18-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001 artm è~ Full Aesthetic Services In An 01 wi hm w Reàu «ê . ervices il i Intimate Reiaxing Atmosphere huma WM me - ~*Wedding Services Sa 'rit clf umt -*Stag &Doe - Special Events 19 Perfct D»WulSh»twerGant . Award Presentations bIl - Fashion Awards *A shtc Your .J. jManicures & Pedicures 342 lBonteS.S 2 (905) 875-0486 Make-up Application MilonMilton Electrolysis - Waxing 05176-9639 4 6 as Tntn Your Event Awaits... ~Body Tetet *Speciallzed Treatments 905493I943 Sat-urdaa.y Jun e 2 % 42oe SL ug suad mi 1 0-4 pm by Appointment "' ( epGuide To a Perfect Mnicure! sNissieog 1. Nail Naturals ~~presentriupprng, splrog, undlcracking. Sally HHar snaisi h ni brai roir perfectly clean, dry nads-remove old treannenos or nadi colour i roir i fonmula alrng nai protection for oser 40 )ear lire prerrier tesr genera- fiqai nai colour rmorer or junr uip ur nailo roro an insanr sponge ip. bon produci, super durable andi oug is Teflon TuiB for minimum protection 1 Nail Shaplaz fron etrnal elernentsu Conditionrng your nails properly os mou important 50 To araectinely shape nazs, iold rihe file a a siglrr angle, anrd file frroturrier- Lrryli rase rire srengrirto resso enoironmnsa oui iouseirold abuse nearlr s tIas rie nsrrezge ms bevelleil Alsnuys file omands rie centre ofithie 7 BaseCCoaiu nazi, never seesare au iis rauises piring andl eanng, trus wealreingrire nais. A buse cou offers auzidronal protectron andisrrimporrant ru umooir nurse sre FOR ALL OCCASIONS 3. Cule Cmnefaces und prevnsr discoloarabon. Beore apply- ilowarred and excess cuicles muorlire reinoseil 4 g a buse coui maire sure your nazisrre dry anrd Weddings, Sfag & Doe, Showen and kepr rn op uhape ro aid runa perfersuior Ai frer o azry resrdue from rire euciy roazcure cure Apply a cuficle massage crmrrn aznd souk in- soeps.iBase coa aiso ben ia coour wer o String-of-Pearls Arches gers in lukeurarro usuersf/bie cuicles are mour logerfor muesarrirs, brusir a btile uoder rire a 3-Dbnensional Sculptures foloro sodr a medirareri currcie rin oercranr'rr ai ttisbefore yoo ruser lire rai surface Cou Tper nTalCete gse a pcoirienr cuircie remover i y ur curirles are 8 Nail Colommelm TpesoTbl etel sure, crced or sensirive ru gendy slough off rire ' 0w irsu ne ierruhae fous urrîr sy Ilarîserro a Baloon Bouquets o Glft Basket ourer L'yers of dend cucies Tben georiy rofll dree fabuisus frluori coisur brres -Joiourfast, Se drerrr bacir uds a ruricle srrck use rire lirîdosi0oNn eogr 1rr90ooudlar sNai obM/> I ain t.M itol( slowiy ru a crrulac motion ru slougb awas dead Nylon. Aier rire base cour s compierely dry eurrcie layero Wii sisrsors precrueir roim eappis bhrrr igiri srokes. one do« ire centrre, .roy ded cie orirangnas.rreser curiresir i ierrorrriosg ereirsrde Remembe, t rirro coi)cas areireerrrrrrrorrerdock one Forrayrîries <*, 4Nail Peparaîino s uonalfiish, rsireu ssappbed puishrouiurd rire A buierbheps smoorbrsougirrridgednaics uiioss culiec.odo.iedges osdsa manrcure correc pobsb ruo dere roperiy andA urrruiesrcircula roc Sui l plirires ifrot tbe tlaver dos doitrrirrthernardbWfor abe-brerilook.yrrror anra re looklrinrsh,ue a2 For arecY r iserrrorrurrriirsk5rminues beeer ercbrrew orrppbs lufor in1nï roi irrîrperci underscrir rire edge ofinao n urioce drer.rîurliterr nlorg lsil up ITop Cour 5. Nail Repaie lFor suire, biisurre ard protetino.drerrs rorlurrg fire a top cou greaifoa lse ran gue ru merrd orcirspîrîsarirA brearks inratrurai nuis bsghirerrrgrorcirrop beccIr orurreures ilinirrte ;Iueid is oulrîrd %o 'o V 6 Nail Nreugsirenrrs & lardenerrisorberso10 proreer clour r iîrdire surd preerî ris ladronrr yelloi ier solo0dire habir of a dulyiaigrow b progr1011Ioibelp lrerrglberr ris urd 10 tleying ostd bTlerecrraurreed tru i r nalrrsto dry orlîrlIi ricryrrgyrorlucîs Bm si ors andisor urudgrrg. * - - -u~Come ln &Make Your Appointment Today! r p 1, 4o Çopeitvely Priced Y Profo$s*t heW~pUJ, frwhdW *tf Gift Crt- te - -ivIbI-bunoiu~~avPi.QFre MWrppîing v ToIWfn Omme number We carry a b6idW*tmry of weddbi - ft a wlde selecton of the most popular tabletop fashions, UJ iMïns, and gft e- ValbDouton, Wedgwood, Notbke, Spode, Royal WorcesterW*edord, Maniposa, Lenox, Denb)y,. J. Dwrand, Wofmeiion, o Y'amazak, Splendkje, DwaÎnon Stuatt RW.d& 8%P HavgageScoft2wiesW ,>ij&dàe, Mgefu, anI~~fd m 'I I(905) 878-1133 Carniage Square 265 Main St E.