rtr M~L~. PUB LIC - ZAK'S PHARMACyM Mlton's Independent Pharmacy *Free Delivery A DugPlans Acceped *Wnitten Dnig Inormaton Available "At Zaks We Cars About Vour Heaith" u70 Main St.E. 875-2424 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 20 Friday, May 25, 2001 40 Pages viiusa v $1 00 (GST înciuded) Subdivision plans by three developers get initial approval Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vFresh is best The Milton Farmers' Market opened for another season Saturday with ons of the most pop- ular items being garden plants. Mers, Heather Deeth looks over a hanging basket of ivy gera- niums at the Hutchinson Farms booth. By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Milton's impending growth is picking up steamn as plans for two new subdivisions received initial approval by the adminstration and planning committee Monday night. The draft proposais for housing projects by Mattamy Ltd., Pajcov Holdings Inc. and Petro J. Deveiopments Ltd. will go to town counicil for final approval Monday night. Mattamy's plan for 736 single, detached -House blaze was started deliberately: ire officiais A deliberately-set house fire on Trafalgar Road just south of Derry Road Wednesday morning remnains under investigation. Fcw details were rcleased at press time yesterday, aithough Milton Fi re Department spokesman Captain Mark Cross said the blaze was dctiniteiy ài act of arson. -There's no doubt about that," said Captain Cross. Firefighters arrived at the home at 3:22 a.m. - shortly aliter a ninc-year-oid boy heard the smoke alarrn and woke up the rest of his lamily. Nobody was hurt in the blaze, which caused between $60.000 and $70,000 dam- age to the rural home. The ire originated at the back of the home. It took tirelighters about two hours to extinguish it. The blaze is bcing probed by both the Ontario Fire Marshal's office and Halton Regionai Police. homes is proposed to be buiît south of Derry Road and east of Fourth Line. A zoning change - from agricuitural to residential - was also approved by the committee to ailow for the development. Councilior Wally Hunter said Mattamy should be aware of the traffie impact in the area in regards to the proposed CN devel- opment. '1The Town and the Region are aware of the impact the CN development couid have on James Snow Parkway," said Mel Iovio, director of planning and development for the Town. "Without looking at a traffic split report it's hard to get into detail. We're aware of the potential traffic impact." A second subdivision proposai by Pajcov Holdings mnc. and Petro J. Developments Ltd. includes 108 single, detached homes, 48 semi-detached homes and 48 town- house units to be built at the northeast cor- ner of Thompson and Denry roads. The proposai, which also includes a zon- ing change froro agricuitural to residentiai to allow for the deveiopment, raised mini- mal discussion by counicillors. Comment........ 6 HS Report .......8 A&E......... 16-17 Dateline...19-20 Sports ...... 22-26 Classifiled .... .27-30 Frldey, Mey 25. *AIeias3hge S ruOg MarIeZolien M1. Dem OI Piza'* 0M&M IMeuila *u n Ca 0wa Smar0'C$luto'e Vllage Marter* *Food Basicu a'Lazy Day e Home Hardware Radio Shack* * Paeu Shos* aSaturday, May 26.e *Walmarl e Seuls e No Frilis e The Booster *Selected armas only