The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001-27 ClasifedCLASWFED BONUS! Classifled Ads F[IaOGid9:0AM-5:00 PM appear at... VOUJR CLASSIFIED HOMLME 875-3300 Mjw 1 ý- SCAIANO Rhxsda, Gus and big sister Talia welcsmed Trmnity Ester te sur tamily un April 13, 2001. Proud Grandparents are Elda and its Scaians et Otawa, Marilyn Hut ot Barrie, and Harry Mathews ot Cambridge. Great Grandparents are Claude and Florence Hut et Brnie, Ricarda Mathews et Tronto, and Elida and Domingo Sciase et Bueros Aires, Argentina. Speoiai thanko te midwte Wendy MuAs.ý Thanks ase te the staff ai OTMH. Ans Mass, Jennie, and Uisa in the Prenatal Cinic; OB Or. Morrow; sud the nursing staff, especially Sharon l the matemily ward. CANNON, Barry Suddesly ai huma in Georgetown os Tuesday, May 22nd, 2001. Banry Cannes, 61 years ot age, beieeed husbasd oetria o(likseni Cannes. Lovisg ather ef Laura asd her husbanri Robert Canen-Strerieck, Geoffrey sud ha mwite Denise Casses, Byron Cannon, Celeen sud her haeband Jus Brges. Leing grandriar et Sarah, Tnistan, Jamie, Brony sud Brady. Dear brother ot Jli Krepf and Harvey Suggit Loving ende et Enika. Predeceaseri by his par- sts John aud Olive Casses. Resting et Glbert Macityre & Son Funeral Home, 252 Oublin St. N., Guelph, where the tamiy ii receise rieudu os lbursday, 2-4 & 79 PM. A Fuserai Service wl be heid ai St. James the Apstie Anglican Cburch, 86 Gasgow S. N. Guelph us Fsiday, May 25th et 2 PM, the Ree. Cases Trudy Lebanse fficatieg. Crematien te 10110w As expressions ot sympathy, donationse tethe Heart & Streke Feundaties, Multiple Sdleresis or charity et chice weuiri be apprecated by the lamily carde avait- able ai the Fuserai Home or by caiiig (519822-4731 SALES, Sarah Elizabeth tneesMitchell)iIs loing memory et a chesished mther & graudmther whe lait us es Tuesday, May 22sd, 2001 ut the age ot 82 Onigînaiiy rom Denegai, Ireand, s9e was a retred surses rom West Park Hspil andi serveerin the Bitish Army asua nurse dudng WWII. Sarah mue predeceaseri by ber husbasd David Sales. Sadiy misseri by her daughters Mary & busband assy McDoeald, Carol & huobanri Daniel Lych & Madonre & husbasd Don Htchins. Dear graudmther teoDavid, Aarn, Sarah, Jesatfer, Daniel, Amasda & Megan. Surviveri by ber sis- tel Maie & husbahd Michael Resue & family. Fondly remnembereri by Karen, Jim, Jessica & T.J. ase remern- bered by hertamily in Ireiand asd the U.S.A. The mem- ery et ber kisdsess & seiteus style iii remaîn wth us foreer Famîly and ftsesds visiler i a the McKersie- Kocher Fuserai Home, Il14 Mais Street Milles 905-878- 4452 rom 2-4 and 7-9 pm sn Thursday. The tuseral service wiii be heirions Fxday, May 25th, 2001 att1:00 pm rm Kox Preshytenian Church 170 Mais S. Mile. Inesenlt txlxw ai Meademusie Cemelery I desireri, memeriai donations ot the Adel Day Prgra, Mites Place wouud 9e apprecîated by the tamiiy. JOHN KENNTH JAMES SMALL Sexe os hie final îeurney te meel hie beleeed Father asd Mther, the laie Jobs & Sarah Omalli n hie 89tb year et Brampton Hospital May 19, 2001. Hushand ot Norma, Faîher of James, beluveri brtber ut Geard ut Hamilon, Harvey & Kay et Cambridge, Muriel Cadetes et Brampon, Hazel & Jack Stokes of Cambridige, Gordon, Sun Ridge, Donuna & Aitfred Baytos et Cambridge. Fuserai Services beiri Wedsesday May 23 - At Brampton. Crematien te 15110w. May is seul 9e ai real tree ra al is pais. Be et peace John. 487LauierAv...lo 87-2881 245 245 i rths 257-> LAW, George Harold'- in his 76th year, of Cooksville Ontario, passed away peacefully on Thursday, May 24, 2001 at Allendale Longterm Care Facility in Milton. Beloved husband 0f Ivadeil (lvy) Law for 51 years. Dear father of son Brian Law of Tiddley Cove, West Vancouver 8C, and daughter Catherine Law- Dorsey of Burlington Ontario. Loving grandfather (Poppa) of Nicole Rae Dorsey. Dear brother of Edward & John Law 0f Mississauga. George was the owner operator of Cooksville Floor & Wallcoverings for over 35 years. George & Ivy derived a great deal of pleasure from travelling and sharing time wifh family & friends during their refirement years. You are invifed to attend a service Satu rday at il ar. at McKersie Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street East, Milon,' Ontario (905) 878-4452. Reception to follow. Cremation and arrangements have been made. Internment wilI be with wife lvy. kI enmoiut# IMemoetu»a MEMORIAM Ceteste (Les) Bertoia May 23, 1997 Ysr precess memery Lsgers wlh us. and keeps yeu suer sear. Chenished is esr hearte aissys. Freer Leveri by your tamily, as yeu lest in the peace et Jesus. The Bertoia Famly BETtY BRADING sn Memery et eur ieoîsg mther who passeri away, May 19, 1998. Whiie 90e, Dear Mther, reel aud leep.. Yeur Loîsg Memeiy eIl aiways keep. We miss peu se much. Vour sons Peter & Les 268 Personal 266 P.rsona~ Novena To St Jude O Hîîiy St Jude, Apiielte andi Matryr, Greatins virlue sud ricb en miracles, sear kînsmas ofi Joue Christ, fatbtet itercesiir of ait wbîî uvoke yîîr peial ptroînage sn ime of ueed, li yîo 1 bave recuerse rîîm 1he deplb f my beart andi bembiy beg lv wb,îm Coîd bas rivensuecb great poiwer, corme tii my assisce. Hetp me sn my preseul urgent petîîîsn, isretrs t promise Iii make yîîxr same knoîwu and cause yîou, 9 e nvoked. Tbree Our Faîber. Thîce Hit Mary, Thre Ciury Be. St hale pray for usssud it wbîî assise yvur aid Amen ( Publication mut 9e promised.l This Noveus bas neyer beeu kuîîws li tait. bis Novena muet 9e aîd fîr 9 ciesecetîve daysl. 245 Births 259 259 C ard of Thanks Card oThanks Thank you tomy family and friends for makiny my 95th /irthday a j1 special and memorable day. SSecond/y, I wou/d /ike to take this opportunity to thank a/i those fi people who look out for me on a doly basis. 8 Edith Joyce fThe fam/ly of Gsrd Cartwright would ike I Sta express sincere thanks and apprecia J lio t/o ait! relatives, netghbours und 1;friends for their support durîng Cords illness and when he passed uwuy Att the ý floral tributes, donations, cards, food and your visits were greatty appreciated. A speciat thank you 90 VON nurses I eather arol and Bonnie and ta the mani, others who hetped us 9e able to hkeep Gord comiortabte ut home. Your .0hetp, support and k/ndness wao appreci- ~ ated more than yoo wlt ever know. iA t haks also qoes to Michelte ut JScott Earty Funerat Home for gour (i Petaner, Lyndupprn, Francned t danPeterandappo rtncieneed/t and famillesJ 100 R" Estate LG 3-bdrr borne, Broute Meedows. Over 2000 s.f. Maup up- grades! Fin. Besernut. X sking $244,000. 905- 878-4647 (Iv. message) TUDOR style reised ranch bsn g low/large privete lot, 3 + 1 beri- roorns, quiet, desirable street, Milton. Welkîug distance 10 scbools M GO vr$30.000 re- cent upgrades. $238.500. To oîew cati 905-878-4399 140 iO $$ GOVERNMENT - Fuuds $$ Grants and boans information to start and espend pour business or terre. 1-800- 505-8866. When Lui 3,500 sq. bt. 6 beyunt, or i9eIIini ou 1/2 ecre mib feued- iu yard. 875-1150. a vehicle, 150 1 rememb'er FOR Rent. Offceretaîl space wth street espo- sure ou Brote. Appros. 70's'. i. $750 gross. Contact Mark Malalieu, (private bune) 905-876- Rea3. Cormnrowealth RelEsIate Services Corporation. OFFICE space for reul. 50 Steeles Ave. 905- 272-0648 Fox 876-2364 t. 1st y@urs T * 2ff Tenders 260 'T0nders INVITATION TO TENDER Sealed tenders for the project below miii be accepted until 11:00 arn. local time, June 14, 2001 by Halton Housing Corporation, 700 Dorval Drive, Suite 405, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3V3. Telephone: 905-849-8383 PROJECT: P.T. HHC-06/01 - BATHROOM REPARATIONS OAKVILLE SENIOR CITIZENS RESIDENCE 2222 Lakeshore Raad West OAKVILLE, ONTARIO Mandatory site meeting is set for May 30, 2001 et 11:00 ar. $25.00 Non-Refundable Deposit for documents is required. Bid Security in the amount of $28,000.00 is required. Tender documents rnay be viewed et 700 Dorval Drive, Suite 405. The lowest or any tender rnay not necessarily be eccepted. F~J Ot - HOME/Office - visible 1 For RSdlocation in centrai Carnbeiiviiie. Brigbt MILLSIDE modem bungalow,' sep- TOWERS- 82 arete office. Also evaîl- MILLSIDE DR., abe June19584 MILTON 4540,1-592908 NOW LEASING 1 1& 2 bedroores 192 avalebie on bus, route, tresbty deco- rateri, 2 appliinces, M1i6 on-site teundry. Includes ail utilities escept pbone and ROOM eveilebie in cabis. No pets. borne. $400 inclusive. References Availebie June isi or required. Office 15th. Must be morking. Hours are 90~5-693-9079 9ern-Spr ROOM for Rent avenl 905-876-1249 able June, quiet workîng 9y appoixîmeut esly person, non srnoker. Cati 905-875-1806 abter I N gMlton, 1l bedrooru 6 pm. l argpartmeut, quiet building, newlp decorsl- ed. $870. 905-875-4989 194~ MODERN two bedroorn hae country eperiment. Cen A traliy ocated. 519853- comodation 1669 SCENIC Rockwood, 1 ROOMMATE bo shere bedroom, sunny, over- nem 1800 sq. foot Mat- looking park. SrnailitarvyhorneMlton. building. Availeble June $50ý/rnontb, plus 1/3 1 (519) 856-4900 utlîlties. Aveileble Juiy. SPACIOUS 1,2, & 3 905 876 -2366 bedroorns. Fresbiy1 262 peînted. bri gbl. Corn- petîtive reut. Burlinglon NodM. bîgb rse. Well main- ROAST Beet dinner, taîned. Couvenieut 1Oea- Frîdey, May 25, aI 6 ion. 905-333-9846 i pre., St. John's Oburcb, Noon - 8 p.rv. Stewarttowu. Aduts SPACIOUS, immacu- $10, ciidreu $600. For laIe, 2 bedroom apî, tickets pleese eaul Phylis uew bouse in country, et 905-877-5091, Joan garage, ail neweap- 905-877-5797. Take pliauces, including outs avilabie, by order. wesber & dryer. Close SUMMER Fashion Sale 1041 opt.Suitabie Wboiesale Prices. 2420 for aduls. Reterences. -819 Line (S.HWY 5) Availabie Aug. isI. 519- Oakviiie 905-257-1346 856-9259 0r1837-4233 May 25 - 12-7 pm; Map 186 ~~26, 27 - 12-5 pn __ For Rent SEEKING bost terniy FARM bouse, lusi mesîtfor 1 6-yer-old student of Georgetown, 2 side trorn Osebe. Sis buildings. Ideai hobby weeks. Oeil Lindsay farm. $1, 100. 905-87'-ASA. P. 905-878-1493 3351 ciamed. Narne Saturs. Laurier IWoodiawn area 905-878-4700 OATY dapeare availabie. Play centre, hi- brary, cratts, maiko. Babies meicome. Oel Carol et 876-0620. RAINBOW Village Day Cars bas a few spaces availabie nom. Quality prograrns for childres 18 months ta 6 years. Aiso taking registrations for September. 905-878- 7552 HAY for sale - top qxeii- 'y Harse y. No rein; aiea cattie bey. Oeil 905- 659-2265 APPLIANCES - tririge, 2 door; Stove; Mayteg autoatie masher, dry- er. Also apertment set. Under werrexty. 905- 637-8328 BED, King s-thick pil- iowtop, orthopediç mat- treas set. New, in plas- tic. Cosi $1700, ssii $650. 416-766-9885 BED, pilowtap mat- tesas, bossprîng, beed/faot board. Un- used, stili pkgd. Coul $1175, sacrifice, $525. 416-521-9635 DIRECTV Compiete Systems with pro- Srammed HU card 350, virg in HU pro- grarvrixg $7 5. HU/Fotball axd H Cerd repeir sud installations eveilabie. Oeil 416-991- 2761 or 905-867-7277 FOR sale - 130 FT, 4' igh pi. c. chein link fence compi. iih posîs top rail, gete. 905-878- 4Î34 $100 or B.0. FOR sae l erder rack, roof racks, 2 Cannon Dawnringers, 2 bags baud leead shot for re- ioeding. Oeil 878-4114 FREE Estimates... Sot wobbtp or broken chairs? Week sofa or chair springs? Soft toam? Tireri iooking moori in- isbss? ... tben cati Fields for Ahl furnitxrs repairs andi custom wood retin- isbing, 9-9 deiip. (905)875-4427 M*RVEàIL F IEIEKDErd«SU -Pmor a, * 5easIMEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS BratPumpse Baby Scales - Breast Feeding Products Better Living Home Health Care Inc. 25-B Commercial Street, Milton 905-875-2458 Att claims against the estate of the late Mrs. Elsie ]Etlizabeth Peters, tate of' the Town ut Milton, in the Regionat Munici'pai t f Hatton, who died on or abou't'tNh e t th a utf-February 200t,tes- tale, must be tiled with the undersigned on or belore June 15, 200 1, cter which date the assets ot the estate witl be distributed, having regard onty ro the claims then fited. Dated at Toronto, this 23rd day of May, 2(X) t John Harringron and David Harrington, estate trustees, b y their solicitors, Bennett Best Burn, 150 York Street, #1700, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S5 267