Il - Chudleigh calling on feds to step up health funding MPP writes letter to Julian Reed By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion If the federal government is unable to make personal tax cuts then taxpayers' maney should be directed to health care, Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh stated in a let- ter ta Halton-Peel MP Julian Reed. "Given the huge pressures an health care in Ontario and indeed acrass Canada 1 cail on you and your colleagues in the Gavernment af Canada to restore the necessary funds ta meet the original 50-50 cost-sharing agreement on health care between the federal govem- ment and the Provinces," Mr. Chudleigh wrate in a May 14 letter ta the MR. "Currently the federal govemment is anly providing 14 cents of every health care dollar in Ontario." With health care casts rising, it's apparent the current direction is insustainable, he said. "Restoration ai the federal gavemment's 50-50 cast shaning cammitment ta health care allaws a much more- tlexible respanse ta health care require- ments." But Mr. Reed said Mr. Chudleigh's information is autdat- ed because the personal tax cut stands at 21 per cent. "'Given the huge pressures on health care in Ontario and indeed across Canada I ealu on you and your colleagues in the Government of Canada to restore the necessary funds to meet the original 50ý- 50 cost-sharing agreement on health care between the federal government and the Provinces."~ TED CHUILEIG "I was just listening ta (Minister ai Finance) Paul Martins fiscal update and the average personal tax cut is 21 per cent," Mr. Reed said. 'Thats the largest in history - $17 billion in 2001-02. Ted's information is six months out ai date. Fourteen cents isn't an accu- rate retiection." A health care spending statement last taîl indicated a $1 billion com- mitment by the federal govemnment for purchase ai new equipment, he added. -It's true we reduced health care spending in 1995," Mr. Reed said. "We muade severe cuts in the dcliv- ery ai transfer payments ta the Province. Canadians have paid the price. Now we've restored the finances ta the country. The efforts Canadians muade for accepting cuts puts us in a mare healthy situation than the Americans. We're in pret- ty good shape. The price we paid is paying aff." Mr. Reed added the federal gav- erniment already addressed the short and medium-term financial pressures an the health care system with an $18 billion boast ta, health funding in last year's Health Action Plan. "The Province atone receives more than $7 billion. That's a little mare than 14 cents." Mr. Chudleigh argued Canadians deserved a tax break since the fed- eral gavemment received a $16 bil- lion surplus instead ai the $9 bil- lion expected surplus. -1 believe the taxpayers deserve ta have a windfall. Even $2.2 billion from that surplus would be suticient enough ta put into the health care budget. We have ta recognize the bard Ontario worker deserves recognition and deserves a tax break." The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 22, 2001-7 Careless smoking causes fire A basement tire at an Eighth Line resi- d(ýmýo ýýwcd w rnîm ' mning. While unconfirmed at the holiday press deadjine Friday, the fire is believed to have been caused by a buming cigerettes left on a basement couch. Sofa cushions caught fire in the morning hJ,. nd \lîl1m Fin' F)ep:riment re.sponded ta the rural residence at about 4:47 ar. T'hey battled back the blaze in under a half-hour. Roughly $1 ,000 damage was caused. Kee p ur~ For the air we Lv~ ~ breathe 71 oi tr e E ilo 8 6 31 8 MILTON GOOD NEIGHBOURS COMMUNITY DAY MAY 5TH, 2001 Many thanks to the businesses and organizations that supported a successful good neighbours community day. Town of Milton Millennium Committee Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation Beatrice Foods Aberfoyle Spring Water Sobeys Axis Logistics lnc. Canada Trust Lumberville Co. Ltd. La Rose Bakery Holly and Nick MILTON, ONTARIO Friends of the f, ~y~~ Environment Foundation LT The Meat Terminal ROYAL CARADIAN LEGION U9 zbi t anain QEtampioui OLV R~OSCL Sobeyso Axis Logistics ln.DNALDS[OM5 Tim Hortons Donuts, Milton Subway Chemical Marketing McDonalds Shoppers Drug- Carniage Square St. Clair Paint and Wallpaper Royal Canadian Mounted Police-Milton Halton Regional Police Royal SBank -local brandi Manforrine A special thankcs ta the many individuats and arganizations wha valunteered ta assist those who are unable to perform household tasks and wha cleaned up the various sites and along the riverbanks. The peaple af the Tawn ai Milton are very appreciative af your valuable contribution. The 9th Annual Miltan Gaad Neighbaurs Cammunity Day is May 4, 2002.