The Canadien Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001- 25 MVilton District High triple jumper hopes to establish personal record Shawna Turner hopes to end high school career with record leap unu """ 1 By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milton District's Shawna Turner is Iooking to end her high school track and field career in record- breaking fashion. Thaî'lI be a tlu order lor fthe l9-ycar-old Mustang- who hrec ycars ago as a 1lOth grade triple jumper Icapt an impressive 11.23 metres at OFSAA. Difficuit or nul, thc school's loie îrack and field aîhlctc won't bc K content without establishing a new personal best this season. 'K "Whcre I place isnt as important as a ncw PB," stressed Turner. Her ftrst of two chances lu set one came yesterday during the South Regionals at Hamilton's McMaster University. Turner advanced to this round after successfully defending her senior girls triple jump crown at last week's Halton/GHAC cham- pionships at McMaster - where she decimated the competition by jumping 10.97m. "The second place finisher was at least a full metre back," she recalled. Turner wasn't especially pleased with her performance, noting that a lack of training this season - due Lu commitments with the Junior Royals get big second chance Bishop Reding wiII be Iooking to capitalize on a big second chance in junior boys soccer Monday. Due to their use of an illegal player, Loyola was bounced from regional cham- pionship contention by league officiaIs this past week - leaving une more shot at gold open to both Iroquois Ridge and the Royals, who are once again defending Halton champs. The two teams will square off in semifi- nal play Monday - at Burlington's Sherwood Park - with the winner advancing to battle QE. Park for the regional crown Wednesday. Reding's second chance followed a 3-1 overtime defeat at the hands of QE. Park in what was supposed to be the semnifinals last Friday. Goaltender Phil Foley made a terrific save in the dying moments of regulation ime to keep hope alive while Redingas lone tally was potted by reliable sniper Dave Wynne. He and Mario Sabatini gave standnut efforts, as they have ail season long. "Our guys played really hard, QE. Park was juat that much better," said co-coach Gord McCarles. Junior girls edged Meanwhile, BR's junior girls also tumned in a gritty performance during semnifinal play but juat couldn't dent the twine against M.M. Robinson and were eventual- [y shaded I-0. Remarked co-coach Barb O'Connor, 'Lt was end to end action the entire aftemnoon. The girls really played their hearts out but unfortuna tely ran int an arnazing goal- tender." Filling in for absent netminder Val Fazio - who was away at a provincial diving meet - Kasia Sitarz made a couple of key saves to keep her team within striking dis- tance. Topnotch defensive efforts were offered by Ashley Grant and Carly LeBlanc while also shining -for the Royals were Nikki Gazzola and Candace Noguiera. Friday marked the second straight season in which the junior girls reached the semi- finals. Have You Always EnhanceYour Appearanrce? Now ie the perfect time. We have lthe solution withf stafe-of-he-arl laser teclroology un a quiet, cumforlable and puivale office sellng. We offer treatment for "Spder Vens - Age & Brown Spots "Facial Veios - Sun & Red Spots " Birthmarfis - Tattoo Removal " Facial Figmentation -Warts " Surgery for Varicose Venu - lnjectson Sclertherapy -Obagi Skio Care Producls for Vueruse Veins Fr a f«cuonulffatiun raté DrA. Ma&mfk.acsc school's cheerleading squad, that recently struck silver ai the provincials - may have cost ber lu faîl under the 1l -metre mark, something she doesn't plan on doing again this spring. 'Hopefully I can break Il m before OFSAA, or at least at il," she said before ycsterday's competition. A top four finish at the regional finals would have advanced Turner tu OFSAA for the fourth time in five years. A bout with monunucleusis kept her out of competitiun in 1999. Reding shows strongly Meanwhile, Bishop Reding sent 14 alhletes to yesterday's regionals, including dual Halton/GHAC champion runners Michelle DoelI and Ian Butcher - who represent the school's best hopes for reaching OFSAA. BR collected over a dozen medals over the two-day competition for une of its strongest showings ever at the Halton/GHAC cham- pionships. E.C. Dmury did not have a track and f-ield squad again this year. The OFSAA championships will be held May 3110o June 2 in Etobicoke. Last year Turner was the onîy local athlete to compete at the provinctals. KINCAID® TOMORROW's Hi±IRLOOMS J A Lad-Z-Bssv Comtnpsv t I tg t t YOU ARE INVITED To Participate ln a Master Plan for Halton Reglons Agreement Forste The Région of ialton is preparing a Master Plan for the 1564 acres of Agreement Foreats located in the Tomn of Milton and Town of Halton Huis that are owned by the Régon and previously managed for forestry purposes under agreement by the Ministry of Naturel Resources. The purpose of the Master Plan is f0 guide foreat use and managemnent activities over the next 20 years to ensure the health, safety, and sustalnabllity of the forests. The study processvwill document exsting natural and cultural resources, ldentify issues, conflicta and oppoflunilies anong forest, natural heritage, culturel and recreational ottectives, and eslablish appropriate strategies and actions requlred t0 manage the foresta sustainably. The Ragion 18 esteblishing a Régional Forest Public Liaison Committee 10 assiat the exchange of information among stakeholders and to provide input into the Master Plan. This comrntlee la intanded Io reflect a broad range of inereats and usera 0f te foreats. The Région la seeking the participation orf 12-15 members f rom clubs, organizations. community groupa, and residents to represent such interests as: " Hiling a Cross country sking * Equestrianlriding " Résidents adacentI th Ie foress 9 Honting artd fshing 9 Naturalists " Abosiginal interess Snowmobiting e Ottier fooest lnterests " Forest retsted services & industries e Citizans at large This Régional Forest Public Liaison Committea vwill meet 3-4 times lhrough the sludy proceas. Régional Staff vwilI select a cross-section of members based on subraissions raceived. IV you are Inferested ln parficipatlng on ffis commlttee, ploase submt your namieý address, phtone numbe, affiliations, wtlU roasons for your Inèregt Éï May 30.2001 t0 Ms. Patricia Nenlng as se out belon'. In addition. the Région wiît host two public Information meetings during préparation of the Master Plan. These meetings wÀIl be advertised in the iocal nesspapere and notice vatt be sent to those on the mailng lis. To add yvrar name to Uhe maffing fiat, or to obiakt fuetinerinfomtion. please contact: Ms. Patrica Herring, MCIP, RPP, Senior Planner Regonal Mtjnulpality 0f Hailon 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville ON L6M 3L1 c Phone: 905"2"-161. ext. 7206 Toit Free: 1-866-HAL-TON (1 -066-442-5ff6) TTY: 905-827-983 Fax: 905-825-822 E-mail: www.ê GEORIEMM f CINEMAS /I235 GUELPH STREET 73-1999 0 PEARL HARBOR Datl 730 p. Sat. & Sun.200 p. SHREK Daily 7:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.a. Sat. &Sun. 200 pm OTHE MUMMY RETURNS[] Daîl 645 Pcm & 915 Pcm Sat & Sun. 200 paM GieTIICATES AY-yi" i tL 1W.7-ý2 ý - - '; w- 6 - & à: - - w- d 0-0 w & " - . .--. t- - -a .- -J