8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 22, 2001 1?si usIa LIoFm KCorkers' 1856 house is one of five featured in historical soci*ety's Historiec Homes Tour By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion What attracted Ann and Don Corker to their horne on Victoria Street was the 44 perfect" location. "We moved here in 1995 from Campbellville," Ms Corker said. "When we bought the house il was 9GOI square feet; now we' ve douhled the sze." The house, built in 1856, is one of ive homes to be featured in the June 9 Historie Homes Tour. presented hy the Milton Historical Society. 'We took out the walls, ceiling and floors," Ms Corker said. 'There was no central heating." The Corkers had the back waIl tomn down to make way for a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. New plumbing, heating and electrical work also went into renovating the bouse. She said she used to drive along the street and often thought to herself this was the type of area she wanted to live in. "We knew it would bc a big task to renovate the house," Ms Corker said. "There was no fumace, nothing had heen done in a long time. The renovations took six months to complete." Interested in history The Corkers aren't members of the Milton Historical Society but take interest in what the organization does, Ms Corker said. "That's why I agreed to be part of the tour. Ive declined several times. People (on the tour) will walk through the front door and out the back. 1 also hope to sec the other homes on the tour." Ms Corker's interest in antiques and histoty also attracted ber to the house, she said. -We're very happy," she said. 'To me it's the perfect place to be. We receive many compliments (of the bousc) lrom people." "lWe knew it would be a big task to renovate the bouse. There was no furnace, nothing had been done in a long time. The renovations took six months to complete." AU COIKER Living in this particular area of town makes it easy to walk to church or to the shops on Main Street, she said. "We looked at other homes but in the end we were led to this one. Its perfect lor us." Even though the renovating was a tough proj- et, il was also rewarding, Mr. Corker added. -We tried pretty hard to preserve as much as we could," he said. "The brick is fragile- it's not glazed the way brick is today. We found the best way to preserve the brick was to paint it." Mr. Corker also discovered a Toronto and Hamilton newspaper from 1930 hidden under the carpet. I was hoping 1 would find more things," he admitted. House originally a cottage The house was oiginally built as a cottage, Ms Corker said. It was designed as a simple, plain home, nothing but good accommodation. The outside of the house hasn't changed, juat the interior." Tickets for the Historic Homes Tour cost $15 and are available at Bergsma's, From Our Farm, Jo'Leen's, Delacourt's, Harrs Stationery and Peggy's at Milton Mail. CrrMMUNIrYr' r 1: r r , C OG ECO I14 Proudly serving the communities of Halton Hulis, Milton& Rockwood for 32 yas -T- -, -, --- -.J&7 -1