee & end ta- bles, mîrrors, sota table. tam cupboard, paper towel racks, quîlt racks, magazine racks, maga- zine tables, curîn cabinets, corner tables, and mucti much more. Bring a truck and tako it with you! Orders welcomne. viait Soeiru11er201d1i School holîdays otf. Suitabte for Mom with schootaged chitdren. Fas resamne lu 905-693- 8958 SEARS Appliance Dealer Store in Milton nom hiring part-lime Ap- pItance Sales Asso- ciateo. Must be avait- able evenings and cee- kends. Dmp off resumes, Atention jJohn, aI 1-100 Nupisîng Rd., Milton STOPP'S Dry Cleaners s nom hîrîng fuîltlime Ipresser, No espenience necessay. Mon. lu Fmi- c1g.AppIt in person, UNIQUE permanent toU.htmeBusy responsi- as tan arehouse. eavy lititng învoved, caendrîvîng record ru- qoîmed. Aptyin persun, Kaledio Glaon,Lam b Sf. Georgetown. 515 Skilled Help YARD Man punition avaitabte. Qualifites- tions. Vatîd AZ license, comment drivers abstract, excellent drinung skitts. Com petîtuve cages of- fered)alarîed)I Day shift, Mon-Fmi. Daîly huns; aty. Dnty sentous candidates appty. Please sent resome lu: Transportation Manag- er, Bus #3000 c/o The Milton Champion, 191 Main Street, Milton, On- tario, L9T 4N9 Sales KeIp LO0KING for mutîvated peuple lu wurk 5 lu 10 Oms. a meek in sales. Nu espemuence equred.i Fuîltlraining pruvided. Caît Dave 519-780- 0049 aller 6 p.m. 535 Hospital Medicel DENTAL Hygienîsi Ex- perîenced mîth encep- tional peuple and urgan- izational okîhto, to impIe- ment pemuvdontal main- tenance prugram. 3 days pur week. Cali 905-678-9882 or tas se- some lu: 905-631-5568 550 AFIER cumkung att day. relas and open the duor lu pour ýrofessionaIIy cteaned orme. For a frmee estimale, catI Edwu- na aI 905-876-2537 K's Qualty Cteaning Service. For ail poor Residential Cteaning Needs. Oe lime cleans melcome. Kim 905-299- 1321 PATTERSON Cteaning services reasonabte pnies, satisfaction goamanteed. Caîl Louis- elle tom free estîmale aI 905-702-3764 TIRED ot comung hume to a mesy house atter morkîng 0sJad ail day? Why not lut me dlean il fom pou? Have openung torsumaîllhome. CaU Sue 905-331-2380 IT'S GARAGE SALE SEASON. Phono Our Classified Deparlmoof af 876-2364 fo book pours fodayl ffl Careers Carers CGRPIRATE ACCMTANT Procor Limiesi, s the leadîî ci Canadiari Lessor ut speciatizvd rail cranyd sruicîs, lcatvd ini West Cakuille We corretiity have arr uterîîiii i1te Gerrerat Accuuntîng CepIluio a Curporate Accousoarît. The Prinicipal dulies ti thîs position are as 10110cr *Mainteniance ofutieraI Ledger and ail Fiiiaricial Repuorfng (iii Canadiari and U.S rdollars) for van- uus Curnipanîes/ Subsîdiaries, " Preparattoîr ut Cuarterlp Coîîsotîdated Pepvrtîng, " Preparatîvîr ut guarterty and sapplementat Aunual Stats Cao Peportîng. " Maintenance & Peportîngofu Cash Concentratotn Activity " Preparatîuîî ut Caiadiari and U.S IrîcoîieFax hrîorîratîvr packages for varions eîîtîtîeo " Spectal prulecls sucli a, Audit Speci aI Qieriés! Assigiimiit., ic. " Cîher reîated dattes us assignier]. TIhis is a chalteiigii position lui a persoît chuO as Irir 5[h levet CGN/CMA or a recerîl graduatr, wcîlî arr Accoufiiitg Ceriticate, lfoini a Coliege or Unîversîlp Pielorence mîlI ho givun Ioru lose wîîo rave espurierîce iii preparatioru ut liiasciai slalciiiciuts, coisoiidatioris vand raiislatioii anîd xposore lIo urpuoracqvisitionis andî îlîsîrusîlîous utassets. Thre curîdîdare alsu recoures gondvoîcvrîîrîunîcalîurr skirts, stroîrg analytîcal sklîs, is adaptable and demnotstrates initiative. This position alsu requîtes a persot cîtîr gond computer sklîs iii vaîtouîs softwcure packages. (Excel, Lotus, Approach arîd Acceso). Krocledge ru SOL would bu an assot. Resumnes oulîîîîng edîîcatîon, experioncu aird salary hîstvrp slîould Ou submîtted 1lu PROCOR LIMITED Human Resources Departmenî 2001 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON 16J 5E1 Emaîl:Iobs@procor.com Fax905-827-7735 We tharrh att applicarrts for theîr inîruot uni Procor Lîrnîtud, but vrîty sticceoufut candidates wîit bu cortactud for interview CONDO PROPERTY MANAGER As tho largent and fasteol gromving condominium management company in Ibis area, Greenmin Management is again expanding and we are tooking for an exporienced and proactive individual ta manage a portfolio of condominium clients n the Burington/Oakvitte area. Fax your resume to Jim Bezemer Greenwin Management @ 905-547-5080 Fax us your Classifieds 8176-23641 i (IhOAdministrative ' Cbrdge Assista nt/ Receptionist Mapleview Centre Playîng a key telee o a custîsmer service ftîcused office, wbich is responsible for tisc management of tbe shopping centre, yîîu miii provide plumne and visitor reception and secretarial support te tbe mansagement tcam Duties jocîsîde mainstenantce tif thc telepbuine/viticemail sysîem aind oiffice equipmenî, mail and coturier services, coordination and proîduction of repoîrts, and ocdering tif office supplies. As wcli, yîîu will administer the gifi certif'icate program, condîîct monîlnly rconiciliations and weekly banking, liaine witb local commuîuiîy griops regardiîsg îemporary space, aînd maintain general tenant infiirmatiiin and relaîed documents. Yîsu are a îeam player wlti is flexible and adaptable toi a convtantly changing, fast.p.îced e:nvirîînmcnî. Yîsîîpîsosess 3 iii 5 years'soffice experience snd excellent perople and coîmputer (Woird, Excel anîd Access) skilîs. A pos-scciiidary edcctiin wîuîld bc an anset. Foir cittsideraititis, pîcase iiirward yîîur resîime quoliiig salars' espect.itiiistrsii: General Manager, Mapleview Centre, 900 Maple Avenue, Burlington, Ontario L7S 218; E-mail: br@cambridgemalls.com 535 535 53 Hopai lMeifmui HosphlaIMdl KosptM MeUcaI GAKVILLE RE-ENTRY HOMES INC. is a non-profit, suppottve hnasing ptogram lot peuple wîth mottai health issues. We curtently ter multiple empîsyment oppur- bonittes lot ORE Homes nc. & the new Halton Homeessness lnitîative. SUPPORT COORDINATORS- FULL TIME Location: Qakoîlle! Acton (2) Halten Region (2) Qualifications:Degree! dipluma, 3-5 pears voperience in a related m eaiath field. Cuitent Fîrst Aid! CPR and Ctîsis Intervention. Computer lterale. Knuwtedge ut Haltes Mental Healîn System. Vatîd driver's tîcense,îoadworthy sehicle, $1.000.000 liahîlîty rosuraîrce. Knwlestge ut PSR an asset. Responsiblities: Prordrng support & ditect setvice provsson o consumrers in areas utý comprelsensiue assesoment & planning, actîuîtîes ut dsîty liing, rnotlivin & sklls training, support & monîtorîng, levaluation & advocacy. Mut prumole a strung teamn enoîrusmerît. thours cîtisstesponse il necessary. Salaryl Bonslis $ 35,000. $39.000. pet year, uplît henetits TEAM LEADER - PULL TIME Location: Haltes Region Additional qualiications & responsibilities: Eopertence in managernent, program developmeot & staff supervision. Report lu Executrue Director oUt . Homes toc. Work clusely wtth iead & cîmnical agencte. Intake and case identlitica- tien. Supervision of 2 Support Coordînatots. WîltItandle omaît caseload. Satory/ Bonef its $30.000. $42.000. pet pear, splît lieneits PART-lIME (weekends) & RELIEF STAFF (as required) Location: Oukoîlle Quailif iications: DSW, 55W or other îelated mental health education! esperiecc Cu Fir Ft Aid! CPR andîl risslIntervention. Able vo woîk îndependently Ablo lu ounction in a srinke and petlrîendly elivironrient. Reesponsibilities: Support & maîrîraîs a Irneieenuvîronment luoresdrît Occasional euenîog couerage. Crîsîs intlervention lui uIt site consumers, CIice dunes. Doînestc dunes & dîrîîoer prep. Maîntaîti cuoîsumer & admî records. Wage: $10.50./hi. Please lorward resumes to: email ore@àica.net or fax 905-844-4961 or mail: Executive Direclor, Oakiiilîe Re-Entry Homes Inc. 599 Chartwell Road, Dakville, ON L6J 4A9 TOaurO yov for your îvlurest îîîy Iliove seluctud tor interview wîll bu contactud Cakvîtîe Ru Etry Humus toc s aunuqel npporlbtriity employer 510 Qeneral Help Genewat H l Building supply yard requires *DZ DRIVERS *GENERAL LABOUR H-ELPERS Huavy lifting involvud. Drivers must providu currunt drivers licence witbs boom truck uxpenience on asser. We providu a competitive tarting wage and company bunefits. Pctnene Building Supplies Ltd. 7449 Trafagar Routd (south af 401) Hornby (905) 875-0279 vvvv Full & Part-lime DONUT & BAKERY Svme uxperence requimud, will tmain *hmpioyee beoettts* Appty in poison etr cui 5051 Harvoster Rd. Burlunglon (AppIohy Lune & Harvester Roadi 905 - 6 8 1 - 1 841 MANAGERS Managemeunt eoperuenco reqvued. Beneluls aoaiahio Mut hoflexible dapol hours. Appyyai 5051 Harvsîns Rd., Burtunglon ni tan 905-681-1841 alto RRobut Evatîs m à Véhlcles for Sale Veclésfor Sale Make it GORRUD'S RhtflIKXfIU filou 1"* SALES & LEASING CHWVOLET OLDSMOBILE NEW &USED To lese o purhase A FAMILY BUSINESS your car or truck WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -ldfY- SL;L-LEOSE Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. ,PPGST SELEOTION TF 878-393 StE OcO TES INi MtITN 8IL--3- 3 875-2277