1lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2001 Passing a Divine Spark Along At a fundraising dinner for a sehool Ibat caters 10 cbildren witb iearning disabilities. a student's father delivered a memorable speech. After extolling the scbool and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "Everyîhing God does is done witb perfection. Yet, my son, Sbay, cannot learn thingu as other children do. He cannot understand thingu as other cbildren do. Where is God's plan in retlected in my son«?" The audience was quieled by the query. 1I believe," tbe faîber answered, "that when God brings a child like Sbay mbt the world, il presents an opportunity for us 10, realize God's Divine plan lhrough the manner in which people treat that cbild." Consider one day when Sbay and i were walking in a park and wc saw some boys playing basebail. Shay asked me, "Do you think they will let me play?" 1 knew that mosi young, competitive boys would not want im on their team. However, 1 also knew that if Shay were allowed 10 play il would give him a much-nceded sense ot' belonging. So 1 approached ose of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play. TMe boy looked around for guidance from his team mates. getting none, he took malters 510o bis own bands and said, "We are losing by six runs, and tbe game is in the eigbth inning. i guess he can be on our team and we'ii îry 10 put bim up 10 bat in the nintb inning." In the bottom of the eigbth inning, Shay's team *BAHAI WORDS Bewore lest ye harm any soul, or moke any heart ta sorrow; lest ye wound any mon with your words, be he known f0 you or o stranger, be he friend or foe." from the Writings of Baha'i GOA:......................w.aa.or Senior12 PaSt hofRv.Dan yRoue Children Mra. Natalie Rogue Worsblp Mra. Esher Kesslor Youth Rev. Gord Clark 9 arn - Early Worahip Service 9:30 - Sunday School 10:45 arn Second Worahip Service Paster Dan Rogge preaching VHUMOZ YlT© @ffl SThe Book of Reveation 6:0 pan. - Evening Worship Service scored a few runs but was stili bcbind by lbree. At the top of tbe nislb insisg, Sbay put on a glove and played sn the outfieid. Albhougb 1no bits came bis way, be was obviously ecslatic just 10 be on the field, grinnisg from ear 10 ear as i waved 10 him from the sidelises. In the bottom of the nintb insisg, Sbay's leam scored agais. Now, witb îwo ouls and the bases loaded, the potenlial wssisg rus was os base. Sbay was scbeduied t0 be the sext at-bat. Would the leam aclually let Sbay bal ai thîs junicture and give away their chance 10 win the game? Surprisingly, Sbay was gives the bal. Everyone knew Ibat a bit was sext 10 impossible because Sbay dîdn'l even know how 10 bold the bat properly. mucb less cossect wilb the bail. However, as Sbay stepped up 10 the plate, the pitcher moved in a few sleps in order 10 make il easier for Sbay 10 make contact. The first pilcb came and Sbay swusg clumsily and missed. The pitcher look a tcw more steps focward 10 bos' the bail softly toward Shay. As the pitcb came sn, Sbay swusg at the bail and bit a slow grousd bail back bo the înousd. Fildtng the soIt grounder, the pitcher could easily bave thrown the bail to the first basemas. Sbay would bave bees oui and the game would bave becs over. lsstead, the pitcher took the bail and tbrew 1t os a bigb arc 10 rgbt field, far beyosd reacb of the firut baseman.. Everyose started yelling, 'Sbay, rus 10 first. Rus 10 fîrst." Neyer sn bis life bad Sbay ever MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lordas Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Goapel Service Wedneaday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Sludy We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. John 6.69 HOLY ROSARY PARISH htt://uwwgoltenneU-ws/hamilLWp-holyrosary-ni tnil 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH f 139 Martin Street Mass ai 5:31) pt. Satstcdl.ty 9:00 :.ms., 10:31) arn. & noon Sundziy ST. PETER CHURCH 9thLUne à!,Bitanna Mass at 9:00 a.m.Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, PRP made it 10 first base. He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled. By the lime Sbay was rounding first base, the right fielder had the bail. Everyone yeiled, "Rus 10 second; rus 10 second!" The right fielder could have tbrows the bal 10 the second basemas for a tag. But the righl fielder usderslood wbat the pitchers intentions bad been, so he tbrew the hall high and far over the third basemans head. Shay ras towards second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the bases towards home. As Sbay reacbed second base, the opposing shorlslop ras 10 him, turned bim in the direction of third base, and sbouted, "Rus 10 third!" As Shay rounded Ibird, the boys from bolh îeams were screaming, "Shay! Rus home!" Shay ras home,stepped os home plate and was cheered as the hero, for bitlisg a "grandslam" >î Miton Bo hst Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn. Sunday Sohool 10:45 arn. Worship Service Sermon: ln God's Perfect Tming t., Rev. Greg Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. SOUTHSIBE COMMUNITY CHURCH of The Chrstan & Missionary Aliance (fornîerly known as Mfilton Alliance Church) 2850 DERRY IRD. - Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs 11:00 AM. SUNDAY MORNINC WORSHIP SERVICE Join us May 6th-Junc 24th for a series on the Family (Nursery care provided) 'ADVENTURELAND (for kâd age 3-gr.6) For more info on our regular wcckly ministries, picase call the chiurchi office. We welcome you to... ST. PAULUS UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton Sat. May 26, 8 arn. - Annual Outreach Garage Sale & 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Marathon Hymn Sing-A-long This Sunday - PASTORAL CARE SUNDAY Worship 10:30 arn. * Nursery & Church School Rev. John Benham judy Hunter, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 b ý www.stpaulsmilton.org and winsing the gamne for bis leam. "That day," said the faîber soflly witb lears now roiling down bis face, "the boys from bolh teams beiped bring a piece of God's Divise Plan mbt Ibis world." We cas A make a difference. We are presenled wiîb daiiy opportunilies 10 belp share God's love. So many seemingly trivial interactions between lwo people present us wilb a choice: Do we paus aiosg a spark of tbe Divise? Or do we pass up tbal opporlusily, and leave the world a bit colder in tbe process? Find a need and filil - find a burt and bealiti! To lears more about bow you cas impact your world, let me encourage you 10 visil a local cburcb Ibis week! Please consul tbe Religious Direclory below for service limes and locations! Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Paator of New Lfe Church, Milton Nassagaweya Preshyterian Church Rev. Clen Soderkolm May 27 & june 3 Pastor Glen completes the sermon senies on the family May 27 "Married for Good" Annual Chieken Barbecue June 3 165th Aarniversary Service june 10 Speaker: Paul Robertsonfrom Youth Unlimited loin us in worship at our historie rural cburcb. lSth Sideroad, just east of Guelph Une (905) 854-1055 VicqORY BIBLE CHUFRON In today s worl4 there are many pressures that pull us in various directions. VBC is a church focused on learning how to apply the Bible to ail aspects of life. loin us for our services so you andyourfanily can have vîctory in your life. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory througb our Lord Jesus Christ. (l Corinthians 15:57) 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre <Boardroom> (soparate services for eilîdren 9 years and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30 pm Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom (cbild care provided) "living A Vicîonios Life By The WodiOf God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyce@interhop.net MILTON Grace Anglican Church SVN HDY317 Main St. E., Milton The Salvation A b ENH-A the Chu rch on the Hillrn C uc CHURCHTel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 CHU RCH wwss.vecone.to/Crace. Milton M lo Invitesyout weekly Sihht;tlise "ice';it Rev. Dr. Mark McDermottil:0 uor ngv rs p Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton 1:0amn - M rig osi 5ýi.930 t i. iv Salsbath Sciasti SUNDAY SERVICES Sait. 11:00 ast.- Divine Service 8:00 amn - Holy Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 10:00 an - Sung Euchiarist10 ps .I RaUi3 Discover te amazing Bible ýtnswers to lites Church Sehiool & Coffee Hour 10NpalgRaUI perplextng questions, md tihe secret to at happy ife. Paatora: For FIZEE BIBtLE LESSONS, Write: R>O. iBox 23012, THURSDAY Lieutenants Slîeldon & Care Feener 55 Ontatrio St., Milton, Ont., L9T 5B54. 10:00 amn Holy Communion For more Information about our aervicea, and On te INTERNET, littp://www.vop.coni;tnd other programmlng pleaae caîl 876-2420 w'ww.anmskzingfacs.oxrg/l)il)lesclioo/scliooliiiitin.;isp " l>ASTOR: C,îrton O. Rxusttsn, 416-821-4610 ý »'heeitis.ur Acces'. Tlsrtugh Parkinsg LUI Doors