20-The Canadman Champion, Frday May 25, 2001 __ oIiiiort & Pointl MA TOIIS fULL SIIVECOWWSN CM'TE Cali Steve Boers In O706 F Main Street, East 711 Milton, ON ( Q9 11 W W wt!exceed voupexectatlons McCormack Auto Services JOHN MCCORMACK LICENCED MECHANIC *DOT Inspection Station *Rust Proof ing *Compter Diagnostics *General Repairs r Help groups available Date/mne e Air Conditioning # Tune Ups e Brakes 85 Steees Ave., Unit 6 878@0870 Milton Import Car Centre VOKWAGEN & AUDI Specialist In: Authorized BOSCH service - IMPORT & DOMESTIC e FUEL INJECTION & DIESELS *AIR CONDITIONING -'ALIGMENT USED CAR SALES & SERVICE GERHARD & RUDY 583 Main St., Milton, Ontario, L9T 3J2 (905> 878-5330 -ieSales service nu____&Sèm 555 Main St. E. ummwÀr876m4788 SENTINEL AUTO MOTIVE e Major & Minor Repairs e Tune Ups e Air Conditioning Brakes e Engines e Exhausl e 4x4 eSafety Inspections - Towing - Marine Repairs -Emission Repair & Pretesting Hqi-JcI Service witli O(dLFashioned Va ue 342 Bronte St. South, Units 12 & 13, Milton 878-8066 UNE service il ilD centre Specializing in..',FUEL INJECTION ,AUITO ELECTRIC & CHARGING - AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS é DELCO BATTERIES *TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS , BRAKE SERVICE -AUTO AIR CONDITIONING SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 878k7221 Peer support groups are vide a sale. supportive and jtWhs Sý'jixlua I t and *1s(Irin\'ensroilmlent for (oI I lait(jl for surs sors of sexs (o taîf about tle issues they ual assault and partriers and lface. The free groups are mun by f'riends of' survivors of' sexual lrained lacilitators I-rom a assault. woman-centred, emp(swerment Croups are also available for- perspective. women who are lesbian, bisex- The next sessions begin in ual (jr transgendered. t1he lail. For more information, The conidiential groups pro- cal 1905) 825-3622. "See Be fore You Do- Risk Free Change Hair Computer Imaging ~Thursday, May 31 at bair associates (905) 878-2030 Caîl for an appointment 2 HUGE BL OW-!~OUT SALESZ E.XT E N D E D THURS. Et FRI. 12PM-9PM, SAT. 1OAM-6PM, SUN. 1OAM-5PM Location: SOUTH COMMON MALL 2150 Burnhamthorpe Rd. WV., Mississauga (S. on Erin Milis from the 403) 6000 S. f.OFUNEAA1LEPR:E MILL OUTLET ASSORTED SOLTO Face Cloth ... .. . ..88 ca. Hand Towel ......1.88 Ca. 25" Wdth Bath .. .3.88 ca. COLOUR TOWELS 27" Wdth Bath ...5.88 ea. 30" Width jumbo .... .6.88 ca. 36" -Width Sheet ...9.88 ca. FIRST QUALITY & #1 IMPERFFCTS --Um as )BROOKS . >Comi 1~ ATHLETES WORLD EVERY SHOE 15 U E F S S?-l UP TO 80% OFF glaabcik lýSKECHERS-. S'YEV 15,000 PAIRS OF SHOFS AT $1 9.99 ALL KIDS SHOES AT $9.99 ALL ATHLETIC SHOES AT 50% OFF ALL ATHLETIC CLOTHING FROM 50% TO 70% OFF EVER POPULAR CANDIES BRAND SHOES AT $19.00 ai sdlI-support group with trained leaders help parents of children who are in trouble at home, at school or with the law, abusive (jr taking drugs. Cal! 1-8001-488-5666 for more informastion. Milton Toastmasters meets at 7:30 p.m. in the upper level of' the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. For further informa- tion about the group, whicb helps people advance their cotnmunication skills, eall Ross London at 875-3720. Wednesday May 30 Drop by the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., at 12:45 p.m. to Iearn more about the growtb of Milton. Jennifer Reynolds, director of community services for the Town, provides an update on the Town's Iong-term plan for growth. To RSVP, cal! the centre at (905) 875- 1681. Thursday May 31 Milton R.A.L.L. (Residents AtTected by Intermodal Lines) holds a public meeting ai 7 p.m. at the Milton police station on Childs Drive. Issues 10 be discussed include water pollution, noise and traffic [rom intermodal facilities like the one pro- posed in Milton.